CLUPEOIDEI sensu Grande, 1985

Alvarado-Ortega, Jesús, Cuevas-García, Martha, Melgarejo-Damián, Pilar, Cantalice, Kleyton Magno, Alaniz-Galvan, Abril, Solano-Templos, Gisel & Than-Marchese, Bruno Andrés, 2015, Paleocene fishes from Palenque, Chiapas, southeastern Mexico, Palaeontologia Electronica 10 (14), pp. 1-22 : 7-8

publication ID 10.26879/536

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scientific name

CLUPEOIDEI sensu Grande, 1985


Suborder CLUPEOIDEI sensu Grande, 1985

FIGURE 4. 1, General view of the specimen IGM 4548, a clupeid from the Paleocene marine strata at División del Norte, Municipality of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico. 2, Close-up of the pectoral girdle. 3, Close-up of the caudal region. Abbreviations: as, abdominal scutes; pcl, posclethra; pu1+un1, pural centra 1 and uroneural 1 fused to each other; numbers show the position of ribs and vertebrae. Scale bar equals 10 mm.

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