
Dearborn, Richard G., Nelson, Robert E., Donahue, Charlene, Bell, Ross T. & Webster, Reginald P., 2014, The Ground Beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Fauna of Maine, USA, The Coleopterists Bulletin 68 (3), pp. 441-599 : 547-549

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Genus Atranus View in CoL quent flier, in light trap records, also in drift

along shores of large lakes and stray specimens

Atranus pubescens (Dejean) (Plate 10) on mountain tops.

Habitat: Beaver houses (adults and larvae) and Biology: Adapted to climb in vegetation; a surbeaver dams; also in dense plant (flood) debris prisingly fast runner on the ground despite its along rivers. ungainly appearance.

Flight dynamics: Fully winged, no flight records. General range: A widespread east-central spe- Biology: Nocturnal species. cies with an apparently isolated population General range: An eastern North American species. in California. Northeast to central Maine, in Northeast to New Brunswick, in Québec north Québec north to Lac St. Jean, in Ontario north to Lac St. Jean, in Ontario north to Ottawa, to Arnprior, west of Ottawa and Grand Bend on northwest to Michigan, west to Iowa, Missouri, Lake Huron, north to Michigan and Minnesota, and Kansas, south to Texas, Louisiana, and northwest to North Dakota, west to South Georgia. Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, south into Maine localities (5): Codyville Plantation (RPWC), Mexico and the Gulf Coast into Florida.

Fairfield (RENC), Millinocket (MFS), Mount Maine localities (9): Clinton (RENC), Dedham Vernon (MFS, RENC), Orono (CNC). (PVT), Lewiston (MFS), Montville (RENC),

Mount Vernon (MFS), Oakland (PVT), Pittston

Tribe Perigonini (PVT) , Skowhegan (PVT), Waterville (RENC).

Genus Perigona

Tribe Cyclosomini

Perigona nigriceps (Dejean) (Plate 38) Genus Tetragonoderus

Habitat: Compost heaps, vegetable refuse, straw

and animal enclosures. Tetragonoderus fasciatus (Haldeman) (record Flight dynamics: Fully winged, light trap records. from Majka et al. (2011)) (Plate 45) Biology: Unknown. Habitat: Dry sandy ground with sparse vegeta- General range: An almost cosmopolitan species. In tion, often in agricultural fields and in sand North America, Northeast to Nova Scotia and and gravel pits, also on the shores of lakes and New Brunswick, west to Ohio and Arkansas, rivers but not restricted to sites near water.

south to Louisiana and Florida, and isolated Flight dynamics: Fully winged, takes flight when in Oregon and California. It is thought to have disturbed, and commonly attracted to artificial originated in Southeast Asia or to the islands lights at night; occasionally found in wind-drift east of there, possibly New Guinea, but was material on lake shores.

introduced into North America before 1853. Biology: Teneral adults appear in late summer Maine localities (3): Lebanon (UNH), Mount (August) and adults overwinter; egg-laying Vernon (MFS), Waterville (PVT, RENC). seasonality apparently not known.

General range: Generally in the East, from Florida

Perigona pallipennis (LeConte) (Plate 38) west to Texas, Arizonam and California , but Habitat: Under debris at edges of ponds. othewrwise restricted to east of the Rockies, Flight dynamics: Fully winged. north to Iowa, Illinois , and Wisconsin, east to Biology: Unknown. Ontario, Pennsylvania, New York , Québecm General range: An eastern and central species. and Maine .

Northeast to Maine, otherwise north to Ontario Maine localities (1): Biddeford ( PVT) .

and Michigan, west to Iowa and Missouri, south

to Alabama and Florida. Tribe Lebiini

Maine locality (1): Belgrade ( RENC). Subtribe Cymindidina

Genus Cymindis

Tribe Odecanthini

Genus Colliuris Cymindis borealis LeConte (Plate 26)

Habitat: Dry open areas on sand or clay.

Colliuris pensylvanica (L.) (Plate 26) Flight dynamics: Wings dimorphic, fully winged Habitat: Under deciduous bushes on city lots, form rare, no flight records.

in gardens, amid low vegetation, especially Biology: Teneral adults emerge from late June grasses, and on corn foliage; particularly com- through July, gravid females appear in July; mon in dry, grassy areas, on compact substrates, overwinters either as larva or adult.

often associated with smaller ants on which it General range: Almost transcontinental, not may prey. quite reaching the Pacific Coast. Northeast to Newfoundland, in Québec north to Lac Biology: Hides by day under plates of loose bark, St. Jean , across the southern prairie provinces can be caught under burlap bags on tree trunks north to Edmonton, Alberta, west to Vernon, and on sugar baits for moths; rarely caught on British Columbia, south along the Rocky the ground except in the spring, when it can Mountains to New Mexico, east of the moun- be found under leaf litter where it presumably tains, south to Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, overwinters .

New York, and Connecticut. General range: An east-central North American Maine locality (1): Harpswell ( MCZ). species. Northeast to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, in Québec north to extreme south-

Cymindis cribricollis Dejean (Plate 26) western region, from Lake Champlain and Habitat: Xerophilous, occurring in gravel pits, dry Chateaugay, to Lake Temiscamingue in the pastures, forest edges, drier parts of deciduous far west, in Ontario north to Petewawa and and coniferous forests (especially where there Grand Bend, north to Michigan and Minnesota, is minimal understory vegetation), and alpine northwest to North Dakota, west to Iowa, tundra. Missouri, and Arkansas, southwest to east Flight dynamics: Dimorphic, no flight records. Texas, south to the Gulf of Mexico and Florida. Biology: Gravid females appear from June to early Maine localities (8): Auburn ( MFS) , Belgrade August , teneral adults may be found from late ( RENC) , Bethel ( CNC) , Bridgton ( MFS) , Lovell June to late August. In late fall, this species ( MFS) , Madison ( RENC) , Ogunquit ( CNC) , is sometimes abundant under stones on south- Skowhegan ( MFS) .

facing slopes; an autumn breeder, overwinters

as both larvae and adults. Cymindis neglecta Haldeman (Plate 26) General range: A northern transcontinental spe- Habitat: Dry forest edges or openings in decidcies with a southward extension in the Rocky uous and coniferous forests, sometimes on steep, Mountains. Northeast to extreme southern wooded slopes. Usually in leaf litter.

Labrador and Newfoundland, in Québec north Flight dynamics: Dimorphic, estimated that only to Schefferville, in Ontario north to Cochrane, about 3% are macropterous .

in Manitoba north to Gillam on the Nelson Biology: Teneral adults appear in early June, gravid River, in the Northwest Territories north to females in early July. In the Green Mountains Ft. Wrigley (63° N), northwest to Whitehorse of Vermont, found up to 500 m elevation .

in the Yukon Territory, in British Columbia, General range: An east-central North American west to Vancouver Island , south to Oregon , species. Northeast to Nova Scotia and New Colorado, Arizona , and New Mexico; southern Brunswick , in Québec north to Lac St. Jean limit east of the Rockies is in South Dakota , and Lac Temiscamingue, in southern Manitoba Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania , and Saskatchewan, with a very isolated north- New Jersey, and New York. In New York , lim- western record from Upper Hay River Post, in ited to the Adirondacks and nearby lowlands far northern Alberta ; west to North Dakota, and high parts of the Allegheny Plateau. and Iowa , south to Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Maine localities (28): Anson ( RENC), Belgrade Virginia .

(RENC), Brookville (MCZ), Fairfield (RENC), Maine localities (6): Batchelders Grant Town- Garland (RENC), Gilead (CNC), Harpswell ship (RENC), Bethel (CNC), Gilead (CNC), (MCZ), Isle Au Haut (MCZ), Islesboro Monmouth (MFS), Mount Desert (PROC), (PVT), Kibby Township (MFS), Lee (RPWC), Winslow (RENC).

Milbridge (RENC), Mount Desert (PROC),

Mount Vernon (MFS), Nesourdnahunk Town- Cymindis pilosa Say (Plate 27)

ship (CNC), Portland (MCZ), Rangeley (MCZ), Habitat: In dry open fields and on sterile sand and Sidney (RENC), Steuben (UVM), Sweden clay in sand and gravel pits.

(CNC), T11 R10 WELS (MFS), T3 R8 WELS Flight dynamics: Dimorphic, a third of the popu- (MFS), T4 R10 WELS (CNC), T6 R11 WELS lation in New Hampshire is long-winged; in (UVM), Unity (RENC), Washburn (RENC), light trap records.

Waterboro (RENC), Waterville (RENC). Biology: Gravid females appear in early to mid- August; overwinters as larva, teneral adults

Cymindis limbata Dejean (Plate 26) appear in early June to mid-July. By day, hides Habitat: Arboreal species occurring most often in under stones, boards, or plant debris.

deciduous forests, but also in pine forests. In General range: An east-central North American New Brunswick, sometimes common in drift species. Northeast to western Maine, in Québec material on sea beaches. along the St. Lawrence beyond Québec City to Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap records. Kamouraska, in the Montreal area north to 549

Shawbridge; in Ontario north to Ottawa; north- the night when weather is warm. Adults visit

west to Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, the ground only to hibernate.

west to North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, General range: A transcontinental species. North-

and Kansas, southwest to Texas, south to the east to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, in

Gulf States including Georgia but not Florida. Québec north to Gaspé, Lac St. Jean and Abitibi,

Maine locality (1): Fryeburg ( RPWC). in Ontario north to Lake Nipigon , in Alberta north to Edmonton, in British Columbia north

Cymindis platicollis (Say) (Plate 27) to Terrace and west to Vancouver Island, vir-

Habitat: An arboreal species, said to favor sandy tually throughout the contiguous USA except

regions. not yet recorded from Florida, Nevada, or Utah.

Flight dynamics: Fully winged, no flight observa- Maine localities (52): Ashland (MFS), Auburn

tions, but found in drift on Lake Erie. (MFS), Baileyville (MFS), Bar Harbor (PROC),

Biology: Unknown. Bradley (MFS), Bridgton (MFS), Brunswick

General range: An east-central North American (MFS), Bucksport (MFS), Charlotte (MFS),

species. Northeast to southern Maine, in Québec Crystal (MFS), Dallas Plantation (MFS),

at Mt. St. Gregoire and Iberville, southern Dedham (MFS), Dover-Foxcroft (MFS), Enfield

Ontario, Michigan, and Wisconsin, west to ( MFS), Frenchtown Township ( MFS), Harrington

Iowa, Oklahoma, and Texas, south to the Gulf ( UVM), Herseytown Township ( MFS), Kennebunk

of Mexico and Florida. (MFS), Knox (MFS), Lebanon (UNH), Long

Maine localities (2): Appleton (RPWC), Casco A Township (MFS), Marion Township (MFS),

(PVT). Millinocket (MFS), Monmouth (MFS), Morrill (MFS), Mount Desert (PROC), Mount Vernon

Cymindis unicolor Kirby (Plate 27) (MFS), Orono (MFS), Orrington (MFS),

Habitat: Under flat stones in tundra zones. Perry (MFS), Phippsburg (RENC), Portage

Flight dynamics: Vestigially winged, but few speci- Lake (MFS), Richardsontown Township

mens have been examined. (MFS), Robbinston (MFS), Rome (RENC),

Biology: Unknown. South Bristol (MFS), T11 R11 WELS (MFS),

General range: A far northern species. Northeast T 1 3 R8 W E L S (M F S), T1 5 R6 W E L S

to the northern tip of Labrador and Québec, (MFS), T17 R4 WELS (MFS), T2 R10

north to Cornwallis Island, north to Aklavik WELS (MFS), T2 R4 WELS (MFS), T3 R11

near the mouth of the Mackenzie River, west WELS (MFS), T3 R7 WELS (MFS), T30 MD

to the coast range of British Columbia, south in BPP (MFS), T4 Indian Purchase Township

the Cascades and Sierra Nevada of California., (M F S), T4 R 1 0 W E L S (M F S), T8 R3

south in the Rockies to Colorado and Utah, WELS (MFS), TD R2 WELS (MFS), Town-

south in Ontario to Thunder Bay, in Québec south ship C (MFS), Waterville (RENC).

to the Straits of Belle Isle. Relict high-mountain

populations in the Gaspé of Québec, the White Genus Axinopalpus

Mountains of New Hampshire, and on Mt. Katahdin

in Maine. Axinopalpus biplagiatus (Dejean) (Plate 10)

Maine locality (1): Mt. Katahdin Township (CNC). Habitat: Hillsides and pastures in dry, open habitat, usually taken under stones, sometimes taken

Subtribe Dromiusina on flowers.

Genus Dromius Flight dynamics: Fully winged, taken at light traps. Biology: Sometimes gregarious (as many as

Dromius piceus Dejean (Plate 28) 100 under one stone).

Habitat: An arboreal species, occurring on both General range: Transcontinental. Northeast only to

hardwoods and conifers. southern Maine, in Québec north to Montreal,

Flight dynamics: Fully winged and a day flier; both along the St. Lawrence River to Québec City,

flight observations and many light trap records. but not recorded from the eastern townships,

Biology: Teneral adults appear in late August and in Ontario north to Ottawa, in southern

early September. Eggs are laid in May and June Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia,

on tree trunks. Each egg is laid in a depression west to Vancouver Island. Also found in

in the bark and is covered with fragments of Washington, Oregon, and California, south

algae and bark which the female has pre- to Arizona and New Mexico, in the central

viously gathered and carried on the end of plains south to Kansas and Missouri, in the

its abdomen. The larva is present from June to east, south to Alabama and Florida.

September. The adult is a tree climber found by Maine localities (2): Monmouth ( CNC), York

day beneath flakes of bark. It is active early in (PVT).


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