Aristopus picturatus Fedorenko, 2021

Fedorenko, D. N., 2021, Notes on the genera Aristopus, Cosmodiscus and Metabacetus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini: Abacetina), with description of three new species from Vietnam, Russian Entomological Journal 30 (4), pp. 413-429 : 428-429

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.30.4.05

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Aristopus picturatus


KEY TO THE ORIENTAL SPECIES OF ARISTOPUS AND View in CoL COSMODISCUS View in CoL (species in square brackets have not been recorded in Vietnam)

1(8) Pronotal apical bead medially interrupted to indistinct. Abdominal sternite IV with one pair of obligatory medial setae. Eyes smaller, pronotum less transverse, 1.40–1.55 times as wide as long. Elytral pale pattern consisting of a narrow lateral margin up to apex and two, quadrate, slightly longitudinal spots on intervals 4–5 and 2–3 in apical two fifths, adjoining along stria 3 and separated from both suture and apex, without or with ( Figs. 19–20 View Figs 19–24 ) a distinct humeral spot. Dorsal microsculpture indistinct, with very dense transverse lines hardly traceable on elytra ............................... Aristopus LaFerté-Sénectère, 1853 View in CoL

2(3) Elytron with parascutellar seta at base of stria 2, discal seta d2 adjoining stria 2 about three fifths from base; pale humeral spot on intervals 5–7 oblong, almost reaching to slightly surpassing middle. Frontal sulci short. — India, Sri Lanka........ 2. A. picturatus ( Andrewes, 1920) , comb.n.

3(2) Elytron without parascutellar or discal setae; humeral pale spot smaller or missing.

4(5) Humeral pale spot spanning intervals 5– or 6–8 in basal fourth or fifths. Frontal sulci long, reaching posterior supra-ocular seta. Pronotal apical bead obliterate. — Indochina; Nepal......................... 1. A. humeratus sp.n.

5(4) Elytron without humeral spot. Frontal sulci short, not reaching anterior supra-ocular seta. Pronotal apical bead traceable laterally.

6(7) Species from Myanmar... [? A. latus ( Andrewes, 1947) View in CoL ]

7(6) Species from Taiwan..... [ A. kaszabi ( Jedlička, 1954) View in CoL ]

(8)1 Pronotal apical bead entire. Abdominal sternite IV without medial setae. Eyes larger, pronotum very transverse, ca.1.7– 1.9 times as wide as long. Elytra uniform black to rather pale brown or with pale pattern other than above ( Figs 21–23 View Figs 19–24 , 68– 70 View Figs 68–70 ), generally marginal, with vestigial humeral spot, small preapical spot outside stria 3, merging into lateral margin outside stria 6 or 7 and mostly separated by intervals 2 and 3 from apical sutural stripe. Dorsal microsculpture meshed, superficial yet traceable, isodiametric on head, slightly to moderately transverse on pronotum, very transverse on elytra ..................................... Cosmodiscus Sloane, 1907 View in CoL

9(20) Elytra uniform black or brown, or red along sides up to apices.

10(15) Pronotum trapezoidal or nearly so, broadest distinctly behind middle, PLw/PL 0.57–0.68, with base much wider than apex, PB/PA 1.53–1.73, and almost as wide as elytral basses combined. Dorsum uniform black or pronotum and elytra red along sides.

11(14) Elytra with parascutellar seta at base of stria 2, without discal setae.

12(13) Dorsum black ( Fig. 21 View Figs 19–24 ). Pronotum at base very wide, about two thirds as wide as at apex. BL. 6.3–8.5 mm. — India to Japan................ 1. C. platynotus ( Bates, 1873) View in CoL

13(12) Dorsum black, pronotum and elytra pale along sides ( Fig. 23 View Figs 19–24 ). Pronotum at base narrower, slightly more than half wider than at apex. BL. 6.3–7.3 mm. — Philippines and southern Celebes ....... [3. C. rufolimbatus Jedlička, 1936 View in CoL ]

14(11) Elytra without parascutellar seta at base of stria 2, but with discal seta at middle of interval 3 a third from apex.Pronotum very transverse. Elytra black, with reflexed lateral margin, small latero-apical spot and suture in apical third red. BL 7.4 mm. — Central Vietnam............. 2. C. rufoapicalis sp.n.

15(10) Pronotum transverse, subquadrate, distinctly narrow- er than elytra, broadest at middle PLw/PL 0.46–0.48, with base slightly narrower than apex, PB/PA 1.26–1.31, and much narrower than elytral basses combined ( Figs 68– 69 View Figs 68–70 ). Elytra rather dark brown, gradually paler toward lateral margin and toward apices, each without or with a vague humeral spot, without discal setae.

16(19) Pronotum small and very transverse, PW/PL 1.75– 1.80, widely reddish along sides, elytra short, EL/EW 1.32–1.36.

17(18) Elytral parascutellar seta present. Pronotum rather narrowly pale along sides. BL 7.2 mm. — Bali ............ .................................. [5. C. umeralis Andrewes, 1937 View in CoL ]

18(17) Elytral parascutellar seta missing. Pronotum pale in lateral fourth. BL 6.9 mm. — Central Vietnam............. ....................................................... 4. C. sharovae sp.n.

19(16) Pronotum larger and less transverse, PW/PL ca. 1.60, narrowly reddish along sides, elytra slightly longer, EL/ EW 1.40, with parascutellar seta each. — New Guinea.................................... [ C. brunneus View in CoL Darlington, 1962]

20(9) Elytra black, with reddish yellow pattern including large humeral spot, lateral margin outside stria 6 in basal two thirds and oblique band starting behind middle laterally and reaching suture a fourth from apex. Pronotum obtrapezoidal, broadest distinctly behind middle, PLw/ PL 0.65. — Northern Australia and New Guinea.......... ........................................ [ C. rubripictus Sloane, 1907 View in CoL ]

Acknowledgements. I am very grateful to Dr. Max Barclay ( NHML), Dr. Roman Dudko ( SZM), Dr. Boris Kataev ( ZISP), and Dr. Kirill Makarov ( MPSU) for the loan of material under their care and to Igor Melnik (Moscow) for donating specimens. My sincere thanks are also to Dr. Kipling W. Will ( Berkeley , California ) for digital images of many pterostichines discussed in this paper and to Dr. Gyõzõ Szél ( Hungarian Natural History Museum , Budapest ) for his kind answer to my questions concerning some characters of the holotype of Caelostomus kaszabi View in CoL . This study was funded by the Presidium of the Russian academy of sciences, Program No. 41 “Biodiversity of natural systems and biological resources of Russia ” .


Natural History Museum, Tripoli


Saitama Zoogeographical Museum


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


Department of Microbiology, Songkla University













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