Nothybus kempi (Brunetti)

Lonsdale, O. & Marshall, S. A., 2016, Revision of the family Nothybidae (Diptera: Schizophora), Zootaxa 4098 (1), pp. 1-42 : 19-21

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Plazi (2016-04-05 09:13:31, last updated 2024-11-29 12:47:48)

scientific name

Nothybus kempi (Brunetti)


Nothybus kempi (Brunetti) View in CoL

Figures 42–44 View FIGURES 42 – 44 , 69 View FIGURES 67 – 78 , 90–95 View FIGURES 90 – 95

Psila kempi Brunetti 1913: 187 .

Nothybus kempi View in CoL . Enderlein 1922: 175 [genus review]; Aczél 1955: 9 [family revision, key]; Frey 1958: 39 [ Laos]; Steyskal 1977: 30 [Oriental catalogue]; Meier et al. 1999: 209 [vivipary]; Papp et al. 2006: 176 [ Thailand, Vietnam]; Galinskaya & Shatalkin 2015: 583 [illustrations of male abdomen].

Description. Head: Yellowish-orange, slightly paler than thorax. First flagellomere dark brown on distal half. Frons with anterior pair of velvety patches well-developed, slightly divergent anteriorly; ocellar tubercle black, with thin brownish stripe extending from tubercle that disappears at midpoint of frons. Face micropilose with venter white tomentose excluding dark brown glabrous spot ventromedially (which may or may not be enclosed by tomentose band dorsally); midpoint with thin horizontal brown line sometimes fading laterally. Parafacial dark brown. Back of head with transverse white pruinescent band above one pair of brown lateromedial spots.

Thorax: Yellowish-orange in base colour; iridescent stripe on dorsal half of postpronotum, part of anterolateral region of notopleuron and faintly on posterodorsal region of anepisternum. Scutum with dark ill-defined medial stripe, with one pair of thinner stripes along dorsocentral rows, and slightly brownish postsuturally; scutum brown to brown mottled anterolaterally beside notopleuron except for yellow medial spot that is sometimes open anteriorly; postpronotum brown with lateral third yellow (sometimes excluding thin brown margin), sometimes excluding anterior and posterior margins, which may be widely brown; notopleuron brown to brown mottled with tubercle yellow. Scutellum with lateral margins brown to dusky, dorsum brown with thin orange margin, and with apex yellowish between setae; subscutellum brownish dorsally and yellowish ventrally. Katatergite brown; anatergite brown with posterior margin yellow. Pleuron with brownish, ill-defined oblique stripe from anterior spiracle to posterodorsal corner of katepisternum; posterior margin of brownish stripe bordered dorsally by whitish stripe extending along posterodorsal suture of katepisternum, meron, venter of anepimeron and posterior margin of anepisternum; posterodorsal region of anepisternum and region between whitish stripe and wing base brownish; anepimeron brownish dorsally; proepisternal lobe brown. Six rows of presutural acrostichal setulae in medial patch; lateral patch of 2–3 additional rows of setulae clearly delimited by gap.

Wing: ( Fig. 69 View FIGURES 67 – 78 ) Wing length 5.1–6.8mm. Lightly infuscated anteriorly and past transverse brown stripe. Apical margin of wing with brown cloud extending from midpoint of cell r2+3 to apex of CuA1, with cloud becoming tapered and sometimes paler posteriorly. Thin brown transverse band extending from end of cell r1 to CuA1 along dm-cu; r-m with narrow cloud; apex of cell r1 mostly to partially unpigmented. Lightly pigmented apical region of wing enclosing three clear, strongly iridescent spots (one in each of cells r2+3, r4+5 and m1) in a straight line. Penultimate section of CuA1 with brown ovate cloud not reaching dm-cu; brown cloud extending into cell dm. Wing slightly iridescent medially. Calypter margin dark brown. Halter whitish with base brown anteriorly. Base of R4+5 with several very small, thin hair-like setulae ventrally.

Legs: Yellowish-orange in base colour. Apices of femora dark brown, narrowly so on posterior surface. Tibiae dark brown with base of fore tibia yellowish. Tarsi dark brown; fore basitarsomere white with base narrowly dark brown (band slightly longer than tarsal width).

Abdomen: Microtomentose with tergite 5 velvety. Tergite 1 and anterior margin of tergite 2 yellowish-orange. Tergites 3, 5 and remainder of tergite 2 dark brown. Tergite 4 dark brown or brownish, becoming darker dorsally and along margins (sometimes not including posterior margin). Sternites light yellow. Male tergite 6 and terminalia light yellow.

Male terminalia: ( Figs 90–95 View FIGURES 90 – 95 ) Sternite 6 with basal margin half width of distal margin, as long as wide at widest point, and with one pair of larger posterolateral setae. Sternite 7 short, wide, membranous, evident as one pair of sensory setulae. Epandrium broad and short, fused to posterior half of surstylus. Surstylus approximately 2/ 3 height of epandrium, subparallel on basal 4/5, strongly narrowed at apex; minutely tuberculate on inner-distal margin, inner surface confluent with subepandrial sclerite. Cercus flat, finger-like. Hypandrium broadly rounded anteriorly, ventral lobe covered with small setae except for several longer anteroventral setae on shallow posterolateral process; posteroventral margin with short subrectangular process meeting pregonite; broadly fused to ventral surface of phallapodeme. Pregonite with broad, stout base, two ventromedial setae and several minute lateromedial setae; apex clear, slightly swollen, minutely textured to microspinulose and angled dorsally. Basiphallus sclerotized along lateral surface and with strongly sclerotized ring at base with venter incomplete; minutely spinulose anterodorsally. Distiphallus long, arching over hypandrium; with broad, undulating and membranous lateral margin and one pair of darker, ill-defined medial ribbons; apex unified into shallow bulb with dorsomedial section thicker and sclerotized, diverging into one pair of short, narrow, clear tubules. Ejaculatory apodeme with stout base (minutely ridged on one side) enclosing narrow fossa, stem and pale blade well developed with sclerotized band to one side.

Distribution. Burma, northeastern India (Assam, Meghalaya), Laos, Thailand, Vietnam.

Syntypes: INDIA. Assam: Kobo, 400 ft., 2.xii.1911, sweeping in thick jungle (3♂ ♀, [lost]).

Additional material examined. BURMA. Mishmi Hills, Delei River, 1700ft, 7.ii.1935, M. Steele (2♂ 1♀, BMNH). INDIA. Assam, Garo Hills, above Tura, 3500–3900ft., 15.vii–30.v.1917, S. Kemp, “?Part of syntypic series—data wrong, det. B.H. Cogan 1974” (2♂ [same pin], BMNH).

Comments. Two species of Nothybidae are known from India. Nothybus procerus occurs in southern India, and N. kempi occurs from northeastern India to Burma (new country record), Thailand, Vietnam and Laos. Nothybus kempi differs from others in the N. kempi group in having a relatively narrow transverse band on the wing, a dark cloud on CuA1 that extends into cell dm, a relatively dark tergite 4, and a surstylus that is straight along most of the anterior margin.

Aczel, M. L. (1955) Nothybidae, a new family of Diptera. Treubia, 23, 1 - 18.

Brunetti, E. (1913) Zoological results of the Arbor Expedition, 1911 - 12. XI. Diptera. Records of the Indian Museum, 8, 149 - 190, pl. 6.

Enderlein, G. (1922) Klassifikation der Micropeziden. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, (A), 88, 140 - 229.

Frey, R. (1958) Studien uber ostasiatische Dipteren. VI. Nothybidae, Micropezidae, Opomyzidae. Notulae Entomologicae, 38, 37 - 50.

Galinskaya, T. V. & Shatalkin, A. I. (2015) New species of Nothybus Rondani, 1875 (Diptera: Nothybidae) from Vietnam with a key to Vietnamese species of the genus. Zootaxa, 4012 (3), 581 - 592. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4012.3.11

Meier, R., Kotrba, M. & Ferrar, P. (1999) Ovoviviparity and viviparity in the Diptera. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 74, 199 - 258. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1017 / S 0006323199005320

Papp, L., Merz, B. & Foldvari, M. (2006) Diptera of Thailand: A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientarum Hungaricae, 52 (2), 97 - 269.

Steyskal, G. C. (1977) Family Nothybidae. In: Delfinado, M. C. & Hardy, D. E. (Eds.), A Catalog of the Diptera of the Oriental Region 3: Suborder Cyclorrhapha (Excluding Division Aschiza). University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu, pp. 30 - 31

Gallery Image

FIGURES 42 – 44. Nothybus kempi (Brunetti), male, photos; 42: dorsal; 43: left lateral, 44: head, anterior. FIGURES 45, 46: N. procerus spec. nov., holotype, photos; 45: left lateral; 46: dorsal.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 67 – 78. wings, photos; 67: Nothybus longicollis (Walker), with relevant veins listed; 68: N. biguttatus Wulp; 69: N. kempi (Brunetti), with relevant cells listed; 70: N. procerus spec. nov., holotype; 71: N. kuznetsovorum Galinskaya & Shatalkin; 72: N. cataractus spec. nov.; 73: N. lineifer Enderlein, syntype; 74: N. decorus Meijere [syn. nov. of N. lineifer], syntype; 75: N. lineifer, CNC specimen; 76: N. triguttatus Bezzi; 77: N. sumatranus Enderlein, syntype; 78: N. sumatranus, Thai specimen.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 90 – 95. Nothybus kempi (Brunetti), male abdomen; 90: external components, segment 6 to cercus, ventral; 91: external components past sternite 8, left lateral; 92: same, posterior; 93: internal components, ventral; 94: ejaculatory apodeme; 95: internal components, left lateral.











