Cryptocanthon paradoxus Balthasar, 1942

Cook, Joyce, 2002, A Revision Of The Neotropical Genus Cryptocanthon Balthasar (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 1) 56, pp. 3-96 : 78-81

publication ID[3:arotng];2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cryptocanthon paradoxus Balthasar


32. Cryptocanthon paradoxus Balthasar View in CoL

( Figs. 171–175)

Cryptocanthon paradoxus Balthasar 1942:37 View in CoL ; Howden 1973:40

Material Examined. One specimen (male).

Type Material Examined. Holotype: ‘‘ ECUAD[OR] ‘‘ ‘‘ Loja Villonaca / F. Ohs. 23.8.050 ( NMPC) male.

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished by the following combination of characters: vertical surface of clypeus not foveate; posterior pronotal angles distinctly incised; pronotal hypomeron not carinate; inflexed portion of elytra lacking basal fovea; metathoracic wings greatly reduced; parameres with apices truncate, with fringe of fine, short setae ( Fig. 174).

Description. Male. Total length 5.2 mm; greatest width 3.2 mm. Head. Clypeus not strongly produced anteriorly ( Fig. 172). Clypeal teeth moderately developed, widely separated, weakly reflexed. Clypeal emargination between teeth evenly, shallowly rounded; vertical surface moderately broad, not foveate. Apical margin of clypeus lateral to teeth convexly arcuate. Disc of clypeus concave, coarsely punctate, punctures


separated by one diameter or less. Clypeogenal suture vaguely carinate. Gena produced, forming angle at junction with anterior margin of clypeus; coarsely, densely punctate. Vertex moderately coarsely, densely punctate; with small, shallow depression posteromedially. Pronotum. Convex medially, laterally explanate, with median longitudinal depression in posterior half. Anterior angles approximately right-angled. Sides anterior to lateral angles slightly convexly arcuate; slightly, vaguely sinuate posterior to lateral angles. Posterior angles right-angled, strongly incised. Disc of pronotum with irregularly spaced, moderately small punctures; laterally, punctures dense, shallow, annulate; setae pale, strongly arched. Pronotal hypomeron convex, with dense, large, annulate punctures; not carinate posteriorly. Elytra. Transversely and longitudinally strongly convex; lateral carinae not strongly elevated. Each elytron dorsally with seven striae, each stria indicated by two wavy lines. Elytral intervals slightly convex; each interval with erratically spaced setose punctures; setae elongate, strongly arched, conspicuous. Inflexed portion of elytron broad, rather abruptly narrowed apically, lacking basal fovea, with scattered, minute punctures; erratic transverse wrinkles along epipleural margin; striae eight and nine faintly indicated by obscure wavy lines near middle; stria ten complete, indicated by row of coarse punctures adjacent to epipleuron. Epipleuron with erratically spaced, moderately coarse punctures.

Wings. Metathoracic wings greatly reduced. Venter. Prosternum and mesosternum with irregularly spaced, large, shallow, annulate punctures. Meso-metasternal suture moderately roundly arched. Metasternum slightly concave medially; punctures moderately coarse medially; small and scattered anteriorly and posteriorly; large, shallow, annulate laterally. Legs. Profemur densely, coarsely punctate ventrally. Protibia ( Fig. 171) expanded medially in apical half, not notched before apex. Mesofemur and metafemur ventrally with moderately small, irregularly spaced punctures. Metatrochanter unmodified. Metatibia angulate, inner margin crenulate, not lobed apically.

Abdomen. Apical sternite with medium-sized, dense punctures. Pygidium strongly convex, evenly punctate, with median depression at base. Male genitalia. Parameres ( Figs. 173–174) truncate at apex; with apical fringe of very fine, short setae.

Variation. Female unknown.

Bionomics. The single known specimen was collected during the month of August.

Geographic Distribution ( Fig. 175). The species is known only from the type locality near the city of Loja, Ecuador .


National Museum Prague














Cryptocanthon paradoxus Balthasar

Cook, Joyce 2002

Cryptocanthon paradoxus

Howden, H. F. 1973: 40
Balthasar, V. 1942: 37
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF