Pedicularis furfuracea Wall. ex Benth. ( Bentham 1835: 54 )

Garg, Arti & Singh, Rajeev Kumar, 2020, Typification of fifty one names in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae), Phytotaxa 430 (2), pp. 61-94 : 82

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.430.2.1


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scientific name

Pedicularis furfuracea Wall. ex Benth. ( Bentham 1835: 54 )


13. Pedicularis furfuracea Wall. ex Benth. ( Bentham 1835: 54) View in CoL .

Protologue citation:—“(Wall. Cat. n. 412.), Hab. in Gossain Than, Wallich ”.

Type :— NEPAL. Gossain Than, s.d., Wallich cat. n. 412 (lectotype K001109988!, designated here) ; isolectotypes BM000885917!, CAL!, E00273659!, E00273660!, K000708929!, K000708931!, M0188778 !

Notes:— Pedicularis furfuracea was described by Bentham (1835) based on the specimens of Wallich from Gossain Than, Nepal. Eight specimens of Wallich collected from Gossain Than, Nepal were traced (BM000885917, CAL, E00273659, E00273660, K000708929, K000708931, K001109988 and M0188778).Of these, the best one K001109988 from herbarium Wallich, is designated here as the lectotype.

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