Cryptocanthon punctatus Cook, 2002

Cook, Joyce, 2002, A Revision Of The Neotropical Genus Cryptocanthon Balthasar (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 1) 56, pp. 3-96 : 83-86

publication ID[3:arotng];2

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scientific name

Cryptocanthon punctatus Cook


34. Cryptocanthon punctatus Cook View in CoL sp.nov.

( Figs. 181–185)

Material Examined. Sixteen specimens (6 males, 10 females).

Type Material. Holotype: ‘‘ VENEZUELA: Trujillo / camino viejo a Trujillo / km

6.0, 2,240 m / 098219030N, 708179360W / 20.V.1998 -023C / R. Anderson, cloud for. litter’’ ( CMNC) male. Paratypes (15): same data as holotype ( CMNC) 1 male, 2 females; ‘‘ Trujillo / camino viejo a Trujillo, Paramo / La Cristalina , km 9.7 , 2,400 m / 098219210N, 708179510W / 20.V.1998 -022E / R. Anderson, elfin for. litter’’ ( CMNC) 1 male, 2 females; ‘‘ Trujillo / P.N. Guaramacal, 19.3 km / S.E. Bocono , 2,800 m / 098149110N, 708119070W / 19.V.1998 -020C, paramo / R. Anderson, shrub litter’’ ( CMNC) 1 female; same data except ‘‘020D’’ ( CMNC) 2 females; ‘‘ Trujillo / 9.8 km SE Boconó / 98129N, 708129W / 2,130 m, 2–4 March 1995 / Robert W. Brooks # 039, ex human feces trap ( SEMC) 1 female; ‘‘ Trujillo / Bocono, Laguna de Guaramacal / 8– 28.VII.86 / B. Gill 1,900 m ’’ ( BDGC) 3 males, 2 females .

Etymology. The epithet ‘‘punctatus’’ (Latin) refers to the densely punctate vertex and pronotum of this species.

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished by the following combination of characters: vertical surface of clypeus not foveate; punctures of pronotal disc small, deep, not annulate; pronotal hypomeron not carinate; inflexed portion of elytron lacking basal fovea; metathoracic wings greatly reduced; pygidium evenly convex; paramere apices broadly angulate ( Fig. 184).

Description. Holotype. Male. Total length 3.9 mm; greatest width 2.4 mm. Head. Clypeus not strongly produced anteriorly ( Fig. 182). Clypeal teeth moderately developed, widely separated, weakly reflexed. Clypeal emargination evenly, shallowly rounded; vertical surface broadly V-shaped, not foveate. Apical margin of clypeus lateral to teeth slightly convexly arcuate. Disc of clypeus concave, with small to medium-sized punctures separated by about one diameter. Clypeogenal suture not evident. Gena not produced, anterior margin even with anterior margin of clypeus; punctures small to medium-sized, separated by one diameter or less. Vertex very densely, deeply punctate. Pronotum. Convex medially, laterally explanate, shallow depressions laterally in posterior half. Anterior angles approximately right-angled. Sides anterior and posterior to lateral angles nearly straight. Posterior angles obtuse, abruptly rounded, not incised. Pronotum densely punctate; punctures of disc mediumsized, deep; laterally and along posterior margin, punctures larger, shallow, annulate; setae very fine, short, inconspicuous. Pronotal hypomeron convex, coarsely punctate, not carinate posteriorly. Elytra. Transversely and longitudinally strongly convex; lateral carinae not strongly elevated. Each elytron dorsally with seven striae, each stria indicated by two wavy lines. Elytral intervals convex; each interval with row of very fine setose punctures on each side adjacent to striae; setae fine, very short, curved, inconspicuous. Inflexed portion of elytron broad, evenly narrowed apically, with scattered, minute punctures; transverse wrinkles in basal half; lacking basal fovea; stria eight absent, nine faintly indicated and nearly complete, ten complete adjacent to margin of epipleuron. Epipleuron with row of shallow punctures along medial margin in basal half. Wings. Metathoracic wings greatly reduced. Venter. Prosternum with moderately small, shallow punctures. Mesosternum shallowly punctate; punctures small medially, large and annulate laterally. Meso-metasternal suture roundly angulate medially. Metasternum convex medially; disc with minute punctures in center, surrounded by larger annulate punctures; laterally, punctures large, dense, annulate.

Legs. Profemur densely punctate ventrally. Protibia ( Fig. 181) with apical half slightly broadened medially; not notched medially before apex; apex strongly lobed medially. Mesofemur and metafemur finely punctate ventrally. Metatrochanter unmodified. Metatibia slightly angulate, not crenulate; with minute subapical lobe. Abdomen. Apical sternite with irregularly-spaced, medium-sized punctures. Pygidium moderately convex, with moderately small, shallow punctures; base with short median sulcus. Male genitalia. Parameres ( Figs. 183–184) with apices broadly angulate, not setose.

Variation. Male: total length 3.8–3.9 mm; greatest width 2.3–2.4 mm. Female: total length 4.0– 4.1 mm; greatest width 2.4 mm; clypeal teeth more strongly developed; protibiae unmodified.

Bionomics. This species has been collected from the litter of cloud forest, elfin forest, and paramo, and in human feces traps. It has been taken at elevations between 1,900 m and 2,800 m during the months of March, May and July.

Geographic Distribution ( Fig. 185). This species occurs in the Cordillera do Merida of Venezuela, in the state of Trujillo .


University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute

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