Cosmodiscus louwerensi, Fedorenko, 2021

Fedorenko, D. N., 2021, Notes on the genera Aristopus, Cosmodiscus and Metabacetus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini: Abacetina), with description of three new species from Vietnam, Russian Entomological Journal 30 (4), pp. 413-429 : 426-427

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.30.4.05

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scientific name

Cosmodiscus louwerensi


3. Cosmodiscus rufolimbatus Jedlička, 1936 View in CoL

Figs 23–24 View Figs 19–24 .

Jedlička, 1936: 103 (Mindanao, Philippines); Straneo, 1940: 217; Darlington, 1962: 514. — louwerensi Straneo, 1940: 215 (Saleier Is., S Celebes) ; Darlington, 1962: 515, syn.n.

MATERIAL. Holotype ♀ ( NHML) without right antennomeres 2–11, labelled: ‘Type’, circle margined with red; ‘Philippine Is./ Coll.Bottcher./ BM.1929–201.’, ‘ Philippine Islands / Mindanao / 5:II: 191 5 / Coll. Bottcher’, ‘ Cosmodiscus rufolimbatus / type sp.n. / det.ING.JEDLIČKA’, ‘ NHMUK 014486294’. Paratype ♂ ( NHML) of C. louwerensi (without left antennomeres 4–11 as a result of vital loss) labelled: ‘ Isl. Saleier / Somarisi ’, red ‘Paratypus’, ‘ Cosmodiscus / Louwerensi n.sp. /dët. ing. Straneo’, ‘H.E.Andrewes Coll./ B.M.1945–97.’, ‘ NHMUK 014486387’.

DIAGNOSIS. See the key below.

REDESCRIPTION. BL 6.3–7.3 mm. Body ( Figs 23–24 View Figs 19–24 ) Black, pronotum rather narrowly reddish along sides, slightly more so towards base. Scutellum and elytral base slightly reddish. Elytral sutural interval in apical third, extreme apices, lateral margin outside stria 7, interval 7 in about basal eighth and behind middle deep red, with pale colour slightly dilated in form of an oblique preapical macula spanning intervals 6 to 4 in a bit more than apical fourth. Mouthparts, labrum, antennomeres 1–3 and legs reddish-yellow, tibiae and tarsi slightly infuscated, reddish brown, antennomeres 4– 11 less so. Head shiny, without microsculpture, but clypeus and anterior half of frons with very superficial isodiametric meshes; pronotum with very superficial wide meshes becoming more distinct and moderately transverse toward sides of base, elytral microsculpture superficial, consisting of rather narrow transverse meshes.

Head. Frontal sulci short, slightly diverging, moderately deep, almost reaching level of anterior supra-ocular seta. Neck constriction hardly traceable on sides. Labrum subtransverse and barely sinuate. Antennae rather short, not reaching pronotal base.

Pronotum subquadrate, transverse, PW/PL 1.77, PW/ HW 1.85. Sides rounded, explanate lateral margins very wide basally to no apically. Base truncate, half wider than apex, PB/PA 1.53, subsinuate between basal sulci and lateral margin; basal angles obtuse, with only a trace of apical tooth. Apex evenly and rather slightly sinuate between obtuse and slightly projecting apical angles. Groove inside fine lateral bead narrow, very sparsely and vaguely punctate. Basal sulci fine, moderately deep, parallel, running on basal two fifths, reaching base, finely and sparsely punctate at bottom (rather crenulate), median line fine, obliterate in basal fifth.

Elytra wide, EL/EW 1.30, subparallel-sided, barely wid- er than pronotum, EW/PW 1.18, with a distinct preapical sinuation and a small re-entrant angle between extreme apices. Base slightly oblique, humeri rounded yet distinct, with a very microscopic spiniform tooth, basal ridge nearly straight and transverse, humeral angle very obtuse and almost round- ed. Striae fine, deep, crenulate; intervals barely convex on disc, convex laterally, very convex in apical third. Lateral groove uneven, densely to confluently punctate and thence partly obliquely cross-striated. USS: 6–1–8/ 6–1–8.

Underside moderately and rather densely punctate along sides, sides of abdomen less so, propleura nearly impunctate. Prosternal process without marginal bead, inclination convex.

Legs. Protibia with three latero-apical spines and four posterior spines. Mesotibia with four spiniform anterolateral setae and one posterolateral seta on a level with distal anterolateral seta; inner setal brush consisting of 6+1 setae. Metatibia with two lateral setae. Metafemur bisetose.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Known to-date from Mindanao, Philippines, and Selayar Is., southern Celebes.


COMMENTS. The examined male paratype of C. louwerensi ( Fig. 24 View Figs 19–24 ) is different from the male holotype of C. rufolimbatus in the following. Body colouration slightly more contrasting, with pale red pattern more distinct and more developed. It covers slightly wider lateral margins of the pronotum, elytral sutural interval in apical fourth, extreme apices, lateral margins outside stria 6, interval 6 in basal fourth, and intervals 4–6 in about apical third; this preapical spot being about same size, yet almost straight at anterior margin. Tibiae barely infuscated. Pronotal basal sulci more shallow, almost obliterate in their basal two fifths; a vestigial basal bead traceable except for in middle and lateral fifths; basal angles obtuse and rounded; explanate lateral margin rather wide (vs. absent) in front of anterolateral seta. Elytral striae wider, intervals slightly convex on disc.Lateral groove nearly smooth. USS: 7–8/ 6–1–8. Prosternal process with a faint bead at apex. Propleura smooth. Leg setation: Mesotibia with 4–5 anterolateral setae, posterolateral seta just distal to distal anterolateral seta, inner setal brush consisting of 7+1 setae; metatibia with three lateral setae.

These differences do not exceed the limits of individual or geographic variability of respective characters in other examined species of the genus. Therefore, they are insufficient to maintain species status of the two species discussed, for which reason both these names are here recognized as conspecific.


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