Taharana mediolata, Nielson, 2015

Nielson, M. W., 2015, A revision of the tribe Coelidiini of the Oriental, Palearctic and Australian biogeographical regions (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Coelidiinae), Insecta Mundi 2015 (410), pp. 1-202 : 68

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scientific name

Taharana mediolata

sp. nov.

Taharana mediolata View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Plate 6I View PLATE 6 , Fig. 382-388 View Figures 382-388 )

Description. Length. Male 7.00-7.30 mm., female unknown.

External morphology. Medium size, slender species. General color black. Forewings black, veins with short yellow stripes, cells with numerous, irregular shaped, light brown markings; mesonotum black with few yellow spots; pronotum black, bullae yellow; crown brown with black markings; eyes light brown, translucent; face dark brown, lateral sutures of clypeus black; head narrower than pronotum, anterior margin nearly acutely rounded, crown short, narrower than width of eyes, lateral margins convergent basally; eyes large, semi oval; pronotum large, nearly half again medially as long as crown; mesonotum large, nearly twice as long medially as pronotum; clypeus long, broad, lateral margins broadly convex, slightly excised near middle; clypellus short, about 1/3 as long as clypeus, narrow, apex flared.

Male genitalia. Pygofer in lateral view elongate, caudodorsal process very broad, apex abruptly narrowed, glabrous, caudoventral process long broad medially, serrate on ventral margin ( Fig. 382 View Figures 382-388 ), in dorsal view broad in basal half, apex obliquely truncate ( Fig. 383 View Figures 382-388 ); aedeagus long, tubular, inflated in basal 1/ 5 in dorsal view, patch of fine teeth on dorsoapical margin, gonopore near middle ( Fig. 384, 385 View Figures 382-388 ); style small, short, digitate apophysis ( Fig. 386 View Figures 382-388 ); dorsal connective long, very narrow ( Fig. 384 View Figures 382-388 ); connective small, anterior arms curved anteriorly, stem small, ovate ( Fig. 387 View Figures 382-388 ); subgenital plate long, narrow, curved in apical 1/5, glabrous ( Fig. 388 View Figures 382-388 ).

Material examined. Holotype male. THAILAND: Ratchthani Pha Taem NP, Saengjan Waterfall, 15 o 31.985’N. / 105 o 35.774’E., Pan traps, 8-9.ix.2006, Mitchai Sai-gnam, leg. T884 ( QSBG) GoogleMaps . Paratypes, 1 male, same data as holotype except Foot of Phu Kra Jeaw. 15 o 39.989’N / 105 o 30.468’E., Pan traps, 9- 10.xii.2006, Thongcome and Pakdee, leg. T1197 ( ULKY) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data as holotype except / waterfall, 15 o 31.985’N. 105 o 35.774’E., 155 m., / 10.iii.2007, Porntip Tonsu and Bunlu Sapsiri, leg. T2138 ( MLBM) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The name of the species is descriptive for the medial broad caudoventral pygofer process.

Remarks. From T. protriangulata to which it is similar in pygofer features, T. mediolata can be distinguished by the broad caudodorsal processes with abruptly narrowed apex in lateral view and broad in basal 3/4, broad medial caudoventral process and narrow, curved subgenital plate.


University of Louisville













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