Bembidion honestum Say, 1823
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Bembidion honestum Say |
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Bembidion honestum Say View in CoL (Plate 13) Biology: Diurnal, runs and flies in bright sunshine.
Habitat: Generally on cobble and gravel bars of Teneral adults appear in late July. larger, more slowly moving rivers, cobbles usu- General range: A transcontinental species. Northally partially coated with algae and other debris. east to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, in
Flight dynamics: Fully winged, takes flight readily Québec north to Lac St. Jean and Abitibi, across when disturbed. Ontario to southern Manitoba, Saskatchewan,
Biology: Neotype was teneral, taken in late July. Alberta and British Columbia, northwards into
General range: Newfoundland and northern Québec Alaska, farther south in the west to Washington west to the Northwest Territories and the Cascade and California, south to Nevada, Colorado, Range in British Columbia and Washington, Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, and Georgia. south in the Rockies to Colorado and western Maine localities (26): Abbot ( RENC), Anson Nebraska, in the East south to South Carolina ( RENC), Auburn ( CNC), Augusta ( UNH), and northern Arkansas. Bancroft ( CNC), Batchelders Grant Township
Maine localities (6): Allagash (Maddison), Cornish (RENC), Clinton (RENC), Comstock Township (Maddison, RPWC), Gilead (Maddison), (RPWC), East Millinocket (CNC), Embden Howland (Maddison), Mexico (Maddison), (PVT), Fairfield (PVT, RENC), Garfield Planta- Saco (Maddison). tion (MFS), Grand Isle (CNC), Lewiston (MFS), Mercer (RENC), New Sharon (RENC), Newry
Bembidion immaturum Lindroth (Plate 13) (RENC), Norridgewock (RENC), Oakfield
Habitat: Open muddy shores of rivers and lakes, (RPWC), Sidney (PVT, RENC), Skowhegan usually under leaves and other dehris. (RENC), Smithfield (UNH), Squapan Town-
Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap records. ship (CNC), Strong (RENC), Unity (RENC),
Biology: Teneral adults appear in mid-May. Waterville (RENC).
General range: A northeastern species. Northeast to Newfoundland, in Québec north to Sept-îles Bembidion incrematum LeConte (Plate 14) and to James Bay, recorded from Ontario, iso- Habitat: On bare mud on rivers and lakeshores, lated record from Iowa, otherwise known from usually in deep shade. Darlington reported it New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, also in the White Mountains . In wet grassy and New Brunswick. places, especially abundant in river deltas .
Maine localities (6): Bancroft (CNC), Eustis (CNC), Flight dynamics: Fully winged, no flight records. Fort Kent (CNC), Greenville (MFS), Sidney Biology: Teneral adults late July-August, probable (RENC), Unity (RENC). adult hibernation. General range: A transcontinental northern spe-
Bembidon impotens Casey (record from Majka cies. Northeast to Cape Breton Island, Nova
et al., 2011) (Plate 13) Scotia and New Brunswick and southern
Habitat: On open to scantly vegetated fine sand to Labrador, in Québec north to James Bay, in clay substrates, by still or slowly flowing waters. northern Ontario north to Moose Factory on
Flight dynamics: Fully winged; occasionally found Hudson Bay, in the Northwest Territories to in wind-drift material but commonly attracted to Aklavik at the mouth of the Mackenzie River; artificial lights at night. in Alaska, west to Circle, south to the Kenai
Biology: Teneral adults appear in mid- to late Peninsula and Sitka, throughout British Columbia, summer; overwinters as adults. Egg-laying sea- south in the mountains to California, south to sonality apparently unknown. Utah, Colorado, North Dakota, Michigan, south-
General range: Generally across only southernmost ern Ontario, Pennsylvania , West Virginia , New Canada but including most of the continental York , and Massachusetts. USA, from New Brunswick west to southern Maine localities (10): Adamstown Township ( CNC), British Columbia, south to California, Arizona, Baring Plantation ( CNC), Carrabassett Valley Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. ( PVT), Edmunds Township ( CNC), Grand Isle
Maine localities (1): Clinton (PVT). (CNC), Hiram (CNC), Lincoln (CNC), T8 R5 WELS (CNC), Wayne (CNC), Whiting (CNC).
Bembidion inaequale Say (Plate 14)
Habitat: On bare sand and clay near margins of Bembidion intermedium (Kirby) (Plate 14) lakes, rivers, small brooks or anywhere sand Habitat: Mud or muddy sand on riverbanks. and clay is moist, also in sparse vegetation on Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap records. sand, not necessarily in the vicinity of surface Biology: Hibernates as adult. waters. Can be common away from water on General range: Widespread species, but fails to bare soil gardens if the soil is moist. reach either coast. East to south-central Maine
Flight dynamics: Fully winged, a day flier. (perhaps isolated there), next eastern records in
western Vermont, north to southwestern corner Flight dynamics: Fully winged, taking flight when
of Québec ( Montreal region ), in Ontario north disturbed; also attracted to artificial lights at night .
to Lake Nipigon, northwest to Edmonton, Biology: Teneral adults appear in late July into
Alberta, west to southeastern British Columbia, August, overwintering as adults. Egg-laying
south to Wyoming, Nebraska, Minnesota, seasonality apparently unknown, but probably
Michigan, Ohio and Delaware, not known from a spring breeder.
southern New England. General range: East of the Rockies, generally
Maine localities (1): Fairfield ( PVT). distributed in the USA, south from Montana through Wyoming and Colorado to New Mexico,
Bembidion lacunarium (Zimmerman) (Plate 14) east across Texas, Alabama and Florida, north
Habitat: Widespread along small forest streams and to New York and New Hampshire, and Maine.
on damp sand along intermittent streams; in Maine localities (1): Mt. Vernon (MFS).
deep, shaded ravines under hemlocks; ascends
mountains to the treeline. Bembidion louisella Maddison (Plate 14)
Flight dynamics: Dimorphic; fully winged form rare, Habitat: On the gravel and cobble shores of clear,
probably an occasional flier; no flight records. cold rivers.
Biology: Unknown. Flight dynamics: Hind wings full; will occasionally
General range: An eastern and central species. fly if approached on a sunny day, even if tem-
Northeast to northern New Brunswick, in Québec peratures are cool.
in the extreme southwest near the Vermont Biology: Unknown.
border, southern Ontario northwest to Michigan, General range: Restricted to Canadian Maritimes
Minnesota, North Dakota, west to Iowa, and northern New England, from Newfoundland
Missouri, southwest to Texas, south to Kentucky west along the lowest St. Lawrence Valley , the
and Virginia. Gaspé Peninsula of Québec, New Brunswick,
Maine localities (7): Batchelders Grant Township Nova Scotia, Maine, and New Hampshire.
(UVM), Carrabassett Valley (PVT), Hancock Maine localities (9): Allagash (Maddison), Bangor
(CNC), Mount Desert (PROC, UVM), Newry (Maddison), Brewer (Maddison), Gilead
(UVM), Vassalboro (PVT), Winslow (PVT). (Maddison), Mexico (Maddison), Squapan Township (Maddison), Eustis (Maddison), T2 R10
Bembidion levettei Casey (Plate 14) WELS (Maddison), Trout Brook Township
Habitat: On bare sand along lakes, rivers, and (Maddison).
Flight dynamics: Fully winged, a day flier. Bembidion mimus Hayward (Plate 14)
Biology: Diurnal, a large-eyed predator that is Habitat: On bare mud in many situations: shores,
active in sunlight, flies when disturbed. muddy spots in bogs, wet mud in fields and to
General range: Northern transcontinental species. the summits of the highest mountains.
Northeast to Newfoundland and Labrador, Flight dynamics: Fully winged, light trap and other
in Québec north to Abitibi, in Ontario north flight observations.
to Hudson Bay, in the Northwest Territories to Biology: Diurnal. Makes dispersal flights in spring.
Great Slave Lake and Aklavik near the mouth of General range: A northeastern species, east of the
the Mackenzie River, in Alaska west to Russian Great Plains. Northeast to Newfoundland, in
Mission on the lower Yukon River, to the south Québec north to Abitibi and Lac St. Jean, in
coast near Anchorage, south to Washington, Ontario north to north shore of Lake Superior ,
Colorado, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin in Manitoba west to southwestern corner of
and Michigan, southern Ontario, New York, south- province, west to South Dakota, south to Iowa,
ern Québec (Montreal, Sherbrooke), northern northern Illinois, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania,
New Hampshire, isolated record from northern New York, and Connecticut.
Vermont, and northern Maine. Maine localities (8): Edmunds Township ( CNC) ,
Maine localities (6): Chain of Ponds Township Eliot (RPWC), Eustis (CNC), Monmouth (CNC),
(CNC), Eustis (CNC), Garfield Plantation Sanford (CNC), T9 R5 WELS (UNH), Waterville
(MFS), Cathance Township (RPWC), T3 R8 (RENC), Wayne (CNC).
Bembidion muscicola (Hayward) (Plate 14)
Bembidion levigatum Say (record from Majka Habitat: In shaded areas near pools or wet areas,
et al. (2011)) (Plate 14) among fallen leaves or mosses.
Habitat: Fine sand to muddy or clayey banks of Flight dynamics: Wings dimorphic, in light trap
rivers, with little to no vegetation, generally on records.
moist to wet substrates. Biology: Reported to feed on mosquito eggs.
General range: Northeast to Cape Breton Island in to Oregon and Idaho , south in the mountains Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, in Québec to New Mexico, in the Great Plains south to north to Saguenay River and Lake Matagami , South Dakota , south to Minnesota, Michigan, northwest to vicinity of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Pennsylvania, New York , and Maine.
Wisconsin and northern Illinois, south to New Maine localities (2): Jackman ( CNC), Steuben York and Massachusetts. ( CNC) .
Maine localities (10): Blanchard Township (RENC),
Canaan (RENC), Lebanon (CNC), Orono (UNH), Bembidion nigrivestis Bousquet (Plate 15) Pittston Academy Grant (RPWC), Scarborough Habitat: damp to wet leaf litter or moss in forested (PVT), T5 R18 WELS (RPWC), Waterville environments, either near vernal pools or along (RENC), Wayne (CNC), Winslow (RENC). small streams; often accompanied by Bembidion semicinctum Notman.
Bembidion mutatum Gemminger and Harold Flight dynamics: Unknown
(Plate 15) Biology: Wing-dimorphic, but most (49/51) speci- Habitat: Dry, open areas, such as sand pits, borders mens so far examined were brachypterous.
of roads, waste ground; in the more southern General range: New Brunswick , west across part of the range, it may be found on bare moun- southern Québec and Ontario to southeastern tain tops, sometimes under dry clumps of moss Manitoba and eastern Minnesota, south to on barren, smooth bedrock. New Hampshire and Maine.
Flight dynamics: Dimorphic species, no flight Maine localities (5): Bar Harbor (UNH), Camden records. (UNH), Monmouth (MCZ), Orono (UNH), Biology: Unknown. T17 R4 WELS (MCZ).
General range: A transcontinental northern spe-
cies. Northeast to Newfoundland, in Québec Bembidion nigrum Say (Plate 15)
north to the North Shore, to Lac St. Jean and Habitat: Sand and gravel banks on rivers and Chibougamou, in Ontario north to Cochrane brooks, usually in sun-exposed areas rather and north shore of Lake Superior, in Manitoba than in densely shaded areas, in Vermont up to north to the Pas, in the Northwest Territories 500 m elevation.
north to the Hay River, in Yukon north to Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap records. Dawson City, in Alaska west to Circle and Biology: Teneral individuals in mid-August.
Tanana, in the interior of British Columbia west General range: An eastern and central North to Vanderhoof, not south of the international American species. Northeast to Nova Scotia and border on the Great Plains , but in the east, found New Brunswick , in Québec north to Montreal and south into Wisconsin and Michigan ; in Ontario, Québec City, in Ontario north to Georgian Bay, south to Ottawa ; in southern Québec , south to north to Michigan and Minnesota, west to South the latitude of Montreal, relict populations in Dakota , and Iowa , south to Arkansas, Kentucky, mountains of northern New York, Vermont, and Georgia.
New Hampshire, Maine, and southern Québec. Maine localities (43): Adamstown Township Maine localities (1): Mt. Katahdin Township (CNC). (CNC), Alder Stream Township (CNC), Andover (CNC), Anson (CNC, PVT), Appleton (CNC),
Bembidion nigripes (Kirby) (Plate 15) Auburn ( CNC), Batchelders Grant Township Habitat: On sand or mud along inland lakes or ( UVM, RENC), Berwick ( CNC), Brownville pools or on sea beaches under drift material, ( CNC), Caratunk ( RENC), Carrabassett Valley often under algal crusts in dried tidal pools in ( UVM), Chain of Ponds Township ( CNC), salt marshes. Comstock Township ( RPWC), Cornish Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap records. ( RPWC), Embden ( RPWC), Fryeburg ( RENC), Biology: Teneral in August , adult hibernation. Garfield Plantation ( MFS), Gilead ( CNC, General range: Apparently a Holarctic species, RENC), Grafton Township ( CNC), Lewiston) though the only confirmed Old World record MFS), Lincoln Plantation ( RPWC), Madrid is from Lake Baikal. In North America , North- Township ( CNC), Mexico ( CNC), Moscow east to Newfoundland and Labrador, in Québec ( RENC), Mount Katahdin Township ( CNC, north to Schefferville and Ft. George, in Ontario RENC), Nesourdnahunk Township ( CNC), north to Cochrane, in Manitoba north to New Sharon ( RENC), Newry ( CNC, RENC), Churchill on Hudson Bay , in the Northwest Norridgewock ( RENC), Parlin Pond Town- Territories north to Aklavik and Reindeer Depot, ship ( CNC), Pittston Academy Grant ( RPWC), in the Yukon north to Dawson, in Alaska west to Skowhegan ( RENC), Squapan Township Rampart and south to the Kenai Peninsula, west ( CNC), Stoneham ( RENC), Strong ( RENC), to the Pacific Ocean and British Columbia, south T 2 R9 W E L S (R E N C), T 3 R 1 0 W E L S ( CNC), T4 R10 WELS ( CNC), T5 R18 WELS to Lake Nipigon , western Ontario, in the ( RPWC), T5 R9 WELS ( CNC), Unity ( RENC), Northwest Territories north to Norman Wells Waterville ( RENC), Weld ( CNC). in the Mackenzie Valley, in Alaska west to
lower Yukon River and to the Kenai Peninsula
Bembidion nitidum (Kirby) (Plate 15) on the south coast, to the west coast south to Habitat: On dry, open, often sandy soil, either bare California, south to Utah, New Mexico, and or partly vegetated, frequent in sand pits, some- Nebraska. Since 1965, it spread to the east times common in cultivated fields. coast; northeastern limit now is in western Flight dynamics: Fully winged, light trap records. Newfoundland , in Québec northwest to Québec Biology : Teneral adults during mid-July. City area , southern limit now in Indiana, Ohio, General range: An east-central species, east of New York, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. the Rockies. Northeast to New Brunswick, in Maine localities (1): Topsfield ( MFS) .
Québec north to Lac St. Jean and Abitibi (not
on the Gaspé), in Ontario north to Cochrane Bembidion occultator Notman (Plate 15)
and Lake Nipigon, in the prairie provinces, Habitat: Muddy or grassy shores of slow sections north to Saskatoon and Edmonton, in the North- of shaded mountain brooks and small rivers, west Territories, north to Ft. Smith, in the Yukon especially at inlets of beaver ponds and under Territory north to White River, west to Alaska willow clumps. Usually in shaded sites.
and British Columbia, absent from West Coast Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap states but south in the Rocky Mountains to records.
Colorado, south to South Dakota, Missouri, Biology: Teneral adults observed in July Wisconsin, Indiana, New York (south to Buffalo (Newfoundland).
and the Adirondacks) and Massachusetts. General range: A transcontinental species. North- Maine localities (2): Mechanic Falls ( RENC), east to Newfoundland and Labrador, in Québec Waterford ( RENC). north to James Bay and south only to the
St. Lawrence River, except for two localities in
Bembidion oberthueri Hayward (Plate 15) the Québec City region, in Ontario north to Habitat: Sandy river banks, usually on medium- Hudson Bay and south to Sudbury; western sized and large rivers, where it occurs on the limits poorly known, but known from the upper parts of sand banks, often in sparse vege- Cypress Hills in extreme southeastern Alberta; tation. Has been taken in beaver houses. in Alaska, in the Matanuska Valley; south Flight dynamics: Fully winged, no actual flight of Canada, south to northern Michigan, isorecords but occasional mountain-top specimens lated in the mountains of Vermont and New probably flew there. Hampshire.
Biology: Teneral adults have been observed from Maine localities (3): Bar Harbor (PROC), Lincoln mid-August to mid-October. (CNC), T2 R4 WELS (CNC).
General range: An eastern and central species.
Northeast to New Brunswick, in Québec limited Bembidion patruele Dejean (Plate 15)
to St. Lawrence Valley and eastern townships, Habitat: Abundant on bare mud or muddy sand on north to Québec City, west to the Rocky Moun- rivers and ponds, especially common along tains, north to Winnipeg and about 160 km north margins of beaver ponds, common in the mounof Edmonton, south to Wyoming, Nebraska, tains of New England up to 900 m elevation.
Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap Maine localities (6): Auburn ( CNC), Coplin Plan- records .
tation (RPWC), Embden (RPWC), Grand Isle Biology: Adults fly from late June into July, teneral (CNC), Lewiston (MFS), Mexico (CNC). adults appear in mid-July to August.
General range: A transcontinental species. North-
Bembidion obscurellum (Motschulsky) (Plate 15) east to Newfoundland, in Québec north to Habitat: On bare sand or mud, both near and away Saguenay and James Bay , in Ontario north to from water, common in cultivated fields, dis- Lake Nipigon , just reaching the southern border turbed deposits of sand, often at road repair of the Northwest Territories at Ft. Smith, in sites, dumps, sites of recent floods. British Columbia west to the Pacific, south to Flight dynamics: Fully winged and a frequent flier; Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma , many light trap records. Louisiana, Mississippi , and Florida.
Biology: Hibernates as adult. Maine localities (73): Abbot (RENC), Adamstown General range: A circumpolar species. In Scandinavia, Township (CNC), Addison (RPWC), Albany found only on drift, in northern Russia and Township (CNC), Allagash (UNH), Andover Siberia; in North America, formerly east only (CNC), Anson (RENC), Ashland (UNH), 487
Auburn (CNC, RENC), Bancroft (CNC), Bar Bembidion planum (Haldeman) (Plate 16) Harbor (PROC, UVM), Baring Plantation Habitat: Barren gravel banks along large and (CNC), Batchelders Grant Township (UVM, medium-sized rivers, also on gravel shores of RENC), Belgrade (RENC), Benton (RENC), large lakes.
Bigelow Township (UVM), Brighton Plantation Flight dynamics: Fully winged, light trap records. (RENC), Carrabassett Valley (PVT), China Biology: Teneral adults appear from mid-July to (RENC), Clinton (RENC), Cutler (RPWC), late August.
Dennysville (UNH), Dixfield (RENC), Durham General range: An eastern species. Northeast to (RPWC), East Millinocket (CNC), Edmunds Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, in Québec Township (CNC), Eliot (RPWC), Embden known from the south shore of the St. Lawrence (RPWC), Eustis (CNC), Fairfield (RENC), north to Lotbiniere County, in the Montreal Fryeburg (RPWC, RENC), Garfield Plantation region known from the north shore of the river (MFS), Gilead (RENC), Hancock (CNC), and along north shore of Ottawa River to Harrington (UVM, RPWC), Jefferson (RENC), Ottawa, in Ontario north to Lake Nipigon, Kingsbury Plantation (RENC), Lebanon west to Minnesota, south to Illinois, Kentucky, (UNH), Lee (RPWC), Lewiston (MFS), Tennessee, and Virginia.
Lincoln (UNH), Long Pond Township (CNC), Maine localities (11): Allagash (CNC), Appleton Lubec (RPWC), Lyman (RENC), Mercer (CNC), Garfield Plantation (MFS), Hanover (RENC), Mexico (CNC), Millinocket (UNH), (UVM), Moscow (RENC), Nesourdnahunk Milo (CNC), Monmouth (CNC, RENC), Township(CNC), Norridgewock (RENC), Montville (RENC), Mount Desert (UVM), Mount Sidney (PVT, RENC), T10 R7 WELSD (MFS), Vernon (MFS), New Sharon (RENC), Newfield T12 R8 WELS (MFS), T3 R10 WELS (UVM). (RPWC), Newry (CNC), Oakfield (RPWC),
Perkins Township (UVM), Pittsfield (RENC), Bembidion postremum Say (Plate 16)
Readfield (CNC), Sidney (RENC), Skowhegan Habitat: Usually on sloping sand banks near (RENC), T11 R16 WELS (MFS), T12 R8 water on rivers; also recorded from under willow WELS (MFS), T17 R4 WELS (UNH), T2 R9 thickets.
WELS (RENC), T9 R5 WELS (MFS), Troy Flight dynamics: Fully winged, no light trap records. (RENC), Unity (RENC), Washington (RENC), Biology: Digs into the sand and many specimens Waterboro (RENC), Waterville (RENC), Whiting can be collected by splashing sand banks with (RPWC), Wilton (CNC). water. Many teneral specimens have been taken in mid-June.
Bembidion petrosum petrosum Gebler (Plate 16) General range: Limited range in the Northeast Habitat: Barren sand banks and gravel bars along and north-central region. Northeast to New shaded mountain brooks, rivers and shores of Brunswick and Gaspé Peninsula, in Québec large lakes. Also along sea beaches under rocks also known from a limited area from Levis in freshwater seepage areas. south into the eastern townships; in the USA, west Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap records. to Wisconsin and Illinois , south to Ohio and Biology: Teneral adults appear in late July to early New York, Pennsylvania , and Massachusetts.
August. Maine localities (1): Fort Kent ( CNC) .
General range: A circumpolar species. In Europe,
found only in northern Scandinavia and north- Bembidion praticola Lindroth (Plate 16)
ern Russia, in northern Siberia extending in Habitat: Under fallen leaves or mosses along temthe mountain areas of central Siberia, in eastern porary pools.
Siberia, north of the Sea of Okhotsk. In North Flight dynamics: Dimorphic, most individuals ves- America, Northeast to Lake Melville, Labrador, tigially winged.
in Québec north to Schefferville and Poste-de-la- Biology: Adult hibernation.
Baleine, in Alaska north to Ft. Yukon on the General range: A transamerican species. North- Arctic Circle and west to Anvik on the lower eastern to New Brunswick , in Québec only in Yukon River, west to the Pacific coast from the southwest, west of Montreal , in Ontario British Columbia to California, south to Arizona north to Lake Huron , western records from and New Mexico in the mountains, south to southern British Columbia and Washington, North Dakota, Minnesota, northern Illinois, otherwise west only to Saskatchewan, south to Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. Illinois , southern Ontario ( Point Pelee ) , New Maine localities (7): Auburn ( RENC), Cutler York, Vermont , and southern New Hampshire.
(CNC), Norridgewock (RENC), Skowhegan Maine localities (6): Belgrade (RENC), Camden (RENC), T3 R10 WELS (CNC), Waterville (UNH), Lewiston (MFS), Monmouth (UNH), (RENC), Winslow (RENC). Mount Desert (UNH), Orono (UNH).
Bembidion properans (Stephens) (Plate 16) tion (RPWC), Mercer (RENC), New Sharon Habitat: Bare unshaded ground, disturbed soil, and (RENC), Norridgewock (RENC), Paris (CNC), seashores. Sidney (RENC), T3 R7 WELS (CNC).
Flight dynamics: Wings dimorphic.
Biology: Unknown. Bembidion quadratulum Notman (Plate 16) General range: An adventive Old World species. Habitat: In sphagnum bogs, usually near open Natural range is southern Scandinavia and water. Adults occur on patches of brown peat most of the rest of Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, and in green sphagnum along margins of and all of Siberia except for the extreme north bog ponds.
and high mountains. In North America, Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap records. Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Biology: Unknown.
Prince Edward Island , Magdalen Islands , General range: A northeastern species. Northeast Québec. The record from Maine is the only to Newfoundland, in Québec north to the North US record. Shore, Saguenay River and Mt. Tremblant Maine locality (1): Cutler ( CNC). region; in the USA, south to the Adirondack Mountains, and to Connecticut, Vermont, and
Bembidion pseudocautum Lindroth (Plate 16) New Hampshire.
Habitat: Usually found among leaves and mosses Maine localities (7): Bancroft (CNC), Bar Harbor along small shaded streams in deciduous and (UNH), Columbia (PVT, RPWC), Gouldsboro mixed forests, or at the borders of eutrophic (PVT), Mount Katahdin Township (MCZ), marshes and swamps with cattails and willows. Southwest Harbor (PROC), T19 MD BPP Flight dynamics: Fully winged, occasionally attracted (RPWC).
to lights.
Biology: Hibernation as adult. Bembidion quadrimaculatum oppositum Say General range: A nearly transcontinental species, (Plate 17)
but barely reaching the Atlantic coast, and not Habitat: Bare soil of almost any description, reaching the Pacific. The easternmost records including gardens, croplands, dirt roads, trails, are from New Brunswick. In Québec, in the gravel pits, drier parts of shores, waste ground; St. Lawrence Valley to just beyond Québec also on bare, exposed rock ledges.
City, in the prairies north to Winnipeg, Manitoba Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light traps records. and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, in Alberta Biology: Diurnal; eats eggs and small larvae of recorded only from the Cypress Hills in the other insects; hibernates as adult.
extreme southeast, in British Columbia west General range: In North America, east of the Rocky to Shuswap Lake and the Okanagan Valley, Mountains. Another subspecies ( Bembidion south to Montana, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, quadrimaculatum dubitans (LeConte)) is found Pennsylvania, New York, and Connecticut. in North America west of the Rockies and four Maine localities (6): Baring Plantation (CNC), others in Europe and across Asia. This sub- Belgrade (RENC), Edmunds Township (CNC), species is found northeast to Newfoundland, Nesourdnahunk Township (CNC), Sanford in Québec to the North Shore and James Bay, (CNC), Waterboro (RENC, RPWC). in Ontario north to Moose Factory, northwest to Fort McMurray, west to South Dakota,
Bembidion punctatostriatum Say (Plate 16) Nebraska and Kansas, south to Texas, Missouri, Habitat: Barren sand and mud banks along large Tennessee, and Georgia.
rivers. Maine localities (37): Albany Township (CNC), Flight dynamics: Fully winged, active diurnally Albion (RENC), Athens (RENC), Caribou and takes flight when disturbed. (MFS), Carrabassett Valley (CNC), Charleston Biology: A large-eyed, diurnal predator; hibernates (RENC), Fairfield (PVT, RENC), Fort Fairfield as adult. (MFS), Fryeburg (CNC, RPWC, RENC), General range: A transcontinental species. North- Garfield Plantation (MFS), Georgetown (MFS), east to New Brunswick, in Québec north to the Gilead (RENC), Lebanon (CNC), Lewiston Saguenay River, and to Hull, in the prairies (MFS), Limerick (CNC), Lincoln Plantation north to Saskatoon and Edmonton, recorded (CN C), M ag a ll owa y Pl a nt at io n(R PWC), also from the Yukon, in British Columbia west Mechanic Falls (RENC), Montville (RENC), to Vancouver, south to Montana, Minnesota, Morrill (PVT), Moscow (RENC), Mount Desert Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, (PROC, MFS), Mount Vernon (MFS, RENC), New York, and Connecticut. Norridgewock (RENC), Orono (MFS), Orrington Maine localities (10): Allagash (CNC), Anson (MFS), Oxbow Plantation (MFS), Presque Isle (RENC), Embden (RPWC), Magalloway Planta- (MFS), T3 R8 WELS (MFS, RENC), T6 R11 489
WELS (UVM), Turner (RENC), Unity (RENC), WELS (Maddison), T5 R18 WELS (Maddison, Washburn (RENC), Waterford (RENC), Water- RPWC), T5 R9 WELS (Maddison), Trout ville (PVT, RENC), Winslow (RENC). Brook Township (Maddison), Weld (Maddison).
Bembidion rapidum LeConte (Plate 17) Bembidion rusticum rusticum Casey (Plate 17) Habitat: On muddy sand along rivers and lakes. Habitat: Usually on barren gravel or sand bars, Flight dynamics: Fully winged, light trap records sometimes in finer substrates, along running from the Midwest, a frequent flier. waters of all kinds.
Biology: Probably a recent invader to the eastern Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap records. states, records from New England are from Biology: Hibernates as adult.
1963 or later. General range: A northeastern subspecies. Another General range: A transcontinental species except subspecies ( Bembidion rusticum lenensoides for the Northwest, rare in the Northeast. East to Lindroth) is found in northwestern Canada and New Brunswick, in Québec north to Bellechasse Alaska and eastern Siberia as far west as Co. east of Québec City and to the Abitibi Mongolia. This subspecies is found northeast to region, in Ontario north to Lake Nipigon, in southern Labrador , in Québec north to Anticosti the southern Canadian prairies to Lethbridge, Island, along both sides of the St. Lawrence southern Alberta , west to Montana, Wyoming, River to Montreal but not farther west, south Utah and California, south to Arizona, Texas, to Pennsylvania and Massachusetts .
Louisiana, and Georgia. Maine localities (16): Allagash (CNC), Appleton Maine localities (5): Biddeford (PVT), Cutler (CNC), Batchelders Grant Township (RENC), (CNC), Ogunquit (CNC), Readfield (CNC), Eustis (CNC), Grafton Township (CNC), Madrid Township C (MFS). Township (CNC), Moscow (RENC), Mount
Katahdin Township (RENC), Nesourdnahunk
Bembidion rolandi Fall (Plate 17) Township (CNC), Pittston Academy Grant Habitat: Shores of rivers and large lakes, on gravel (RPWC), Sandy Bay Township (CNC), T10 R7 bars. Adults are usually found several inches WELS (MFS), T11 R16 WELS (MFS), T12 R8 deep in the gravel. WELS (MFS), T3 R10 WELS (CNC), Waterville Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap records. (RENC).
Biology: Unlike its relative B. planum , it is rarely
collected by splashing gravel with water. When Bembidion salebratum LeConte (Plate 17) threatened, it rushes into shallow water where Habitat: This species occurs in bare gravel, sand or it hides under stones. even clay, along streams and rivers. In Vermont, General range: A northeastern species, largely however, it is restricted to the wet gravel or Appalachian. Northeast to Nova Scotia and sand at the margin of Lake Champlain where New Brunswick, in Québec northeast to Québec B. nigrum is very rare, but the two species are City region and Montreal, in Ontario north to often found together in comparable abundance Ottawa, south to Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, in New Brunswick.
New York, Vermont, and Maine. Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap records . Maine localities (2): Allagash ( CNC), Anson ( CNC). Biology: Hibernates as adult .
General range: A northeastern and north-central
Bembidion rothfelsi Maddison (Plate 17) species. Northeast to Newfoundland, in Québec Habitat: Gravel bars and islands in smaller rivers north to James Bay , in Ontario north to Lake and creeks. Cochrane and Lake Nipigon, northwest to Flight dynamics: Fully winged, readily takes flight extreme northeastern British Columbia , west when disturbed. to Idaho, Wyoming, south to South Dakota, Biology: Unknown; adults abundant at type locality Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan , southern Ontario, (Vermont) on 11 July. Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont , and New General range: Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Hampshire .
west across southern Québec to southeastern Maine localities (7): Brownville ( CNC) , Connor Ontario, southwest to Illinois, Missouri and Township ( CNC) , Fort Kent ( CNC) , Readfield western Mississippi, east of the Appalachians ( CNC) , Cathance Township ( RPWC) , Trout known only south to North Carolina. Brook Township ( CNC) , Weld ( CNC) .
Maine localities (14): Berwick (Maddison),
Bethel (Maddison), Greenville (Maddison), Bembidion scopulinum (Kirby) (Plate 17) Greenwood (Maddison), Mexico (Maddison), Habitat: On bare, shaded sand or gravel bars, Newry (Maddison), Anson (Maddison), Paris commonest on rushing mountain brooks (Maddison), Eustis (Maddison), T2 R10 up to 1,250 m, also on the shores of Lake
Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes |
University of New Hampshire |
Zadock Thompson Natural History Collection, University of Vermont |
Museo dei Fisiocritici |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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