Ceresium quinquemaculatum, Yokoi, 2023

Yokoi, Yaheita, 2023, Note on genitalia and taxonomy of the Callidiopini from the Philippines, with description of six new species and two subspecies (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae), Contributions to Entomology 73 (1), pp. 31-66 : 31

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scientific name

Ceresium quinquemaculatum

sp. nov.

Ceresium quinquemaculatum sp. nov.

Figs 11A-F View Figure 11 , 29A, B View Figures 28–30

Type material.

Holotype ♀ (SMF): "Phil. I., Don Salvador, Benedicto Negros, Occid. Visayas VII-2015, Cope Collection". (former CJC).


The name of this species refers to its altogether five maculae on pronotum and scutellum.


Colour yellowish brown. Pronotum evenly rounded; with four tomenta-maculae; surface longitudinally striate-retuculate. Scutellum with tomentum. Elytra apically tapering.


Holotype ♀: TL = 10.2 mm; EL/TL = 0.68; EL/EW = 2.70; HW/PW = 0.84; PL/PW = 0.95; PA/PW = 0.66; PB/PW = 0.82.


Colour yellowish brown; pronotum and head darker; setae pale-yellowish.

Head narrower than pronotum; glossy; densely punctured or sub-reticulate; setae sparse, short and fine. Frons transverse, sub-rectangular, flattened, not steep. Vertex broad, shallowly concave; reticulate (Fig. 11E View Figure 11 ). Occiput finely sub-striate. Eyes separated from each other by half the width of occiput or about three times of the upper eye-lobes. Antennal supports broad, flattened, sub-reticulate or densely punctate. Antennae reaching elytral apices by the last article. Length of antennomeres relative to scape: III = 0.86; IV = 0.84; V = 1.1; VI = 1.1; VII = 1.05; VIII = 1.0; IX = 0.92; X = 0.92; XI = 0.92. Scapes moderately clavate, slightly arcuate.

Pronotum resembles that of C. striatocolle ; more evenly rounded, sub-spherical; a little shorter than broad; with two pairs of tomenta-maculae; the latero-apical maculae large, oval, oblique, clearly bordered; the latero-basal ones smaller, with irregular boundaries; setae otherwise sparse, short, stout, disorderly. Surface of disc longitudinally striate-reticulate. Sides distinctly and evenly arcuate, though basal 1/7 constricted; punctures on sides large and deep.

Elytra short, tapering sub-linear toward apices; disc well-flattened. Punctures dense, apically attenuating; setae short and curved.

Legs short and stout; femora clavate from base on.

Venter (Fig. 11B-C View Figure 11 ): Prosternum convex, rounded; punctures dense, variable in size, setiferous; setae short, curved, disorderly. Prosternal process apically expanded; apex truncated. Mesoventrite saddle-shaped; setae short and curved; punctures in the middle dense and large. Mesoventral process broad, flattened; apex moderately emarginated. Metaventrite shallowly, coarsely punctured along the median furrow; setae in the middle sparse, short and curved; dense, recumbent and aligned near sides. Abdomen glossy, sub-glabrous; setae sparse in middle, denser on sides. 7th sternite sub-trapezoidal, though apex weakly arcuate.

Female genitalia (Figs 11F View Figure 11 , 29A, B View Figures 28–30 ): Blade of 8th sternite sub-squarish; slightly narrowed toward base; basal corners acute; apex fringed with setae of medium length; peduncle 2.6 times as long as blade. 8th tergite weakly dilated toward base. 9th sternite short and broad; coxite as long as paraproct. Vaginal plates strongly arcuate. Spermatheca kidney-shaped; constricted near base, as in C. striatocolle .


Visaya, Philippines.

Comparative notes.

Pronotum of this new species is reminiscent of C. striatocolle from Borneo. Above all, the striate-reticulate disc and lateral tomento-maculae are commonly shared. However, the pronotal sides of the new species are more evenly rounded, while the maculae are larger and more clearly bordered. In addition, it obviously differs in body colour. Further, the head is more densely punctured or sub-reticulate, while the setae are shorter and finer. Female genitalia are analogous, differing in details (Fig. 11F View Figure 11 , 29A, B View Figures 28–30 , 30A-C View Figures 28–30 ). The relationship between these two species should be further explored, with comparison of male genitalia.











