Parascorpaena poseidon Chou and Liao sp., 2022

Chou, Tak-Kei & Liao, Te-Yu, 2022, A New Species of Bleeker, 1876 (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) from Taiwan., Zoological Studies 61 (9), pp. 1-12 : 2-7

publication ID 10.6620/ZS.2022.61-09


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scientific name

Parascorpaena poseidon Chou and Liao sp.


Parascorpaena poseidon Chou and Liao sp.

nov. Common name: Poseidon’s scorpionfish ( Figs. 1–3 View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Holotype: NMMB-P 035691,116.8 mm SL, female, Sizihwan , Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 22°37'26"N, 120°15'44"E, 13 Jan 2021. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: Nine specimens, 92.5–127.0 mm SL, all from Taiwan: DOS00182 (108.3 mm, female), Hsuhai, Pingtung, 18 Jan. 2014; NMMB-P 035692 (113.7 mm, female), Kezailiao, Kaohsiung, 22°43'26"N, 120°15'3"E, 17 Feb. 2019; NMMB-P 035693, two specimens (99.3 mm, sex undetermined; 106.6 mm, male), Longmen, Penghu, 23°33'53"N, 119°41'3"E, 12 Jan. 2021; ASIZP 0080980, two specimens (122.8 mm, female; 127.0 mm, male), Longmen, Penghu, 23°33'53"N, 119°41'3"E, 13 Jan. 2021; ASIZP 0080981 (103.0 mm, sex undetermined), Longmen, Penghu, 23°33'53"N, 119°41'3"E, 1 m, 30 Apr. 2021; DOS08351 (118.4 mm, sex undetermined), Southern Taiwanese waters, 21 Jun. 2021; NMMB-P 035694 (92.5 mm, sex undetermined), Chufongbi, Pingtung, 20 Apr. 1985.

Etymology: The new species is named after Poseidon, the Greek god of the Sea. A noun in apposition. In allusion to the three equally-sized suborbital spines without ridge similar to the trident of Poseidon.

Diagnosis: Parascorpaena poseidon sp. nov. can be distinguished from other congeners by a combination of characters: three equally-sized suborbital spines without ridge ( Fig. 4 View Fig ); supraocular tentacle absent or very short; pectoral-fin rays 15–16 (usually 16) ( Table 1 View Table 1 ); pored lateral-line scales 22–26 (usually 22–23); longitudinal scale rows 43–47; pre-dorsal-fin scale rows 2–3 (usually 3); 10–12 scale rows between 6th dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line; 10–12 scale rows between last dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line; total gill rakers 15–16, gill rakers on hypobranchial 2–3; ratio of 11th and 12th dorsal-fin spine 60%–81% (mean 73%) ( Fig. 5 View Fig ); blackish spots randomly scattered on all fins ( Figs. 1 View Fig , 2 View Fig ); spinous dorsal fin without a distinct black blotch in male; body size relatively large, largest recorded specimen 127.0 mm SL.

Description: Referred to table 2 for meristic counts and morphometric measurements and figures 1 and 2 for overall body shape. Dorsal fin continuous, fifth spines longest, fifth to eleventh spines progressively shorter, membrane of spinous portion of dorsal fin moderately notched, all soft rays branched with first longest, last soft ray connected to caudal peduncle by membrane. Pectoral-fin rounded, first ray unbranched and thin, second to fifth rays branched, the remaining lower rays unbranched and thickened; sixth or seventh ray longest. Pelvic-fin I, 5, all soft rays branched with second longest, last soft ray connected to abdomen by membrane. Anal-fin III, 5, all soft rays branched with second longest, last soft ray connected to caudal peduncle by membrane. Caudal fin with 11 branched rays; posterior margin of fin rounded. Branchiostegal rays 7. Gill rakers relatively spinous and short; all gill rakers shorter than gill filaments on first gill arch; longer gill rakers present at angle of gill arch. Swim bladder absent.

Body moderately compressed; nape and anterior body slightly arched; several to many small skin flaps on body; scales cycloid and mostly well-exposed, relatively small on pectoral-fin base, gular, chin, and abdomen; some scales of abdomen embedded by thin skin. Head moderately large, postorbital to preopercular region and cheek covered by small embedded cycloid scales; lower posttemporal and supracleithral spines to upper opercular spine covered by small cycloid scales; snout, suborbital and interorbital regions naked. Tips of third to fifth preopercular spines with tiny skin flaps in some individuals.

Mouth moderately large, slightly oblique, maxilla reaching a vertical through middle of orbit; maxilla without scales; upper margin of posterior maxilla with a distinct ridge; several skin flaps present on maxilla in some individuals; under side of lower jaw without ridge and scales; upper and lower jaws with a band of villiform teeth; vomer with a V-shaped tooth patch, forming by villiform teeth; palatine with villiform teeth; lower jaw without symphysial knob.

Anterior and posterior lacrimal with simple and directly forward spines, not present on antero-dorsal and lateral surfaces of lacrimal; lacrimal spines with short barbels; lacrimal ridge present. Suborbital pit absent. Suborbital spines close to ventral margin of eye. Preopercle with five spines, distal end of first spine forked. Upper opercular spine simple with a low median ridge; lower opercular spine simple with a distinct ridge. Spines on skull mostly well developed, except preocular and supraocular spines; nasal spine simple, median interorbital ridge absent; interorbital ridges absent; preocular spine simple and weak; supraocular spine weak (equal to postocular spine in some individuals); postocular spine simple, length equal to tympanic spine; coronal and pretympanic spines absent; interorbital space shallow; tympanic spine simple; occipital pit shallow to moderated, laterally continuous with tympanic and parietal spines, lateral sides of pit without distinct ridges; parietal and nuchal spines simple, parietal spine base curving into occipital pit and continuous with nuchal spine; distal end of sphenotic spine slightly forked; postorbital spine absent; pterotic spine prominent; upper and lower posttemporal, and supracleithral spines simple, upper posttemporal spine shorter than latter two; cleithral spine prominent.

Colouration: Fresh specimens vary in coloration but mainly brownish to grayish. Upper half of lateral body and caudal peduncle brownish to grayish, scattered with irregular whitish blotches. Abdomen pale to grayish. Head brownish to grayish. Underside of mandible pale to grayish with brownish mottles. Small blackish spots randomly distributed on body and each fin. Basis of pelvic-fin white, distally grayish. Anal-fin pale to grayish, mottled with blackish blotches. Other fins brownish to grayish. Specimens in alcohol yellowish to grayish, small blackish spots absent in the yellowish specimen ( Fig. 2B View Fig ). Other coloration similar to fresh specimens.

Distribution and habitat: The new species is currently known only from southwestern Taiwan ranging from Penghu to Chufongbi, Pingtung. This species mainly inhabits rocky reefs that records in depth of 1 m based on the living individual ( Fig. 3 View Fig ).

P r i n c i p a l c o m p o n e n t s a n a l y s i s (P C A): A PCA plotting graph ( Fig. 6 View Fig ) of three species of Parascorpaena based on 51 counts and morphometric traits. The first two principal components accounted for 83.58% of the variation. The result showed the new species was well separated from the other species.

Molecular analysis: COI fragment of nine individuals of the new species were sequenced. The phylogeny was reconstructed by maximum likelihood ( ML) based on 655 bps. In the topology of the ML tree ( Fig. 7 View Fig ), four monophyletic groups were recovered representing four species of Parascorpaena and were highly supported by bootstrap values. Parascorpaena picta was sister to Scorpaenopsis neglecta with high bootstrap value. The new species P. poseidon formed a monophyletic group with P. aurita while P. mossambica and P. mcadamsi were monophyletic

based on our phylogenetic analyses. The pairwise K2P genetic distances between the new species, P. aurita , P. mcadamsi and P. mossambica was large, between 13.5% and 25.6% (mean 21.4%).

Comparative materials: Parascorpaena aurita : nine specimens, 40.2–109.3 mm SL, Hong Kong: DOS03993, two specimens (87.3–109.3 mm), Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong, 13 Jan. 2018. Taiwan: DOS00285-1 (68.9 mm), Cijin, Kaohsiung, 28 Sep. 2014; DOS03322, (40.2 mm), 23 Mar. 2017; DOS06304 (58.3 mm), Southern Taiwan, 14 Sep. 2018; DOS06547, two specimens (99.8–102.0 mm), Southern Taiwan, 23 Apr. 2019; DOS07016 (84.8 mm), Magong, Penghu, 16 May 2019; DOS08346 (87.2 mm), 15 May 2021. Parascorpaena mossambica : 33 specimens, 40.0– 94.6 mm SL. All from Taiwan: DOS03168, two specimens (60.7–75.7 mm), Fengpitou, Kaohsiung, 22°30'31"N, 120°21'15"E, 2 m, 02 Sep. 2020; DOS06548 (79.6 mm), Southern Taiwan, 23 Apr. 2019; DOS08024 (83.8 mm), Wanlitong, Pingtung, 21°59'44"N, 120°42'24"E, 0–1 m, 14 Oct. 2020; DOS08253 (60.1 mm), Shanfu, Xiao Liuqiu, Pingtung, 22°20'21"N, 120°21'42"E, 0–1 m, 24 Apr. 2021; DOS08329, three specimens (73.3–90.3 mm), Vase Rock, Xiao Liuqiu, Pingtung, 22°21'20"N, 120°22'51"E, 0–1 m, 11 May 2021; DOS08331 (65.9 mm), Wild Boar Ditch, Xiao Liuqiu, Pingtung, 22°20'19"N, 120°21'41"E, 0–1 m, 13 May. 2021; DOS08334, two specimens (83.9–92.0 mm), Vase Rock, Xiao Liuqiu, Pingtung, 22°21'20"N, 120°22'51"E, 0–1 m, 14 May 2021; NMMB-P731 (65.0 mm), 16 Sep. 2004; NMMB-P736 (66.1 mm), 17 Sep. 2004; NMMB-P737 (68.0 mm), 17 Sep. 2004; NMMB-P1076, three specimens (40.3–65.9 mm), Lyudao, 24 Nov. 2005; NMMB-P1139, two specimens (79.1– 71.6 mm), Chufongbi, Pingtung, 21 Apr. 1985; NMMB-P5417, two specimens (58.7–59.4 mm), Xiao Liuqiu, 20 Mar. 1973; NMMB-P6933 (80.6 mm), Xiao Liuqiu, 22 Oct. 2003; NMMB-P31973, ten specimens (40.0– 94.6 mm), sampling date unknown; NMMB-P34545 (91.0 mm), sampling date unknown. Parascorpaena grandisquamis (based on a photo): 1 specimen, holotype E. 1814 (96.0 mm SL), North West Island, Queensland, Australia, 23°18'S, 151°42'E, 1909.

Table 1. Frequency comparisons of selected meristic characters among Parascorpaena aurita, P. mossambica and P. poseidon sp. nov.

  Pectoral-fin rays (one side/other side)       Pored lateral-line scales          
  15/15 15/16 16/16 16/17 17/17 17/18   18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26    
P. aurita     2 1 5 1         4 2 1          
P. mossambica 1 5 25 1       1 1 8 7 7 5 2        
P. poseidon sp. nov.   1 8 H 1               5 H 3   1 1    
Longitudinal scale rows
  303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647 303132333435363738394041424344454647
P. aurita           1 2   1 3 1              
P. mossambica 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 7 4 5 3   1          
P. poseidon sp. nov.                           3 H 3 2 1 1
Scales above / below lateral line
  4567 4567 4567 4567 / 9101112131415161718 9101112131415161718 9101112131415161718 9101112131415161718 9101112131415161718 9101112131415161718 9101112131415161718 9101112131415161718 9101112131415161718 9101112131415161718      
P. aurita 1 5 3         1   1 2 1 1 2        
P. mossambica 5 19 8 1   1   2 11 5 7 1 3 1 1      
P. poseidon sp. nov. 1 3 6 H             3 2 5 H            
Scales rows between last dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line   Scales rows between 6th dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line      
  6 7 8 9 10 11 12   6 7 8 9 10 11 12      
P. aurita     3 2 3             3 4 1        
P. mossambica 6 3 15 8         1 2 5 12 12          
P. poseidon sp. nov.         3 6 H 1           2 H 5 3      
  Gill rakers on hypobranchial         Total gill rakers              
  0 1 2 3   10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17          
P. aurita   2 5 1         1 2 1 4            
P. mossambica 19 8 6     1 10 9 4 5   3 1          
P. poseidon sp. nov.     7 2 H             6 3 H            

H for the counts of the holotype.


Academia Sinica Institute of Zoology, Ichthyology Collection


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