Zanna Kirkaldy, 1902

Constant, Jérôme & Pham, Hong Thai, 2024, Four new species of the lanternfly genus Zanna Kirkaldy, 1902 from Cambodia and Vietnam (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958, pp. 114-150 : 4-33

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.958.2665

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scientific name

Zanna Kirkaldy, 1902


Genus Zanna Kirkaldy, 1902 View in CoL View at ENA

Zanna Kirkaldy, 1902: 47 View in CoL . Type species: Fulgoratenebrosa Fabricius, 1775.

Zanna View in CoL – Melichar 1903: 13. — Metcalf 1947: 246. — Lallemand 1959: 101; 1963: 90. — Nagai & Porion 1996: 27. — Urban & Cryan 2009. Replacement name for Pyrops Amyot & Audinet-Serville, View in CoL 1843 nec Pyrops Spinola, 1839 .

Pyrops – Amyot & Audinet-Serville 1843: 491. — Atkinson 1885: 139. — Distant 1906: 179.


Species of the genus Zanna can be separated from the other genera of Fulgoridae by the combination of the following characters:

(1) General shape of body distinctly narrow, slender and elongate, usually pale brownish ochraceous, without colorful markings, usually densely and prominently spotted in black;

(2) Head distinctly produced into an elongate, often very long cephalic process, which can vary from as long as, to more than twice as long as pro- and mesonotum combined;

(3) Cephalic process relatively robust, projecting straight anteriorly, more or less hexagonal in crosssection, narrowing from base to apex, somewhat upturned at apex in lateral view (some Afrotropical species with apex clavate in lateral view);

(4) Vertex very elongate, lateral margins weakly ridged with carinae being slightly zigzagged, often with faint median carina;

(5) Frons distinctly elongate, with lateral margins weakly ridged with carinae being slightly zigzagged, with slightly zigzagged submedian carinae, carinae sometimes obsolete; median carina either absent or incomplete and very weakly marked;

(6) Antennae with pedicel relatively short, subbulbose, fully covered with sensory plaque organs over entire surface;

(7) Tegmina narrow and elongate, almost entirely reticulate, inner marginal areas overlapping at rest;

(8) Hind tibiae with 5–7 lateral spines;

(9) Gonoplacs of adult females with basal inner area strongly and densely pilose.


The above diagnosis was modified from Liang (2017) as it was necessary to expand the definition of the genus in order to encompass many Afrotropical taxa, including the type species Zanna tenebrosa Fabricius, 1775 .

Checklist of the species of Zanna from Cambodia and Vietnam

Zanna bidoupana sp. nov.

Zanna chartieri Constant sp. nov.

Zanna chinensis ( Distant, 1893)

Zanna kusamae sp. nov.

Zannalimbourgi Constant sp. nov.

Identification key to the species of Zanna View in CoL View at ENA from Cambodia and Vietnam

1. Smaller, wingspan up to 55 mm, usually less than 50 mm; cephalic process exceeding 1.3 times as long as abdomen ................................................................................................................................ 2

– Larger, wingspan 60–65 mm; cephalic process less than 1.3 times as long as abdomen ( Fig. 20A– B View Fig ) ............................................................................................................ Z. chinensis ( Distant, 1893) View in CoL

2. Anal tube of male rather flattened dorsoventrally, 1.95–2.14 times as long as high in lateral view; ventral angle of anal tube at midlength ( Fig. 19C, E View Fig ) ....................................................................... 3

– Anal tube of male rather high, 1.60–1.65 times as long as high in lateral view; ventral angle of anal tube before midlength ( Fig. 19A, G View Fig ) ................................................................................................. 4

3. Pygofer with posterior margin projecting into a large rounded posterior lobe in dorsal half ( Fig. 19C View Fig ) and with sides rather strongly excavate in dorsal portion ( Fig. 19D View Fig ); basal portion of head covered in dense, irregular black pitting with smaller pits and some dispersed, moderately large, not or very rarely coalescent pits ( Fig. 18B, F View Fig ); tegmina more elongate, 3.80 times as long as wide ( Fig. 18J View Fig ) .. .............................................................................................................. Z. chartieri Constant sp. nov.

– Pygofer with posterior margin projecting into a large posterior lobe angularly rounded in midheight ( Fig. 19E View Fig ) and with sides weakly excavate in dorsal portion ( Fig. 19F View Fig ); basal portion of head with irregular, moderately large, rather well-spaced, black pitting but without ‘background’ of smaller pits ( Fig. 18C, G View Fig ); tegmina less elongate, 3.25 times as long as wide ( Fig. 18K View Fig )....... Z. kusamae sp. nov.

4. Pygofer in lateral view with posterior margin sinuate, forming a large, broadly rounded posterior lobe in dorsal half ( Fig. 19A View Fig ); anal tube in dorsal view 1.2 times as long as wide and with sides nearly straight, weakly diverging towards apex ( Fig. 19B View Fig ); basal portion of head covered in dense, irregular, rather large, coarse, sometimes coalescent black pitting with few smaller pits ( Fig. 18A, E View Fig ) ............ .......................................................................................................................... Z. bidoupana sp. nov.

– Pygofer in lateral view with posterior margin projecting posteriad in dorsal ⅓, in large, apically rounded lobe forming nearly right angle ( Fig. 19G View Fig ); anal tube in dorsal view 1.08 times as long as wide, with sides roundly diverging towards apex ( Fig. 19H View Fig ); basal portion of head densely covered in irregular, very small black pitting, with some moderately larger pits, rarely coalescent ( Fig. 18D, H View Fig )....................................................................................... Z. limbourgi Constant sp. nov.












Zanna Kirkaldy, 1902

Constant, Jérôme & Pham, Hong Thai 2024


Lallemand V. 1963: 90
Lallemand V. 1959: 101
Metcalf Z. P. 1947: 246
Melichar L. 1903: 13


Kirkaldy G. W. 1902: 47
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