Pseudapis patellata (Magretti, 1884)

Madl, Michael, 2019, A catalogue of the Halictidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) of Eritrea, Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 1363-1374 : 1369-1370

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Valdenar (2020-04-08 18:54:04, last updated 2024-11-27 07:40:51)

scientific name

Pseudapis patellata


Pseudapis patellata View in CoL ( MAGRETTI, 1884)

Nomia patellata n.sp.: MAGRETTI 1884: 621 (descr. ♀, Khor Lebka), pl. 1 (figs 15a, b).

Nomia patellata n.sp.: MAGRETTI 1885: 333 (Khor Lebka), 353 (cat. expedition).

Nomia patellata MAGRETTI, 1884: DE DALLA TORRE 1896: 168 (world cat. ( Eritrea, not Africa)).

Nomia patellata MAGRETTI, 1884: MAGRETTI 1906: 19 (Ailet).

Nomia patellata MAGRETTI, 1884: FRIESE 1909: 154 (tax., cat. Africa), 177 (tax., orig. descr. ♀), 465 (cat. Africa).

Nomia patellata MAGRETTI, 1884: STRAND 1912: 128 (distr., Eritrea without locality).

Nomia patellata MAGRETTI, 1884: STRAND 1913: 129 (key ♀), 138 (key ♂), 143 (cat. species keyed).

Nomia patellata MAGRETTI, 1884: FRIESE 1915: 269 ( Eritrea without locality).

Nomia patellata MAGRETTI, 1884: COCKERELL 1931b: 281 (tax., Eritrea without locality (= Khor Lebka)).

Nomia patellata MAGRETTI, 1884: ALFKEN 1932: 49 (tax.).

Nomia patellata MAGRETTI, 1884: COCKERELL 1932: 8 (key).

Nomia patellata MAGRETTI, 1884: WARNCKE 1980: 366 (key ♀), 368 (tax., Eritrea without locality).

Pseudapis patellata View in CoL ( MAGRETTI, 1884): PAULY 1990: 66 (tax.), 67 (key ♀), 68 (key ♂), 77 (tax., Eritrea without locality), 81 (fig. 161), 83 (fig. 178). 92 (fig. 205: map).

Pseudapis patellata View in CoL ( MAGRETTI, 1884): BAKER 2002: 15 (fig. 7: tax.), 16 (fig. 8: tax.), 17 (fig. 9: tax.), 18 (figs 10, 11: both tax.), 19 (fig. 12: tax.), 20 (tax.), 26 (tax., Khor Lebka), 50 (tax.), 52 (key ♀), 69 (app. 1: material examined), 74 (app. 2: tax.), 76 (app. 3: tax.), 77 (app. 3: tax.).

Pseudapis patellata View in CoL ( MAGRETTI, 1884): EARDLEY & URBAN 2010: 95 (cat. Afr. reg. ( Eritrea under Ethiopia)).

D i s t r i b u t i o n: Ailet, Khor Lebka.

Pseudapis patellata is known from the Afrotropical (e.g. Ethiopia, Sudan), Oriental and Palaearctic (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Yemen) regions.

ALFKEN J. D. (1932): Entomological Expedition to Abyssinia, 1926 - 27. Hymenoptera, I: Apoidea (exclusive of Andrena and Halictus). - Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 80 (1): 47 - 55.

BAKER D. B. (2002): On Palaearctic and Oriental species of the genera Pseudapis W. F. KIRBY, 1900, and Nomiapis COCKERELL, 1919. - Beitrage zur Entomologie 52 (1): 1 - 83.

COCKERELL T. D. A. (1931 b): Some African Bees of the Genus Nomia. - The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 10 th Series, 8 (45): 265 - 283.

COCKERELL T. D. A. (1932): Records of African Bees. - American Museum Novitates 547: 1 - 16.

DALLA TORRE DE C. G. (1896): Catalogus hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum et systematicus et synonymicus. Volumen 10: Apidae (Anthophila). - Leipzig (Wolfgang ENGELMANN): I-VIII, 643 pp.

FRIESE H. (1909): Die Bienen Afrikas nach dem Stande unserer heutigen Kenntnisse. - In: Zoologische und anthropologische Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise im westlichen und zentralen Sudafrika ausgefuhrt in den Jahren 1903 - 1905 mit Unterstutzung der Kgl. Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 2 (2): 83 - 476, pls 9, 10.

FRIESE H. (1915): Zur Bienenfauna von Abessinien (Hym.). - Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1915 (3): 265 - 298.

MAGRETTI P. (1884): Risultati di raccolte imenotterologiche nell'Africa orientale. - Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 21: 523 - 636.

MAGRETTI P. 1885): Nel Sudan Orientale. Ricordi d'un viaggio in Africa per studii zoologici. - Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali 26 (3 - 4: 257 - 355.

MAGRETTI P. (1906): Materiali per la conoscenza della Fauna Eritrea. Imenotteri. Fam. Mutillidi. Con appunti del viaggio in Colonia. - Bullettino de la Societa Entomologica Italiana 37 (1: 3 - 96.

PAULY A. (1990): Classification des Nomiinae Africaines (Hymenoptera Apoidea Halictidae). - Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale Tervuren, Annales Sciences Zoologiques 261: 1 - 206.

STRAND E. (1912): Ein neueres Werk uber afrikanische Bienen kritisch besprochen. - Archiv fur Naturgeschichte 78 (Abteilung A, 1): 126 - 144.

STRAND E. (1913): Bestimmungstabelle nebst weiteren Beitragen zur Kenntnis afrikanischer Nomia - Arten. - Archiv fur Naturgeschichte 79 (Abteilung A, 10): 121 - 144.

WARNCKE K. (1980): Die Bienengattungen Nomia und Systropha im Iran mit Erganzungen zu den Nomia-Arten der Westpalaarktis. - Linzer biologische Beitrage 12 (2): 363 - 384.













