Mimadiestra gracila, Zhu & Wu & Shi, 2018

Zhu, Qi-Di, Wu, Yong-Xia & Shi, Fu-Ming, 2018, The genus Mimadiestra Storozhenko & Dawwrueng, 2014 (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae) from China, with description of two new species, Zootaxa 4531 (2), pp. 295-300 : 296-298

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4531.2.11

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scientific name

Mimadiestra gracila

sp. nov.

Mimadiestra gracila View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 3 View FIGURE 3 ; Map. 1)

Description. Male. Body medium-sized. Fastigium verticis with two conical tubercles, apices divided, obtusely rounded, directing forward. Eye oval, protruding forward; median ocellus oval, located between antennal sockets; lateral ocelli nearly circular, situated on lateral margins of conical tubercles of fastigium verticis. Apical segments of maxillary palpi obviously longer than subapical ones, apcies inflated, globular.

Anterior margin of pronotum rather straight, posterior margin distinctly protruding backward; lateral lobes longer than high, ventral margins arc-shaped. Posterior margin of mesonotum protruding backward, ventral margins of lateral lobes arc-shaped. Posterior margin of metanotum rather straight.

Fore coxae with 1 small spine; femora unarmed on ventral surface, internal genicular lobe without spine, external genicular lobe with 1 long spine; tibiae with 2 inner spines and 2 outer spines on ventral surface, apices with 1 outer spine on dorsal surface, with 1 pair of ventral spines, between the paired ventral spines with 1 small spine. Middle femora unarmed on ventral surface, apices with 1 inner spine and 1 outer spine; tibiae with 1 inner spine and 2 outer spines on ventral surface, apices with 1 pair of dorsal spines and 1 pair of ventral spines, between the paired ventral spines with 1 small spine. Hind femora with 8–9 inner spines on ventral surface; tibiae with 51– 52 inner spines and 54 outer spines, subapices with 1 pair of dorsal spines, apiecs with 1 pair of dorsal spines and 2 pairs of ventral spines, interio-dorsal spine slightly longer than hind basitarsi; hind basitarsi with 4–7 dorsal spines, ventral surface without bristles.

Posterior margin of 6 th abdominal tergite obtusely rounded. Posterior margin of 7 th abdominal tergite with 2 processes, nearly triangular, apices blunt, directing posteriorly and upward. Male paraproct cylindrical, slender, curved upward, apex blunt, pointing interiorly and forward. Genitalia with 6 membranous lobes, dorsal-median lobe longer than lateral lobes, apex blunt; dorso-lateral lobes slightly shorter than ventro-lateral lobes; ventromedian lobe triangular, obviously shorter than dorsal-median lobe.

Female. Other characters are similar to male. Ovipositor short, basal part broad, gradually narrowing to apex, dorsal valvulae smooth, obviously longer than ventral valvulae, apices of ventral valvulae denticulate on ventral surface. Subgenital plate broad and short, apex truncate.

Coloration. Body brown, shining. Face with 4 longitudinal light brown stripes; legs with yellow spots.

Material examined. Holotype: male, Taizhongxiang, Jingdong , Yunnan, 4 August, 2017, coll. Tao Wang. Paratypes: 2 males and 2 females, Taizhongxiang, Jingdong , Yunnan, 4 August, 2017, coll. Tao Wang. Other specimens: 4 males and 1 female, Taizhongxiang, Jingdong , Yunnan, 4 August, 2017, coll. Tao Wang.

Measurements (mm). Body: ♂ 13.6–16.2, ♀ 13.2–13.8; pronotum: ♂ 5.8–6.0, ♀ 5.5–5.8; fore femora: ♂ 7.0– 7.6, ♀ 7.0–7.4; hind femora: ♂ 15.8–17.0, ♀ 15.8–16.0; hind tibiae: ♂ 15.2–17.0, ♀ 15.8–16.2; hind basitarsi: ♂ 3.2– 3.6, ♀ 3.0–3.2; ovipositor: 8.0–8.2.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Discussion. The new species differs from other congeneric species in: posterior margin of male 7 th abdominal tergite with 2 processes, nearly triangular, apices blunt, directing posteriorly and upward. Male paraproct cylindrical, slender, curved upward, apex blunt, pointing interiorly and forward.

Etymology. The name of the new species is derived from male paraproct cylindrical slender, Latin gracilmeans gracile.

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