Coniopteryx (Coniopteryx) malgasensis, Sziraki, 2015
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Felipe (2021-11-30 13:59:06, last updated by Guilherme 2024-07-02 13:03:36) |
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Coniopteryx (Coniopteryx) malgasensis |
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Coniopteryx (Coniopteryx) malgasensis View in CoL sp. n.
( Figs 14–19)
Coniopteryx (C.) madagascariensis sensu MeInandeR 1998, Figs 17A, 17D, 17F, 17H, 17J.
Examinedmaterial – Holotype: male, Madagascar, AntanarivoProvince, 3 kmNEof Andranomay, 18°28’24” S, 47°57’36” E, 1300 m. a.s.l., mountain rainforest, 5-13. XII. 2000, Malaise trap, leg.: F, G et al.; deposited in the collection of CAS. Paratypes : 1 male, Madagascar, AntanarivoProvince , 7 kmSEofAndasibeNationalParkheadquarters, 18°57’46” S, 48°27’10” E, 1050 m a.s.l., tropical forest, 7-22. I. 2001 GoogleMaps , Malaise trap, leg.: HH; 2 males, same data but 23. III – 7. IV. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 9-23. IV.2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Madagascar, AntanarivoProvince , botanicgardenneartotheentrancetoAndashibeNationalPark, 18°55’39” S, 48°24’28” E, 1025 m a.s.l., tropical forest, 14-21. GoogleMaps V. 2001, Malaise trap, leg.: HH; 1 male, same locality, but 2-8. X. 2001 GoogleMaps , leg.: I & HH; 1 male, same data as holotype GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Madagascar, AntsirananaProvince, SakalawaBeach , 12°15’46” S, 49°23’51” E, 10 ma.s.l., dwarf littoral forest, 13-16. GoogleMaps V. 2001, Malaise trap, leg.: HH; 2 males, same data but 25. GoogleMaps VI – 6. VII. 2001; 1 male, same data but 7-22. VII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 28. VIII – 12. IX. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, Madagascar, Diego – SuarezProvince , Montagned’AmbreNationalPark, 12°30’52” S, 49°10’53” E, 960 m a.s.l., 21-26. I. 2001 GoogleMaps , Malaise trap, leg.: I, ES & HH; 1 male, same data but 4-19. III. 2001 GoogleMaps , leg.: HH; 1 male, same data but 19. III – 5. IV. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 8 males, Madagascar, Diego – Suarez Province, Montagne d’Ambre National Park , 12°31’ S, 49°11’ E, 975 m a.s.l., 21-25. I. 2001 GoogleMaps , Malaise trap, leg.: I, ES & HH; 2 males, same data but 25-29. I. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 4-19. III. 2001 GoogleMaps , leg.: HH; 1 male, Madagascar, Diego – Suarez Province, Montagne d’Ambre National Park , 12°31’13” S, 49°10’45” E, 1125 m a.s.l., 14-30. GoogleMaps V. 2001, Malaise trap, leg.: HH; 2 males, Madagascar, Diego – Suarez Province, 7 km N of Joffreville, 12°20’ S, 49°15’ E, 360 m a.s.l., dry forest, 6-20. III. 2001 GoogleMaps , Malaise trap, leg.: HH; 2 males, Madagascar, Diego – Suarez Province, Montagne des Français , 12°18’08” S, 49°38’51” E, 150 m a.s.l., for- ested limestone ridge, 30. I – 15. II. 2001 GoogleMaps , Malaise trap, leg.: HH; 1 male, same data but 6-20. III. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 6 males, Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Province, Ranomafana National Park, Belle Vue at Talatakely , 21°15’59” S, 47°25’13” E, 1020 m a.s.l., secondary tropical forest, 8-15. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps , Malaise trap, leg.: HH; 6 males, same data but 15-22. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 28. XI – 6. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 6-15. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 9 males, same data but 24. XII. 2001 – 2. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 10-14. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 14-21. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 9 males, same data but 21-28. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 28. I – 4. II. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 4-12. II. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 12-19. II. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 31. III – 7. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 7-14. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 14-23. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 13-23. GoogleMaps V. 2002; 2 males, same data but 23. GoogleMaps V – 3. VI. 2002; 2 males, same data but 13- 23. GoogleMaps VI. 2002; 2 males, same data but 4-14. VII. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 14-24. VII. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 24. VII – 4. VIII. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 6 males, same data but 16. X – 8. XI. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 9 males, same data but 22-28. XI. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 28. GoogleMaps V – 6. VI. 2003; 2 males, Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Province, Ranomafana National Park, Jirama water works, 21°14’55” S, 47°27’08” E, 690 m a.s.l., open area near a stream, 16. X – 8. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps , Malaise trap, leg.: HH; 1 male, same data but 22-28. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 28. XI – 6. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 5 males, same data but 21-24. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 21-28. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 4 males, Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Province, Ranomafana National Park , radio tower, 21°15’30” S, 47°24’26” E, 1130 m a.s.l., mixed tropical forest, 8-15. X. 2001 GoogleMaps , Malaise trap, leg.: HH; 3 males, same data but 16. X – 8. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 15-22. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 22-28. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 10 males, same data but 28. XI – 6. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 6-15. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 5 males, same data but 15-21. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 24. XII. 2001 – 2. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 10-14. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 5 males, same data but 14-21. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data, but 21-28. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 12-19. II. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 4-12. III. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 12-19. III. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 26-31. III. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 9-16. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 16-23. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 23-30. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 24. GoogleMaps V – 4. VI. 2002; 1 male, same data but 14-24. GoogleMaps VI. 2002; 3 males, same locality, but 15-25. VII. 2002 GoogleMaps , leg.: I & HH; 2 males, same data but 25. VII – 5. VIII. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 6-17. VII. 2003 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Province, Ranomafana National Park, Vohiparara , 21°13’34” S, 47°22’11” E, 1110 m a.s.l., mountain rainforest, 16. X – 8. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps , Malaise trap, leg.: HH; 1 male, same data but 15-22. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 22-28. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 18 males, same data but 28. XI – 6. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 6-15. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 15-21. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 24. XII. 2001 – 2. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 2-10. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 14-21. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 21-28. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 12 males, same data but 28. I – 4. II. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 4-12. II. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 19-26. II. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 8-15. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 15-22. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 22-29. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 6-15. GoogleMaps V. 2002; 1 male, same data but 15-25. GoogleMaps V. 2002; 1 male, same data but 5-15. VII. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 15-25. VII. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Province, Ranomafana National Park, Talatakely , 21°15’30” S, 47°25’28” E, 900 m a.s.l. 28. IV. 1998 GoogleMaps , leg.: G, K, P, MR, JR, JS, U. Majority of paratypes are deposited in the collection of CaliforniaAcademyofSciences, while 6 paratypespecimensarehousedintheHungarian NaturalHistoryMuseum, Budapest.
Diagnosis: Smallbodiedconiopterygid, withflattenedprojectionbetweentheantennae. Pedicelandfirstflagellarsegmentwithsetoseoutgrowth. Medianincisionofprocessusterminalisu-shaped. Setaeofprocessuslateralis withprominentbases.
Description: Length of the body 1.4–1.9 mm. Head capsule, palpi and scape light brown, pedicelandflagellummediumbrown. Betweentheantennaetheanterioredgeof vertexhasaprominent, laterallyflattenedprojection. Eyesmoderatelylarge, black. Antennae 0.9–1.1 mm, 26–28 segmented. Scape as long as wide, pedicel 1.2 times longer than wide, basalflagellarsegmentsalmosttwotimes, medianones 1.5 timesaswideaslong. Pedicelhasasmaller, whilethefirstflagellarsegmenthasalargersetoseoutgrowthapi- cally ( Fig. 14). Setae of the basal flagellar segments are about as long as width of the seg- ments, whilethoseofthemedianandapicalsegmentsshorter. Ordinaryhairsarearranged intworatherirregularringsonflagellarsegments. Scale-likehairsonthewholesurfaceof thepedicel, andinadenseapicalwhorlonflagellarsegments.
Legsandlargepartofthoraxlightbrown, sutures, apodemesandtheshoulderspots mediumordarkbrown. Lengthofforewing 1.4–1.9 mm, ofhindwing 1.4–1.6 mm. Wing membraneandveinslightormediumbrown. Pregenitalpartofabdomenwhitish.
Maleterminalia ( Figs 15–19) wellsclerotized. Hypandriumaslongashighinlateral view. Tipsoftheprocessusterminalisroundedinventralview. Medianincisionmoder- atelydeep, „u”-shaped. Dorso-caudalendingofprocessuslateralisacute, withprominent basesoftherelativelyshortsetae. Anteriorapodemeofhypandriumwide, andcurved backwardsmedially. Gonarcuswithsmall, setosecaudalprojection. Stylusforked; itsouter branchmoderatelywide, acute, whiletheinnerbranchverywide. Thebridgebetweenthe twoinnerbranchesslightlysclerotized. Processusventralisofparameredistinct. Processus apicalismoderatelylarge, pointed, directedupwards, hasanacuteventro-caudalangle, and there are a larger dorsal and a smaller ventral thin plate between this process and the stemoftheparamere. Thepenisscleriteconsistsoftwomoderatelychitinized, acute, bent andcaudallyslightlyhookedrods.
Remarks: Coniopteryx (C.) malgasensis belongs to Coniopteryx lobifrons
group sensu SZIRÁKI 2005, and it is surprisingly close to Coniopteryx (C.) alti-
cola Sziráki, 2002 fromThailand.
− pedicel of antenna has a small setose outgrowth (not only the first flagellarsegment);
− caudalprojectionofgonarcussmall;
− anteriorapodemeofhypandriumcurvedbackwardsmedially;
− setaeofdorso-caudalendingofprocessuslateralisshort, withprominent bases.
Etymology: Thenewspeciesisnamedafteranearliername ( Malagasy
Republic) ofRepublicofMadagascar.
California Academy of Sciences |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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