Cryptocanthon lobipygus Cook, 2002

Cook, Joyce, 2002, A Revision Of The Neotropical Genus Cryptocanthon Balthasar (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 1) 56, pp. 3-96 : 70-72

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scientific name

Cryptocanthon lobipygus Cook


28. Cryptocanthon lobipygus Cook View in CoL sp.nov.

( Figs. 150–155 View Figs )

Material Examined. Two specimens (1 male, 1 female).

Type Material. Holotype: ‘‘ PANAMA: Darien / Estacion Ambiental Cana / 078459 320N, 778419070W / Cerro Pirre , 1,450 m, 6.VI.1996 / R.S. Anderson 96-112A / cloud forest litter’’ ( CMNC) male . Paratype (1): same data as holotype ( CMNC) 1 female .

Etymology. The epithet ‘‘lobipygus’’ (Latin) refers to the lobed pygidial apex of this species.

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished by the following combination of characters: vertical surface of clypeus not foveate; pronotal hypomeron not carinate; inflexed portion of elytron lacking basal fovea; metathoracic wings greatly reduced; apex of pygidium broadly lobed; apical abdominal sternite with median lobe on posterior margin ( Fig. 154 View Figs ); paramere apices angulate-truncate, depressed medially ( Fig. 153 View Figs ).

Description. Holotype. Male. Total length 3.6 mm; greatest width 2.2 mm. Head. Clypeus not strongly produced anteriorly ( Fig. 151 View Figs ). Clypeal teeth well developed, widely separated, moderately reflexed. Clypeal emargination evenly rounded; vertical surface broadly V-shaped, not foveate. Apical margin of clypeus lateral to teeth slightly convexly arcuate. Disc of clypeus concave, with medium-sized punctures separated by one diameter or less. Clypeogenal suture vaguely carinate. Gena not produced, anterior margin even with anterior margin of clypeus; punctures large, shallow, dense. Vertex with very dense, medium-sized punctures. Pronotum. Convex medially, laterally explanate, shallow depressions laterally and with median longitudinal depression in posterior half. Anterior angles approximately right-angled. Sides anterior to lateral angles slightly concavely arcuate; straight posterior to lateral angles. Posterior angles obtuse, abruptly rounded, not incised. Pronotum densely punctate; punctures of disc elongate, curved; laterally and along posterior margin, punctures large, round, annulate; setae very fine, inconspicuous. Pronotal hypomeron convex, coarsely punctate, not carinate posteriorly. Elytra. Transversely and longitudinally moderately convex; lateral carinae not strongly elevated. Each elytron dorsally with seven striae, each stria indicated by two wavy lines. Elytral intervals convex; each interval with row of minute setose punctures on each side adjacent to striae; setae fine, inconspicuous. Inflexed portion of elytron broad, moderately abruptly narrowed apically, with scattered minute punctures and transverse wrinkles; lacking basal fovea; stria eight absent, nine present in apical half, ten complete adjacent to epipleuron. Epipleuron with irregularly spaced fine and large punctures. Wings. Metathoracic wings greatly reduced. Venter. Prosternum with medium-sized, shallow punctures. Mesosternum with scattered small punctures medially; laterally with large, shallow, annulate punctures. Meso-metasternal suture roundly angulate medially. Metasternum with elongate median depression; with fine scattered punctures anteriorly, punctures larger posteriorly; laterally, punctures large, dense, annulate. Legs. Profemur densely punctate ventrally. Protibia ( Fig. 150 View Figs ) with apical half broadened medially and concave ventrally; with small median subapical notch. Mesofemur and metafemur with medium-sized, elongate punctures ventrally. Metatrochanter unmodified. Metatibia weakly angulate, not crenulate; tiny subapical tooth present on inner margin. Abdomen. Apical sternite with strong longitudinal convexity; convexity forming posteriorly produced lobe ( Fig. 154 View Figs ); punctation shallow, dense. Disc of pygidium slightly, evenly convex; densely, shallowly punctate; base narrowly, slightly sulcate; apex broadly lobed, strongly produced. Male genitalia. Each paramere ( Figs. 152–153 View Figs ) with a dorsal depression near apex; apices angulate-truncate, not setose.

Variation. Female. Total length 3.6 mm; greatest width 2.2 mm. Clypeal teeth more strongly developed. Protibia unmodified. Metasternum lacking median depression.

Bionomics. This species has been collected from cloud forest litter at 1,450 m during the month of June.

Geographic Distribution ( Fig. 155). This species is known only from the type locality in the Panamanian province of Darién .

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