Cylindrinotina Español, 1956

Nabozhenko, Maxim & Ando, Kiyoshi, 2018, Subtribal, Generic And Subgeneric Composition Of Darkling Beetles Of The Tribe Helopini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) In The Eastern Palaearctic Region, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 64 (4), pp. 277-327 : 292-293

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Cylindrinotina Español, 1956


Subtribe Cylindrinotina Español, 1956

( Figs 7–26 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig )

General differential morphology. Adult. Head with ( Figs 14A View Fig , 18A View Fig ) or rarely without posterior grooves ( Figs 20A View Fig , 23A View Fig ) or with deep wrinkle ( Figs 8B View Fig , 16A View Fig ) beginning at lower aspect of the eyes. Labrofrontoclypeal membrane always exposed. Abdominal ventrite 5 not beaded along outer margin in most of all taxa excluding Microdocnemis Nabozhenko et Keskin, 2010 (but often with finely beaded posterior end).

Male genitalia. Apical piece flattened laterally at apex ( Figs 7B,F View Fig , 17B,G,L), with punctation, each puncture with very small seta directed toward the apex (‘nalassoid’ type of genitalia) or apical piece flattened dorso-ventrally at apex ( Figs 7G View Fig ), neither punctured nor setiferous (‘cylindrinotoid’ type of genitalia). Alae of apical piece moderately long, merged, concealed only half of median lobe, not reaching base of basal piece ( Figs 7A,E,I,O View Fig , 17A,F,K). Basal piece separated from alae by connecting membrane only in apical half, with connecting membrane between margins in basal half. Median lobe acute apically, only with one apex, with weakly sclerotized baculi, which are not connected at base. Female genital tubes. Spermatheca composed of single long tube and short accessory gland ( Figs 7M View Fig , 17P). Only the subgenus Caucasohelops Nabozhenko, 2006 of the genus Eustenomacidius Nabozhenko, 2006 has multibranched spermatheca (NABOZHENKO 2006). Valve between spermathecal and accessory gland ducts is absent.

Larva. Abdominal segment IX with small cylindrical or conical protuberances at base of urogomphi. Abdominal tergit VIII without protuberances.











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