Salvia sect. Gardoquiiflorae

Zona, Scott, Finch, Kristen, Clase, Teodoro & Jestrow, Brett, 2016, A synopsis of Salvia sect. Gardoquiiflorae (Lamiaceae), with a note on the origins of Caribbean Salvia species, Phytotaxa 255 (3), pp. 214-226 : 224

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.255.3.3

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scientific name

Salvia sect. Gardoquiiflorae


Key to the species of Salvia sect. Gardoquiiflorae

1. Inflorescence bracts persistent to tardily deciduous, ovate with a caudate apex; corolla white ............................................ S. buchii View in CoL

- Inflorescence bracts caducous, lanceolate to narrowly ovate with acuminate to caudate apex (rarely obovate with a caudate apex and additional marginal lobes); corolla blue, violet or pink...............................................................................................................2

2. Spikes unbranched and candelabra-form; calyx 4–7 mm long; lower lip of corolla more than twice as long as the upper lip........... ............................................................................................................................................................................................ S. selleana View in CoL

- Inflorescence densely branched to two orders, the branches divaricating (nearly perpendicular to main axis); calyx 7–9.5 mm long; lower lip of corolla equal to or slightly longer than the upper lip........................................................................ S. brachyloba View in CoL

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