Euura viduata ( Zetterstedt, 1838 )
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Plazi (2025-03-03 10:25:10, last updated 2025-03-20 21:31:02) |
scientific name |
Euura viduata ( Zetterstedt, 1838 ) |
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291 Euura viduata ( Zetterstedt, 1838)
Figs 306 View Figs 304–308 , 522–523 View Figs 520–533
Tenthredo viduata Zetterstedt, 1838: 351 . Lectotype designated below.
Nematus striatipes Hartig, 1840: 26 . Lectotype designated below. Syn. nov.
Nematus lepidotus Hartig, 1840: 26 . Lectotype designated below. Synonymy by Konow (1905b).
Nematus palliceps Hartig, 1840: 25 . Lectotype designated below. Syn. nov.
Nematus brachyotus Förster, 1854a: 295–297 . Syntypes ♀♀ (ZSM), not located. Type locality: Germany, Aachen area. Synonymy by Konow (1905b).
Nematus luctuosus Förster, 1854a: 342–344 . Syntypes ♀♀ (ZSM), not located. Type locality: Germany, Aachen area. Synonymy by Konow (1895).
Nematus notatus Förster, 1854a: 298–299 . Lectotype designated below. Synonymy by Lindqvist (1941b).
Nematus vagus Zaddach, 1883 in Brischke 1883: 186–187. Syntypes ♀ ♂, probably destroyed ( Blank & Taeger 1998). Type localities: Russia, Kaliningrad [Königsberg]; Poland, Gdansk [Danzig]; Finland; Silesia. Synonymy by Konow (1895). Secondary homonym of Tenthredo vaga Fabricius, 1781 [ Euura vaga ].
Amauronematus viduatus var. lugens Enslin, 1915: 379 . Syntypes ♀♀, not located. Type locality: not stated. Synonymy by Muche (1975).
Amauronematus viduatus var. laetus Enslin, 1915: 379 . Lectotype designated below. Synonymy by Muche (1975).
Amauronematus (Brachycoluma) spaethi Liston, 2005: 272–273 . Syn. nov.
Smooth mesepisternum, at least slightly pale pronotum, hypopygium, valvifer 2, and tergum 9, pale cerci, distinctly curved lancet with 20–24 annuli and basal two annuli with rudiments of serrulae enable identification of the females. The distinctive penis valve (somewhat rectangular paravalva, large broad valvispina, distinct invagination between valvispina and ventroapical lobe of paravalva) enables reliable identification of males. The penis valve of one male (DEI-GISHym31865, Fig. 524 View Figs 520–533 ) differs only in lacking an invagination between the valvispina and the ventroapical lobe of the paravalva. Although this specimen might represent an additional species occurring in the Alps, associated females do not seem to be morphologically distinguishable from E. viduata , nor is there a clear genetic difference.
4.5–6.5 mm. Head black to extensively pale around eyes; labrum pale; clypeus black to pale; supraclypeal area black to pale; antenna black; thorax black to extensively pale laterally and slightly pale dorsally; pronotum slightly to extensively pale posteriorly; tegula black to pale; pterostigma centrally paler than externally; metafemur black to pale; metatibia pale or brown; hind tarsus black or brown; abdomen mostly black to extensively pale apically, but at least hypopygium, valvifer 2 and tergum 9 slightly pale; valvula 3 black to slightly pale basally; cerci pale; mesepisternum smooth; valvula 3 of medium length, in dorsal view gradually narrowing to an acute tip.
4–5 mm. Head black or slightly brown around eyes; labrum black to pale; clypeus black to pale; supraclypeal area black; antenna black; thorax black; pronotum black to extensively pale; tegula black to extensively pale; pterostigma brown, sometimes centrally paler than externally; metafemur black to extensively pale; metatibia pale or brown; hind tarsus black or brown; abdomen black; sternum 9 brown or pale; mesepisternum smooth; projection of tergum 8 medium-sized.
Nematus palliceps has until now mostly been placed as a synonym of Euura clitellata ( Serville, 1823) , e.g., by Lacourt (1999), and Taeger et al. (2010). The lectotype of N. palliceps does not disagree with the extremely brief characterisation by Hartig (1840), and bears an original cabinet label by Hartig “ palliceps ”. Confusingly, this specimen also bears determination labels by O. Conde and A. Saarinen as respectively Nematus pallicercus Hartig, 1837 and Amauronematus pallicercus ( Hartig, 1837) . Nematus pallicercus was treated by Konow (1905b) as a synonym of Amauronematus fallax auct. nec Lepeletier, 1823 [i.e., as a species of the Euura histrio species group], and more recently sometimes as the name of a valid species of Amauronematus , e.g., by Taeger et al. (2010). Hartig (1837) stated that the two female syntypes of N. pallicercus have a body length equivalent to that of “the preceding species” [ Nematus miniatus ], which is given as 3.5 lines [approximately 7.9 mm]. This is significantly larger than the 6.2 mm body length of the lectotype of N. palliceps . Neither does the colour of the abdomen of pallicercus described by Hartig fit the palliceps lectotype [translated from German]: “the dorsum of the abdomen, which is reddish-edged on the sides, is blackish rusty-brown, only the first segment is deep black” [ palliceps lectotype: terga 1–8 uniformly deep black, except for their pale ventral margins]. We conclude that no type specimen of N. pallicercus exists, and because it is not possible to identify it from the description as belonging to a currently recognised taxon, that it should be treated as a species incertae sedis.
Type material examined
Lectotype Tenthredo viduata , here designated
SWEDEN – Norrbotten • ♀; Kengis Bruk ; 67.192° N, 23.506° E; MZLU, MZLU2017260 About MZLU . GoogleMaps
The slide preparation PR.721 VV was not located.
Lectotype Nematus striatipes , here designated
GERMANY • ♂; northern Germany [according to Hartig 1840: 22]; ZSM, DEI-GISHym12545 .
Lectotype Nematus lepidotus , here designated
GERMANY • ♂; northern Germany [according to Hartig 1840: 22]; ZSM, DEI-GISHym12544 .
Lectotype Nematus palliceps , here designated
GERMANY • ♀; northern Germany [according to Hartig 1840: 22]; ZSM, GBIF-GISHym3054 .
Lectotype Nematus notatus , here designated
GERMANY – Nordrhein-Westfalen • ♀; Aachen area ; 50.77° N, 6.09° E; ZSM, GBIF-GISHym3059 . GoogleMaps
Lectotype Amauronematus viduatus var. laetus , here designated
GERMANY – Nordrhein-Westfalen • ♀; Crefeld [Krefeld]; Ulbricht leg.; 51.34° N, 6.58° E; SDEI, GBIF-GISHym4105 GoogleMaps .
Holotype Amauronematus (Brachycoluma) spaethi
FRANCE – Corsica • ♀; SW Porto Vecchio , Tamaricciu Valley ; 41.57° N, 9.24° E; 20 m a.s.l.; 7 Apr. 2004; J. Späth leg.; reared ex larva on Salix atrocinerea ; SDEI, GBIF-GISHym4104 . GoogleMaps
Host plants
A wide spectrum of Salix spp. (Taeger et al. 1998; Macek et al. 2020).
Based on 29 specimens, maximum within-species distance is 6.09% and the nearest neighbour, diverging by a minimum of 1.82%, is Euura erecta .
Based on 24 specimens, maximum within-species distance is 1% (0.93% based on haplotypes of individual females). The nearest neighbour, diverging by a minimum of 0.32%, is Euura viduata group specimen DEI-GISHym31865.
Distribution and material examined
Palaearctic. Specimens studied are from Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
Brischke C. G. A. 1883. Beobachtungen uber die Arten der Blatt- und Holzwespen von C. G. A. Brischke, Hauptlehrer a. D. in Langfuhr und Dr. Gustav Zaddach Professor in Konigsberg, mitgetheilt von Brischke aus Zaddach's Manuscripten. Schriften der physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft zu Konigsberg 23: 127-200. Available from [accessed 20 Nov. 2024].
Enslin E. 1915. Die Tenthredinoidea Mitteleuropas IV. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift [1915] (4): 311-412.
Fabricius J. C. 1781. Species insectorum, exhibentes eorum differentias specificas, synonyma auctorum, loca natalia, metamorphosin, adjectis observationibus, descriptionibus. impensis C. E. Bohnii, Hamburg and Kiel [Hamburgi et Kilonii].
Forster A. 1854 a. Neue Blattwespen. Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereines der preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens 1: 265-350. Available from [accessed 20 Nov. 2024].
Hartig T. 1837. Die Aderflugler Deutschlands mit besonderer Berucksichtigung ihres Larvenzustandes und ihres Wirkens in Waldern und Garten fur Entomologen, Wald- und Gartenbesitzer. Die Familien der Blattwespen und Holzwespen nebst einer allgemeinen Einleitung zur Naturgeschichte der Hymenopteren. Haude und Spenersche Buchhandlung, Berlin.
Hartig T. 1840. Hymenopterologische Mittheilungen vom Forstrathe Dr. Th. Hartwig. Entomologische Zeitung 1 (2): 19-28. Available from [accessed 20 Nov. 2024].
Konow F. W. 1895. Analytische und kritische Bearbeitung der Gattung Amauronematus Knw. Termeszetrajzi Fuzetek 18: 166-187. Available from [accessed 20 Nov. 2024].
Konow F. W. 1905 b. Hymenoptera. Fam. Tenthredinidae. Genera Insectorum 29: 1-176. Available from [accessed 20 Nov. 2024].
Lacourt J. 1999. Repertoire des Tenthredinidae ouest-palearctiques (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Memoires de la Societe entomologique de France 3: 1-432.
Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau A. 1823. Monographia Tenthredinetarum synonymia extricata. Plassan, Paris.
Lindqvist E. 1941 b. Zur Kenntnis einiger Amauronematus - Arten (Hym. Tenthr.). Notulae Entomologicae 20 (2 - 4): 56-71.
Liston A. D. 2005. The sawfly genus Amauronematus in Corsica, with a new species of the subgenus Brachycoluma (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae). Beitrage zur Entomologie 55 (2): 271-277.
Macek J., Roller L., Benes K., Holy K. & Holusa J. 2020. Blanokridli Ceske a Slovenske republiky II. Siropasi. Academia, Praha.
Muche W. H. 1975. Die Blattwespen Mitteleuropas. Die Gattung Amauronematus Konow (Hymenoptera, Nematinae). Entomologische Abhandlungen. Staatliches Museum fur Tierkunde in Dresden 40 (Supp. 2): 1-53.
Serville A. J. G. 1823. Hymenopteres. In: Vieillot P., Desmarest A. G., De Blainiville, H. M. D., Prevost C., Serville A. & Lepelletier de Saint Fargeau L. - M. (eds) Faune Francaise, ou histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere, des animaux qui se trouvent en France (...) Livr. 7 & 8: 1-96. Chez Rapet, Paris.
Taeger A. & Blank S. M. 1998. Beitrag zur Kenntnis einiger Nematinae (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). In: Taeger A. & Blank S. M. (eds) Pflanzenwespen Deutschlands (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Kommentierte Bestandsaufnahme: 247-277. Goecke & Evers, Keltern.
Taeger A., Blank S. M. & Liston A. D. 2010. World catalog of Symphyta (Hymenoptera). Zootaxa 2580: 1-1064.
Zetterstedt J. W. 1838. Ordo IV. Hymenoptera. In: Zetterstedt J. W. (ed.) Insecta Lapponica descripta. Sectio Secunda. Hymenoptera: 326-358. L. Voss, Leipzig [Lipsiae].
Figs 304–308. Lancets of Euura Newman, 1837. 304. rectiserra (Lindqvist, 1971), holotype, ♀ 305. viduatoides (Lindqvist, 1960) ZMUO.038737. 306. viduata (Zetterstedt, 1838) PR.254VV. 307. anthracina (Lindqvist, 1959) ZMUO.041203. 308. distinguenda (Enslin, 1915) DEI-GISHym20792.
Figs 520–533. Penis valves of Euura Newman, 1837. 520. cornuta (Lindqvist, 1962), Amauronematus cornutus Lindqvist, 1962, holotype 521. nitidipleuris (Malaise, 1931) 522. viduata (Zetterstedt, 1838) DEI-GISHym12011. 523. viduata DEI-GISHym12511. 524. viduata group sp. DEI-GISHym31865. 525. viduatoides? (Lindqvist, 1960) ZMUO.032626. 526. erecta (Lindqvist, 1945) DEI-GISHym12074. 527. erecta DEI-GISHym12062. 528. leucolena (Brischke, 1883) ZMUO.038728. 529. leucolena ZMUO.060514. 530. malaisei (Hellén, 1970) ZMUO.033815. 531. rectiserra (Lindqvist, 1971) ZMUO.043842. 532. anthracina (Lindqvist, 1959) 1e. 533. distinguenda (Enslin, 1915) PR.620VV.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
SuperFamily |
Tenthredinoidea |
Family |
SubFamily |
Nematinae |
Tribe |
Nematini |
Genus |
Euura viduata ( Zetterstedt, 1838 )
Prous, Marko, Liston, Andrew, Monckton, Spencer K., Kramp, Katja, Vårdal, Hege, Vikberg, Veli, Heibo, Erik & Mutanen, Marko 2025 |
Nematus brachyotus Förster, 1854a: 295–297
Forster A. 1854: 297 |
Nematus striatipes
Hartig T. 1840: 26 |
Nematus lepidotus
Hartig T. 1840: 26 |
Nematus palliceps
Hartig T. 1840: 25 |
Tenthredo viduata
Zetterstedt J. W. 1838: 351 |
Nematus luctuosus Förster, 1854a: 342–344
Nematus luctuosus Förster, 1854a: 342–344 |
Nematus notatus Förster, 1854a: 298–299
Nematus notatus Förster, 1854a: 298–299 |
Nematus vagus
Nematus vagus Zaddach, 1883 |
Amauronematus viduatus var. lugens
Amauronematus viduatus var. lugens Enslin, 1915: 379 |
Amauronematus viduatus var. laetus
Amauronematus viduatus var. laetus Enslin, 1915: 379 |
Amauronematus (Brachycoluma) spaethi
Amauronematus (Brachycoluma) spaethi Liston, 2005: 272–273 |