Polydictya jakli, Constant, 2016

Constant, Jérôme, 2016, Two new species of Polydictya from Borneo and Siberut, and notes on P. chewi Nagai & Porion, 2004 and P. tanjiewhoei Bosuang, Audibert & Porion, 2015 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 43, pp. 1-17 : 1-17

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13271377

publication LSID


persistent identifier


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scientific name

Polydictya jakli

sp. nov.

Polydictya jakli View in CoL sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:4A57DEFA-558E-4F69-A76A-E475FD5FAC18 Figs 5 View Fig , 6 View Fig , 8 View Fig

ETYMOLOGY. The species name is a patronym Republic) who collected the specimens.

dedicated to Mr Stanislav Jakl (Czech

TYPE MATERIAL. INDONESIA: Holotype ♂: [Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B., Indonesia, Mentawai Isls, Siberut Isl. , Bojakan village env., v. 2004, 100m, leg. S. Jakl] ( RBINS).

Paratype ♂: same data as holotype ( RBINS) .

DIAGNOSIS. The species can be separated from all other Polydictya species by the following combination of characters: (1) Tegmina uniformly brown with basal transverse black-brown band ( Fig. 5 A View Fig ); (2) hind wings dark brown with basocostal whitish elongate marking ( Fig. 5 A View Fig ); (3) frons regularly rounded in dorsal view, not projecting anteriorly ( Fig. 5 B View Fig ), yellow-brown ( Fig. 5 D View Fig ); (4) anterior tibiae slightly laminate, black-brown with yellowish ring ( Fig. 5 A, C View Fig ); (5) abdomen red dorsally ( Fig. 5 A View Fig ); (6) terminalia orange-brown.


Measurements and ratios ♂ (n = 2): LT: 26.7 mm; LTg/BTg = 2.71; BV/LV = 3.46; LF/BF = 0.71.

Head: entirely yellow-brown ( Fig. 5 B, D, F View Fig ); vertex curved and deeply grooved transversely, and with all 4 margins carinate ( Fig. 5 B View Fig ); frons slightly visible from above ( Fig. 5 B View Fig ), convex, smooth, subquadrate with impressed, curved longitudinal groove along lateral margin, starting in front of eye ( Fig. 5 D View Fig ); clypeus narrower and shorter than frons, darker apically ( Fig. 5 D View Fig ); labium elongate, brown, reaching posterior trochanter ( Fig. 5 C View Fig ); antennae dark brown with scape cylindrical and pedicel bulbous ( Fig. 5 D, F View Fig ).

Thorax: prothorax yellow-brown; mesonotum dark brown ( Fig. 5 B, F View Fig ); pro-, meso- and metasternites brown ( Fig. 5 C View Fig ); pronotum rugulose, with strong median carina and pair of impressed points on disc; mesonotum slightly rugulose with disc slightly wrinkled longitudinally; scutellum slightly impressed on disc ( Fig. 5 B View Fig ); tegulae brown ( Fig. 5 B, F View Fig ).

Tegmina: ( Fig. 5 A, C, E View Fig ) brown with veins paler than cells and basal darker area. Tegmina elongate, with costal and sutural margins subparallel, slightly broadening near apex; apex obliquely cut; costal margin nearly straight; apical margin slightly concave in middle.

Hind wings: ( Fig. 5 A, C View Fig ) dark brown with center of cells often paler and conspicuous basocostal subrectangular whitish patch extending to half length; slightly broader than tegmina.

Legs: ( Fig. 5 A, C View Fig ) coxae, trochanters and femora dark brown; femora slightly darker towards apex. Pro- and mesotibiae black-brown with broad yellow-brown ring at mid-length; metafemora brown, darker basally. Pro- and mesotarsi black-brown; metatarsi brown. Metatibiae with 6 lateral and 7 apical spines.

Abdomen: ( Fig. 5 A, C View Fig ) red dorsally; brown ventrally; terminalia orange-brown.

Male genitalia: pygofer, anal tube and gonostyli orange-brown. Pygofer higher than long, with posterior margin showing small digitiform process near dorsal margin, directed posteriorly, and anterior margin concave in lateral view ( Fig. 6 A, B View Fig ). Gonostyli ( Fig. 6 A View Fig ) elongate, 1.88 times longer than high in lateral view, slightly broadening towards apex with apicodorsal projection directed dorsally; dorsal margin excavate on apical half in lateral view; apical margin rounded and slightly sinuate dorsally in lateral view; strong lateral acute tooth directed lateroventrally at half length, along dorsal margin; second, smaller tooth on dorsal margin of main tooth, at half length of the latter. Aedeagus ( Fig. 6 D, E View Fig ) with endosomal process elongate, slightly broadening towards apex in lateral view. Endosomal process in dorsal view innerly curved, with external margin showing 6 strong teeth directed externally and slightly curved ventrally; strong hooked tooth on internodorsal margin, directed dorsoexternally; inner margin emarginate posteriorly to dorsointernal hook; ventral margin bisinuate, at level of hooked tooth; posterior margin in lateral view slightly sinuate, with ventral angle angularly rounded. Anal tube elongate, 1.63 times longer than broad, broader at 2/3 of total length in dorsal view; strongly curved ventrally and with ventral margin sinuate in lateral view ( Fig. 6 A, B View Fig ); lateral margins strongly bisinuate in dorsal view, with apex much broader than base ( Fig. 6 B View Fig ); apical margin concave in dorsal view and slightly concave, subvertical in lateral view ( Fig. 6 A View Fig ).

DISTRIBUTION. Currently known Sumatra in Indonesia ( Fig. 8 A View Fig ).

from Siberut Island in the Mentawai archipelago, off

REMARKS. The species is close to the others showing a basal whitish rectangular marking on the posterior wings: P. basalis ( Hope, 1843) , P. uniformis Walker, 1857 , P. negrito Distant, 1906 , P. johannae Lallemand, 1956 and P. ornata Chew Kea Foo, Porion & Audibert, 2010 .

P. ornata differs by its variegated pale yellow and black tegmina; P. negrito by the partly black dorsum of the abdomen and the anterior margin of the vertex more convex; P. uniformis by the partly black dorsum of the abdomen and reddish legs; P. johannae and P. basalis by the reddish legs and P. basalis also by the pale subbasal area of the tegmina and the basal red area of the posterior wings, under the whitish marking.


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences













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