Paulodora drepanophora, Artois, Tom J. & Tessens, Bart S., 2008

Artois, Tom J. & Tessens, Bart S., 2008, Polycystididae (Rhabditophora: Rhabdocoela: Kalyptorhynchia) from the Indian Ocean, with the description of twelve new species, Zootaxa 1849, pp. 1-27 : 14

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.183373


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scientific name

Paulodora drepanophora

sp. nov.

Paulodora drepanophora View in CoL n. sp.

( Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 F, 4G)

Syn. Polycystis contorta in Schockaert (1982) and in Jouk & De Vocht (1989)

Localities in the Indian Ocean. Widespread along the African East Coast. McKenzie Point, Mombasa ( Kenya), small algae from a rocky tide pool at the fence of the Four Seasons Restaurant (10/10/1991) (type locality). Same locality, at the mouth of Tudor Creek, on Thalassia hemprichii , covered by the epiphyte Enteromorpha kylinii in pools at the rocky shore at low tide ( Jouk & De Vocht 1989); same locality, a little beyond the Four Seasons Restaurant before the first obelisk, on sea grass ( Thalassia ) mixed with some red algae and mud from a very shallow tide pool in the mid eulittoral (27/09/1991); Tiwi ( Kenya), on sea grass ( Halodule ) from the mid- to upper eulittoral (06/10/1991); same locality, tufts of small algae from pools on the reef front (06/10/1991). Somalia, north of Mogadiscio (Hawadli and Warshek), on algae from pools on the rocky shore at low tide ( Schockaert 1982).

Material. Several animals studied alive in the different localities. Several whole mounts from the different localities (one of them designated holotype, SMNH, no. 7446) and three sectioned specimens from Kenya.

Etymology. The stylet is sickle-shaped. Drepanos (Gr.): sickle, phorein (Gr.): to carry.

Description. Habitus and internal organisation as in P. felis (see Marcus 1954; Artois & Schockaert 2001)

The double-walled prostate stylet type I has a short, slightly curved to straight proximal part. In this part the inner stylet is clearly visible; the outer stylet appears to be twisted. Distally the outer stylet forms a large flap-like projection, which initially runs perpendicular to the stylet proper. More distally it makes a semicircular turn, tapering towards its blunt distal end. It is not entirely clear whether the inner stylet is restricted to the proximal part (and hence the distal part is nothing more than a projection), or whether the inner stylet continues into the distal part, making it a part of the stylet proper. At least in the holotype the former situation seems to be true. As a whole the stylet has the appearance of a sickle, with the stylet proper forming the grip and the flap-like projection the blade. All together it is 42–62 µm long (x = 53, n = 9).

In one of the sectioned animals, there is a separate sperm-receiving compartment connected to the left oviduct. This was not found in any of the other sectioned animals, and more material is needed to confirm this observation.

Diagnosis. Species of Paulodora with a prostate stylet type I ca 53 µm long, sickle-shaped. Proximal part short, straight to slightly curved, with a twisted outer stylet. Inner stylet only present in the proximal part, distal blade-like part thus only a projection (?). Bursal stalk very short. With long-drawn, kidney-shaped ovaries. Seminal receptacles absent (?).

Discussion. See the discussion on P. w a t s o n i n. sp.


Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History

















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