Olifantiella mascarenica Riaux-Gobin & Compère

Lobban, Christopher S. & Witkowski, Andrzej, 2023, Marine benthic diatoms of Guam: new records, Dictyoneis apapae sp. nov., and updates to the checklist, Micronesica 2023 (2), pp. 1-75 : 12

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12118784

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Olifantiella mascarenica Riaux-Gobin & Compère


Olifantiella mascarenica Riaux-Gobin & Compère Figs 79, 80

Ref. illus.: Riaux-Gobin & Compère 2009, figs 6–22; Riaux-Gobin 2015, figs 24, 25

Sample: GU52G-A

Dimensions: Valve 9.3 µm long x 2.3 µm wide; striae 50 in 10 µm.

Diagnostics: This species differs from O. pilosella Riaux-Gobin in the shape of the buciniportula, which here is a single trumpet.

Comments: Olifantiella spp. are barely discernable in LM, and the details are at the limit even of the desktop SEM. These images were taken at U. Texas on a full-sized SEM.

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