Acunomia theryi (Gribodo, 1990)

Madl, Michael, 2019, A catalogue of the Halictidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) of Eritrea, Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 1363-1374 : 1366-1367

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Valdenar (2020-04-08 18:54:04, last updated 2024-11-27 07:40:51)

scientific name

Acunomia theryi


Acunomia theryi GRIBODO, 1894

Nomia theryi View in CoL n.sp.: GRIBODO 1894: 303 (descr. ♀, Saganeiti), 304 (fig.).

Nomia theryi View in CoL GRIBODO, 1894: DE DALLA TORRE 1896: 170 (world cat.).

Nomia theryi View in CoL GRIBODO, 1894: FRIESE 1909: 87 ( South Africa), 154 (cat. Africa), 181 (tax., orig. descr. ♀, Saganeiti), 465 (cat. Africa).

Nomia theryi View in CoL GRIBODO, 1894: STRAND 1912: 128 (distr., Eritrea without locality).

Nomia theryi View in CoL GRIBODO, 1894: FRIESE 1915: 270 (Saganeiti ( GRIBODO 1894)).

Acunomia theryi ( GRIBODO, 1894): PAULY 1990: 30 (keys ♀, ♂), 33 (tax., descr. ♀ ♂, Asmara, Saganeiti), 37 (figs 102, 103), 42 (fig. 110: map).

Nomia (Acunomia) theryi View in CoL GRIBODO, 1894: MICHENER 2000: 324 (tax.).

Nomia theryi View in CoL GRIBODO, 1894: EARDLEY & URBAN 2010: 88 (cat. Afr. reg.). Nomia (Acunomia) theryi View in CoL GRIBODO, 1894: PENATI & MARIOTTI 2015: 124 (tax., Saganeiti, cat.

Hymenoptera View in CoL described by Gribodo). * Nomia eritrina n.sp.: FRIESE 1915: 270 (tax., Asmara), 284 (descr. ♀, Asmara). Nomia eritrina FRIESE, 1915: PAULY 1990: 33 (syn., lectotype design., Asmara). Nomia eritrina FRIESE, 1915: PESENKO 1997: 480 (tax. as eritina), 485 (tax.). Nomia eritrina FRIESE, 1915: RASMUSSEN & ASCHER 2008: 47 (cat. taxa described by Friese). * Nomia View in CoL speciosa FRIESE, 1908: FRIESE 1909: 153 (tax., cat. Africa), 170 (tax., descr. ♀ ♂, Asmara),

464 (cat. Africa). Nomia View in CoL speciosa FRIESE, 1908: FRIESE 1915: 269 (Asmara).

D i s t r i b u t i o n:Asmara.

Nomia theryi , which is widely distributed in the Afrotropical region ( Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe), is not recorded from the neighbour countries.

DALLA TORRE DE C. G. (1896): Catalogus hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum et systematicus et synonymicus. Volumen 10: Apidae (Anthophila). - Leipzig (Wolfgang ENGELMANN): I-VIII, 643 pp.

FRIESE H. (1909): Die Bienen Afrikas nach dem Stande unserer heutigen Kenntnisse. - In: Zoologische und anthropologische Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise im westlichen und zentralen Sudafrika ausgefuhrt in den Jahren 1903 - 1905 mit Unterstutzung der Kgl. Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 2 (2): 83 - 476, pls 9, 10.

FRIESE H. (1915): Zur Bienenfauna von Abessinien (Hym.). - Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1915 (3): 265 - 298.

GRIBODO G. (1894): Note imenotterologiche: Nota II. Nuovi generi e nuove specie di imenotteri antofili ed osservazione sopra alcune specie gia conosciute (Continuazione). - Bullettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana 26 (2): 262 - 314.

PAULY A. (1990): Classification des Nomiinae Africaines (Hymenoptera Apoidea Halictidae). - Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale Tervuren, Annales Sciences Zoologiques 261: 1 - 206.

PESENKO Y. A. (1997): Nomenclatural and bibliographic corrections to A. PAULY' S monograph on African Nomiinae (Hymenoptera, Halictidae). - Entomofauna 18 (29): 477 - 506.

STRAND E. (1912): Ein neueres Werk uber afrikanische Bienen kritisch besprochen. - Archiv fur Naturgeschichte 78 (Abteilung A, 1): 126 - 144.













