Kalimagone rotunda, Tanasevitch, 2017

Tanasevitch, Andrei V., 2017, New genera and new species of the family Linyphiidae from Borneo, Sumatra and Java (Arachnida, Araneae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 124 (1), pp. 141-155 : 146-148

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scientific name

Kalimagone rotunda

sp. nov.

Kalimagone rotunda View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 27-30 View Figs 22 - 34 , 42-45 View Figs 35 - 45

Holotype: Male; Borneo, East Malaysia, Sabah, Tambunan District, Crocker Range, W slope , ca 1600 m a.s.l., 51-52 km from road Kota Kinabalu to Tambunan , rainforest with Lithocarpus , Castanopsis and tree ferns, plant debris in wet ravine and at forest edge, sifting; 18.V.1987; leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl [# 30a ].

Paratypes: 5 females; collected together with the holotype.

Etymology: The specific name is a Latin adjective meaning “rounded”, referring the shape of the distal part of the distal suprategular apophysis.

Diagnosis: The species is characterized by the peculiar shape of the palpal tibia and the rounded distal part of the distal suprategular apophysis in the male, as well as by the bean-shaped receptacles in the female.

Description: Male (paratype). Total length 1.77, habitus as shown in Fig. 27 View Figs 22 - 34 . Carapace unmodified, 0.80 long, 0.65 wide, pale brown, with indistinct, grey, radial stripes and darker margin; sulci absent. Chelicerae long 0.35. Legs yellow. Leg I 3.61 long (0.95+0.25+0.93+0.85+0.63), leg IV 3.39 long (0.90+0.23+0.85+0.88+0.53). Chaetotaxy, length of spines about 1.5-2 diameters of segment. TmI 0.59. All metatarsi with a trichobothrium. Palp ( Figs 42-44 View Figs 35 - 45 ): Tibia conically elongated. Paracymbium L-shaped. Tegulum small, narrow, pale. Distal suprategular apophysis flat, long and wide, with a clawshaped median apophysis (MA in Fig. 43 View Figs 35 - 45 ). Distal part of distal suprategular apophysis rounded, expanded, carrying tiny denticles, bent apically. Radix small, flat, embolus relatively long and narrow. Abdomen 1.05 long, 0.70 wide, dorsal pattern as shown in Fig. 27 View Figs 22 - 34 .

Female. Total length 1.93, habitus as shown in Fig. 28 View Figs 22 - 34 . Carapace unmodified, 0.78 long, 0.70 wide. Chelicerae 0.35 long. Leg I 3.19 long (0.88+0.25+0.80+0.73+0.53), leg IV 3.04 long (0.88+0.23+00.80+0.70+0.43). Chaetotaxy, length of spines about 2-2.5 diameters of segment. TmI 0.59. Abdomen 1.25 long, 0.78 wide, dorsal and ventral pattern as shown in Figs 28 and 29 View Figs 22 - 34 , respectively. Epigyne ( Figs 29-30 View Figs 22 - 34 , 45 View Figs 35 - 45 ): median plate with parallel or slightly posteriorly convergent edges, receptacles bean-shaped. Body and leg coloration as in male.

Taxonomic remarks: The species is very similar to K. cuspidata , but can easily be distinguished by the rounded, serrate distal part of the distal suprategular apophysis in the male, as well as by the shape of the median plate of the epigyne and the bean-shaped receptacles in the female.

Distribution: Known only from the type locality in the northeast of Borneo Island.













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