Cosmodiscus rufoapicalis Fedorenko, 2021

Fedorenko, D. N., 2021, Notes on the genera Aristopus, Cosmodiscus and Metabacetus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini: Abacetina), with description of three new species from Vietnam, Russian Entomological Journal 30 (4), pp. 413-429 : 425-426

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.30.4.05

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cosmodiscus rufoapicalis Fedorenko


2. Cosmodiscus rufoapicalis Fedorenko , sp.n.

Figs 22 View Figs 19–24 , 44–45 View Figs 38–49 , 53, 64–65 View Figs 50–67 .

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ ( ZMMU) labelled: ‘ Vietnam, Gia Lai Province / ~ 55 km ENE Pleiku , 14°17´45´´N / 108°26´57´´E, h = 600 m, at light, 8–20.V.2017 ~ 40 km ENE of Pleiku / 14°17´45´´N / 108°26´57´´E, Kon Ka Kinh Nat [io]n[al]. Park,/ h= 600 m, at light 8–20. V./ D.Fedorenko leg. 2017’. GoogleMaps

DIAGNOSIS. Very similar to C. platynotus in body shape and proportions, being distinctive in having elytral apices and suture apically pale, red, and the combination of parascutellar seta missing (vs. present) and discal seta d2 present (vs. absent). Aedeagus is slightly different, in ventral view parallel-sided (vs. narrower in apical than in basal half), with apex more symmetrical, and shorter in lateral view.

DESCRIPTION. BL 7.4 mm. Body ( Fig. 22 View Figs 19–24 ) shiny black, lateral bead of pronotum, reflexed lateral margin of elytra, elytral interval 1 in apical third, latero-apical macula outside stria 3 between apical fifth mesally to apical third laterally, legs, antennae, mouthparts and labrum red; explanate margins of pronotum translucent with red. Underside black, prothorax ventrally and abdominal sternite along apical margin slightly reddish. Dorsal microsculpture meshed, very superficial, isodiametric on head, moderately transverse on pronotum, very transverse on elytra, granulate in marginal groove of the latter, not well traceable here and there on head and at middle of both pronotal disc and elytra, distinct over explanate margins of pronotum.

Head with abruptly prominent eyes and a nearly imperceptible neck constriction on sides. Frontal sulci short, deep, very slightly diverging basad, disappearing on a level with anterior supra-ocular setae. Labrum truncate, with indistinct sinuation at middle. Antennae short, not reaching pronotal base.

Pronotum transverse, obtrapezoidal, almost twice as wide as long and as much as wide as head, PW/PL 1.90, PW/HW 1.89. Sides rounded, lateral margins only slightly reflexed yet very widely explanate toward base, borderline between explanate margins and disc obliterate basally. Margins finely beaded throughout except basally, apical bead very distinct, medially flat and much wider than laterally. Base truncate and gently trisinuate, much wider than apex, PB/PA 1.63; basal angles obtuse and rounded, but minutely toothed. Basal sulci deep, indistinctly converging apicad, running on basal third, more shallow basally. Apical margin rather deeply concave between obtuse and rounded apical angles. Median line fine yet distinct, nearly entire, obliterate just basally. Disc convex and smooth; basal sulci, basal angles and explanate margins closer to lateral beads in apical half very finely and very sparsely punctate.

Elytra short, a fourth longer than wide, EL/EW 1.27, almost as wide as pronotum, EW/PW 1.08, widely oval, almost parallel-sided in middle third, broadest slightly before middle; apices rounded combined. Humeri rather distinct, with a distinct small tooth; basal ridge transverse, barely convex outside stria 3, humeral angle very obtuse. Striae entire, deep, minutely crenulate, much deeper apically and toward lateral margin. Intervals convex, very so in apical third and toward lateral margin, those 1 and 2 subconvex on disc. Parascutellar seta missing, interval 3 two-fifths from apex with a distinct seta d2, which is subequally distant from striae 2 and 3. Stria 7 with two apical setae. USS: 6–1–8, setigerous pores of posterior group ( US 8–15): 4–4, US 3 adjoining stria 9, US 11 large, adjoining striae 8 and 9.

Underside finely and rather densely punctate, except for along middle and prothorax. Sides of abdominal sternites IV–VII finely and densely striate along bases. Prosternum without median groove, prosternal process apically beaded.

Legs. Protibia with three latero-apical spines. Metafemur bisetose. Mesotibia with four spiniform anterolateral setae, inner setal brush consisting of 6+1 setae; metatibia with single spiniform seta at middle of external ridge. Meso- and metatarsomere 1 externally sulcate.

Aedeagus ( Figs 44–45 View Figs 38–49 , 53, 64–65 View Figs 50–67 ): median lobe in ventral view parallel-sided, with a slight ventral carina.

NAME. Refers elytra with red apex against black.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Known from the type locality only.

HABITATS AND HABITS. The only specimen has been taken at light.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













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