Bolivaritettix lativertex (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893)

Storozhenko, Sergey Yu., 2018, Pygmy grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) of Vietnam: the genus Bolivaritettix Günther, 1939, Zootaxa 4374 (4), pp. 497-523 : 508-510

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Bolivaritettix lativertex (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893)


Bolivaritettix lativertex (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893) View in CoL

Figs 32–36 View FIGURES 32–36

Mazarredia lativertex Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893: 108 View in CoL , Tabl. V, fig. 41 (holotype—female, Myanmar: Carin Asciuii Ghecu; in Muséum d'histoire Naturelle de la Ville de Genève, Geneva).

Bolivaritettix lativertex: Günther, 1939: 62 View in CoL ; Shishodia, 1991: 93, Pl. 15, fig. 2, Pl. 16, fig. 4, Pl. 17, fig. 5; Blackith, 1992: 11; Otte, 1997: 39; Liang & Zheng, 1998: 123, fig. 4; Zheng, 2005: 200, figs. 408, 409; Deng et al., 2009: 283; Deng et al., 2010: 48; Kim & Pham, 2014: 59; Thumbinck, 2015: 284.

Material examined. Vietnam: Ha Son Binh Province, Da Bac, Tuly, 200 m, 16–23 October 1990, 1 male , coll. A.V. Gorochov; Hoa Binh Province, Mai Chau District, 250 m, 30 October –4 November 1990, 1 female , coll. A.V. Gorochov; same locality, 250 m, 31 October 1990, 2 males , coll. S.A. Belokobylskij; Son La Province, Song Ma , 3 May 1986, 1 female , coll. A. Tryapitsyn; Vinh Phuc Province, Tam Dao National Park , 8 April 1986, 1 male , coll. A.V. Gorochov; same locality, 17–31 May 1995, 1 male , coll. A.V. Gorochov; same locality, 1–5 June 1995, 2 females , coll. A.V. Gorochov; same locality, 800 m, 1–10 June 1995, 1 male , 3 females, coll. A.V. Gorochov. ( Altogether 7 females and 6 males) .

Description. Female. Body large-sized for this genus. Antennae filiform, 15–16-segmented, 1.8–1.9 times as long as fore femur; middle segments (seventh–ninth) 7.6–9 times as long as wide. Antennal grooves situated between lower margins of eyes. Fastigium of vertex 1.6–1.8 times as wide as one compound eye seen from above; anterior margin of vertex almost straight, reaching the frontal line of eyes; lateral margins of vertex parallel; median carina of fastigium short; transverse carinae not reaching anteriorly the median carina; supraocular lobes vestigial; fossulae deep. Compound eyes not elevated above pronotum in lateral view. Lateral ocelli situated between middle of eyes. Frontal ridge in lateral view excised between lateral ocelli, broadly rounded between eyes and strongly excised below median ocellus; in frontal view, this ridge gently diverging downwards and narrow (first antennal segment 1.1–1.2 times as wide as ridge near the base of antennae). Pronotum in dorsal view with straight anterior margin; posterior process of pronotum long, surpassing apex of hind femora for 3.5–4.3 mm. Disc of pronotum behind the shoulders with shallow depressions or almost smooth; posterior process of pronotum rugulose; apex of this process rounded. Lateral sides of shoulders broadly rounded in dorsal view. Median carina of pronotum in profile low and almost straight, rarely weakly raised before shoulders. Prozonal carinae well defined, distinctly constricted backwards; prozona as long as wide. Humero-apical carinae distinct; interhumeral carinae long. Tegminal sinus deep; lower part of lateral lobe of pronotum in dorsal view forming short triangle lobule. Infrascapular area short. Tegmina broad with broadly rounded apex; visible part of tegmen 2.4–2.5 times as long as wide; this part of tegmen as wide as mid femur. Hind wings reaching the apex of posterior process of pronotum. Fore femur 4–4.3 times, mid femur 4.5–4.8 times as long as wide; upper and lower side of fore and mid femora straight. Hind femur 3.3–3.5 times as long as wide. Upper side of hind tibia with 6–7 outer and 5 inner spines, with margins finely serrated. First tarsal segment of hind leg as long as third one; ventral side of first tarsal segment with three almost equal elongated triangular pads; third tarsal segment not swollen. Epiproct triangular, with pointed apex. Subgenital plate almost as long as wide; posterior margin of plate deeply excised and with angular posterior process near middle. Cerci conical, 2 times as long as wide near cercal base. Valves of ovipositor dentate, long and narrow; length of upper valve 4.9–5 times as great as its maximum width; length of lower valve 6.3–7 times as great as its maximum width.

General colouration of body brown. Head and eyes brown; antennae light brown. Disc of pronotum dark or light brown; lateral lobes of pronotum brown. Tegmina brown, hind wings black. Fore and mid femora blackish brown. Fore and mid tibia completely brown. Hind femora brown with black marks; ventral external area black. Hind tibiae blackish without light marks. All tarsal segments light brown. Tergites brown with black marks. Sternites and subgenital plate light brown with black marks. Epiproct blackish brown. Cerci and ovipositor light brown.

Male. General appearance similar to that of female. Antennae 14–15-segmented; 1.5–1.6 times as long as fore femur; middle segments 8.5–9.5 times as long as wide. Fastigium of vertex 1.6–1.7 times as wide as one compound eye seen from above; carinae of vertex as in female. First antennal segment as wide as frontal ridge near the base of antennae. Pronotum as in female; posterior process of pronotum surpassing apex of hind femora for 3.5–5.0 mm. Tegmina with broadly rounded apex; visible part of tegmen 2–2.3 times as long as wide; this part of tegmen 1.1 times as wide as mid femur. Hind wings reaching the apex of posterior process of pronotum. Legs as in female; for femur 4–4.5 times, mid femur 4.2–4.5 times, hind femur 3.4–3.5 times as long as wide; upper side of hind tibia with 6–7 outer and 5–6 inner spines. Epiproct triangular, with pointed apex. Subgenital plate 1.6–1.7 times as long as wide; its apex weakly excised. Cerci as in female.

General colouration of body as in female but lower part of lateral lobes of pronotum sometimes light brown. Epiproct and cerci brown. Subgenital plate light brown with blackish apex.

Measurements (mm). Body: male 10.7–12.2, female 11.8–14.9; pronotum: male 14.1–14.5, female 16.0–16.7; antenna: male 3.9–4.0, female 5.7–5.8; tegmen male 1.4–1.6, female 1.6–1.7; fore femur: male 2.6, female 2.7–2.9; mid femur: male 2.4–2.5, female 2.8–3.0; hind femur: male 7.1–7.6, female 8.2–8.7; ovipositor 1.9–2.2.

Distribution. India, Nepal, Myanmar, southern China, Thailand, Vietnam.

Remarks. This species was firstly recorded from northern Vietnam by Günther (1939). The specimens examined here were also collected in the northern provinces of this country in mountain regions at altitude 200– 800 m.
















Bolivaritettix lativertex (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893)

Storozhenko, Sergey Yu. 2018

Bolivaritettix lativertex: Günther, 1939 : 62

Kim 2014: 59
Deng 2010: 48
Deng 2009: 283
Zheng 2005: 200
Liang 1998: 123
Otte 1997: 39
Blackith 1992: 11
Gunther 1939: 62
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