Ripersiella Tinsley, 1899

Kaydan, Mehmet Bora, Konczné Benedicty, Zsuzsanna, Williams, Douglas J. & Szita, Éva, 2017, Scale Insect (Hemiptera, Coccomorpha) Survey Of Soil Samples From Southern Asia With Description Of Two New Species Of Rhizoecidae, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (3), pp. 309-325 : 318-319

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.63.3.309.2017

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scientific name

Ripersiella Tinsley


Ripersiella Tinsley

Ripersiella Tinsley (inCockerell, 1899: 278).

Typespecies. Ripersiarumicis Maskell, 1892.

Rhizoecus (Pararhizoecus) Goux, 1941b: 197 . Typespecies: Rhizoecus (Para Rhizoecus ) petiti Goux, bymonotypyandoriginaldesignation.

Pararhizoecus; Goux, 1943: 41. Change of status.

Description – Body of adult female small, elongate to round, usually membranous. Anal lobe poorly or moderately developed, often bearing 3 long apical setae (1 ventral and 2 dorsal) or with numerous short setae. Antennae short, strongly geniculate placed close together, each antennae 5 or 6 segmented, segments 2–5 often wider than long, last seg- ment usually longer than wide, when 6 segmented, segment V with 1 falcate sensory seta, segment VI with 4 falcate sensory setae. When 5 segmented, 5 falcate sensory setae present on terminal segment, 1 of them near base of segment, characteristic of this group of species whenfifthandsixthsegmentsfused. Labiumlongerthanwide. Legswelldeveloped, tar- sususuallyshorterthantibia, oftenwithspine- likesetaeoninnermargins, tarsustapering. Claw slender and elongate, with short setose or knobbed digitules about as long as claw. Eyes present or absent. Circuli, if present, numbering 1–6, each circulus truncate conical, elongate cylindrical or bulbous with distal end sometimes flat, reticulated or with minute papilla- like projections. Anterior and posterior ostioles normally present.

Frons often with a ventral sclerotized cephalic plate, sometimes with a few setae on margin. Body setae usually short and hair- like (flagellate), often extensively covering surface. Trilocular pores present. Oral collar tubular ducts present. Multilocular disc pores each with 7–12 loculi, present or absent. Discoidal pores sometimes present. Tritubular pores in female absent. Bitubular pores usually present, occasionally absent, sometimes tubes short and wide or long and narrow, normally on both surfaces. Anal ring well de- veloped, with large elongate to triangular pores bearing six hair- like setae. Anal ring pores often with different sizes of spicules.

Internal genital organ showing great variation in structure, shape and size (KOZÁR & KONCZNé BENEDICTY 2007). Length of vulva + common oviduct sometimes only as long as half width of segment or as long as wide as three segments. Distance of vulval accessory glands from opening of vulva also very different (modified also in part from KOZÁR & KONCZNé BENEDICTY 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007).

Host plant. Host plants of many species unknown.

Biology. Several species are important pests on roots of different plants. Most of the species were found in soil, in litter or in moss collected by Berlese funnel.











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