Cosmodiscus sharovae Fedorenko, 2021

Fedorenko, D. N., 2021, Notes on the genera Aristopus, Cosmodiscus and Metabacetus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini: Abacetina), with description of three new species from Vietnam, Russian Entomological Journal 30 (4), pp. 413-429 : 427

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.30.4.05

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cosmodiscus sharovae Fedorenko


4. Cosmodiscus sharovae Fedorenko , sp.n.

Fig. 68 View Figs 68–70 .

MATERIAL. Holotype ♀ ( ZMMU), labelled: ‘ Vietnam, Gia Lai Province / ~ 55 km ENE Pleiku , 14°17´45´´N / 108°26´57´´E, h = 600 m, at light, 8–20.V.2017 ~ 40 km ENE of Pleiku / 14°17´45´´N / 108°26´57´´E, Kon Ka Kinh Nat [io]n[al]. Park,/ h= 600 m, at light 8–20. V./ D.Fedorenko leg. 2017’. GoogleMaps

DIAGNOSIS. Body ( Fig. 68 View Figs 68–70 ) without maculate elytral pattern, pronotum very transverse, subquadrate, with base much narrower than that of elytra; these having neither parascutellar seta nor discal setae. This species is very similar to C. umeralis , except only that the elytra lack the parascutellar seta.

DESCRIPTION. As for C. rufoapicalis sp.n., except as follows. BL 6.9 mm. Head black, indistinctly reddish; pronotum dark brown in the middle of disc, becoming gradually paler toward lateral margins and less so toward base and apex, so that pronotum widely red along sides; elytra rather pale, reddish brown, outside stria 4 and in apical fourth, with pale colour gradually merging into dark brown toward suture; clypeus, meso- and metathorax laterally, and abdomen reddish brown; body otherwise pale, including, labrum, apical margins of abdominal sternites, and apical half of abdominal sternite VII pale red. Dorsal microsculpture obliterate on neck, and more transverse on pronotum.

Head: neck constriction missing. Frontal sulci short, deep, strongly diverging basad, not reaching the level of anterior supra-ocular setae. Labrum subsinuate. Antennae longer, slightly surpassing pronotal base.

Pronotum very transverse, quadrate, PW/PL 1.75, much wider than head, PW/HW 1.70. Explanate lateral margins narrow in front of anterolateral seta, increasingly wide behind, very wide basally. Base narrow, only a third wider than apex, PB/PA 1.31, much narrower than elytral bases combined, conspicuously oblique outside basal sulci. Apical margin evenly concave, apical angles obtuse, with apices rounded. Median line obliterate basally and apically. Basal sulci deep, running on basal two fifths, finely punctate, more densely and more distinctly at bases, with only a trace of basal bead outside them; explanate margins just inside lateral beads with minute and very sparse punctures.

Elytra about a third longer than wide, EL/EW 1.36, distinctly wider than pronotum, EW/PW 1.30, broadest behind middle, with subtle preapical sinuation. Humeri without tooth, humeral angle very obtuse and rounded. Intervals subconvex, very convex in apical fourth. Neither parascutellar seta nor discal setae. USS: 6–1–8, posterior group of USS continuous.

Underside: Prosternal process slightly pointed at apex, without bead.

Legs. Metatibia with two spiniform setae at outer margin. Mesotarsomere 1 and metatarsomeres 1 and 2 externally sulcate.

NAME. I am honoured to name this species after the late Inessa Khristianovna Sharova, for her major contribution to carabidology, especially ecology of ground beetles.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Known from the type locality only.

HABITATS AND HABITS. The only specimen has been taken at light.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













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