Sida, Linnaeus, 1753

Brandão, José Lourenço, Baracho, George Sidney, Sales, Margareth Ferreira De & Filho, Marcelo Paulino Viegas, 2017, Synopsis of Sida (Malvaceae, Malvoideae, Malveae) in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, Phytotaxa 307 (3), pp. 205-227 : 207-208

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.307.3.5

persistent identifier

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scientific name



Key to species of Sida View in CoL from State of Pernambuco

1. Leaf blades entire, narrowly linear or linear-lanceolate; flowers and fruits often aggregated into terminal umbelliform inflorescences; and mericarps indehiscent (sect. Stenindae ) …................................................................................................. Sida linifolia View in CoL

- Leaf blades crenate, irregularly dentate or basally entire, variously shaped; flowers and fruits often solitary or paired in axils or variously aggregated into diverse inflorescences, very rarely corymbiform; and mericarps apically dehiscent (indehiscent in S. tuberculata View in CoL var. pseudo-rhombifolia) ............................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Stems with distichous lateral branching and leaf arrangement, usually flattened; stipules subfalcate to falcate and subequal, dimorphic (sect. Distichifolia ) ................................................................................................................................................................... 3

- Stems with alternate non-distichous lateral branching and leaf arrangement; stipules linear to linear-lanceolate, equally arranged, sometimes subfalcate, but not dimorphic ......................................................................................................................................... 6

3. Flowers solitary or paired in the leaf axils, sometimes poorly clustered at the apices of the branches; mericarps, styles and stigmas 8–10...................................................................................................................................................................................................4

- Flowers mostly arranged in glomerular 3–5 flowered cymes in the leaf axils, subsessile; mericarps, styles and stigmas 5–8 ....... 5

4. Lower leaf surface and calyx with simple and appressed sparse trichomes ...................................................................... Sida acuta View in CoL

- Lower leaf surface and calyx with minute stellate dense trichomes ........................................................................... Sida ulmifolia View in CoL

5. Calyx blackish and indurate in the fruit; mericarps, styles and stigmas 5, short-aristate, spines up to 0.2 mm long ......................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... Sida glomerata View in CoL

- Calyx brownish, not indurate in the fruit; mericarps, styles and stigmas (6)7–8, biaristate, spines 1.4–2 mm long .......................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... Sida planicaulis View in CoL

6. Leaf blades rhomboid, basally entire, truncate or cuneate, and distally dentate or dentate-crenate, not lobed ............................... 7

- Leaf blades not rhomboid, basally cordate or subcordate, and dentate-crenate throughout, sometimes weakly 3–5-lobed ......... 13

7. Leaf blades up to 2.5 cm long, oblong to narrowly obovate, basally rounded; calyx not ribbed (sect. Malacroideae) .................. 8

- Leaf blades up to 10 cm long, ovate to oval-oblong or oblong-lanceolate or elliptic, basally rhomboid, truncate or cuneate; calyx usually 10-ribbed (sect. Sidae ) ......................................................................................................................................................... 9

8. Stems with non-appressed trichomes; upper leaf surface only with simple trichomes; mericarps not glochidate, uniformly 5 ........ ....................................................................................................................................................................................... Sida brittonii View in CoL

- Stems with appressed trichomes, upper surface with stellate and simple trichomes; mericarps glochidate, 6–8 .......... Sida harleyi View in CoL

9. Mericarps, styles and stigmas 14, the spines 5–7 mm long twice as long as mericarp body, more or less curled ........... Sida setosa View in CoL

- Mericarps, styles and stigmas 6–12, the spines, when present, 0.5–4 mm long and less than half the length of mericarp body, not curled .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

10. Flowers crowded in subsessile axillary glomerules or arranged in long-peduncled and lax corymbiform racemes, if solitary, the pedicels up to 15 mm long .............................................................................................................................................................. 11

- Flowers commonly solitary or weakly paired or aggregated in the axils, the pedicels up to 45 mm long .................................... 12

11. Flowers crowded in subsessile axillary glomerules, the pedicels up to 15 mm long on any solitary flowers; mericarps, styles and stigmas 6–8, indehiscent ................................................................................................... Sida tuberculata View in CoL var. pseudo-rhombifolia

- Flowers in long-peduncled and lax corymbiform racemes, the pedicels shorter; mericarps, styles and stigmas 10–12, apically dehiscent .................................................................................................................................................................. Sida santaremensis View in CoL

12. Stipules 1–nerved; pedicels articulate; sepals not ciliate; mericarps 9–11 ................................... Sida rhombifolia var. rhombifolia View in CoL

- Stipules 2–4–nerved (usually 3–nerved); pedicels not articulate; sepals ciliate; mericarps 8 ....................................... Sida uchoae View in CoL

13. Mericarps, styles and stigmas uniformly 5; the spines, when present, with antrorse trichomes .................................................... 14

- Mericarps, styles and stigmas 6–13; the spines, when present, with retrorse or stellate trichomes ............................................... 18

14. Leaf blades oval-cordate, apex acuminate; calyx lobes with dark green margins (sect. Nelavagae) ............................................ 15

- Leaf blades ovate to oval-lanceolate, apex acute to rounded; calyx lobes uniformly green (sect. Spinosae) ................................ 17

15. Stems sometimes with adventitious roots; leaf blades strongly asymmetrical; calyx accrescent becoming cordate to sagittate at base; corolla yellowish without purplish center ....................................................................................................... Sida jussiaeana

- Stems without adventitious roots; leaf blades symmetrical; calyx not accrescent; corolla yellowish, orange or salmon, with or, sometimes, without purplish center ................................................................................................................................................ 16

16. Stems densely hispid; flowers crowded in subsessile axillary and terminal glomerules or, sometimes, if solitary, subsessile to shortly pedicellate in the axils, the pedicels up to 5 mm long, not articulate; mericarps muticous (subsect. Conglomerata) ............ ............................................................................................................................................................................................ Sida urens View in CoL

- Stems densely viscid; flowers solitary in the axils or in diffuse terminal panicles, but not aggregated; the pedicels 9–20 mm long, articulate; mericarps biaristate ..................................................................................................................................... Sida glutinosa View in CoL

17. Stems prostrate; petioles not-spinose at base; solitary flowers in the axils, only; corolla pale rose or salmon, with a magenta center; mericarps rounded, muticous .................................................................................................................................... Sida abutilifolia View in CoL

- Stems erect; petioles spinose at base; solitary flowers in the axils or in small clusters, and crowded in racemes at the apices; corolla pale yellow without a red center or white; mericarps biaristate, the spines with bifurcate antrorse trichomes, ........... Sida spinosa View in CoL

18. Flowers and fruits commonly subsessile; mericarps muticous, the spines with minute retrorse stellate trichomes (sect. Muticae) .. ............................................................................................................................................................................................... Sida ulei View in CoL

- Flowers and fruits commonly short to long-pedicellate; mericarps submuticous to long-biaristate, the spines with retrorse simple or only sparsely stellate trichomes (sect. Cordifoliae ) ................................................................................................................... 19

19. Stipules 1–2-nerved; stamens 55–56 with pilose filaments; mericarps submuticous, the aristae sparsely covered with stellate minute trichomes, lateral walls weakly reticulate, blackish ................................................................................... Sida pernambucensis View in CoL

- Stipules not nerved; stamens 10–55 with glabrous filaments; mericarps long-biaristate, the aristae retrorsely barbed with simple trichomes, lateral walls strongly reticulate, brownish .................................................................................................................... 20

20. Leaves markedly with a vinaceous-purplish blotch along the margins; petioles evidently sulcate ...................... Sida cerradoensis View in CoL

- Leaves not blotchy; petioles never evidently sulcate ..................................................................................................................... 21

21. Calyx prominently 10-ribbed from the base to the apex; flowers yellow, yellow-orange, rose or salmon; stamens 30–55 .......... 22

- Calyx not prominently 10-ribbed or the ribs only evident ½ toward the base; flowers white; stamens 10–30 ......... Sida salviifolia View in CoL

22. Leaves narrowly linear to linear-lanceolate; stipules ca. 1 mm long; staminal tube ca. 2 mm long; mericarps (and styles and stigmas) 6–9 ................................................................................................................................................................ Sida angustissima View in CoL

- Leaves ovate, ovate-oblong, oval-rounded to elliptic; stipules 5–15 mm long; staminal tube 4–6 mm long; mericarps (and styles and stigmas) 8–12 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 23

23. Leaf base cordate; petioles up to 7–8 cm long; stamens 30–40, joined into 5–7 phalanges; spines of mericarp 3–5 mm long ......... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Sida cordifolia View in CoL

- Leaf base obtuse; petioles up to 3–4 cm long, never exceeding; stamens 45–55, joined into 3–4 phalanges; spines of mericarp 2–2.8 mm long .................................................................................................................................................................. Sida galheirensis View in CoL

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