BOVIDAE Gray, 1821

Amori, Giovanni, Segniagbeto, Gabriel Hoinsoude, Decher, Jan, Assou, Delagnon, Gippoliti, Spartaco & Luiselli, Luca, 2016, Non-marine mammals of Togo (West Africa): an annotated checklist, Zoosystema 38 (2), pp. 201-244 : 205-206

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BOVIDAE Gray, 1821


Family BOVIDAE Gray, 1821 View in CoL

Alcelaphus major (Blyth, 1869)

VOUCHERS. — 15 vouchers are currently stored in the ZMB. These vouchers originated from Bismarckburg, Misahohe, Akrosa, Sansanné-Mango, and Wusuta.

ORIGINAL DATA. — 11 individuals of this species have been recently observed in the National Park of Fazao Malfakassa ( Atsri et al. 2013). REMARKS

Elevated to full species rank from Alcelaphus busephalus (Pallas, 1766) by Groves & Grubb (2011). The type specimen came from Kpandu, Togo.

Widespread in protected areas, and recorded, for instance, in Fazao and Oti-Keran ( Baudenon 1958, Chardonnet et al. 1990). The presence of this species in the Oti-Keran and Fazao Malkafassa National Parks was also confirmed by the national report on biodiversity monograph (PNAE-Togo 2002).

Apparently, the current conservation status of this species in Togo is very critical, with the National Park of Fazao Malfakassa being considered as the stronghold for this species in Togo.

Cephalophus callipygus Peters, 1876


A voucher specimen, probably originating from Yendi ( Ghana) and collected by Thierry in the early 1900s, is deposited at the ZMB. However, the distribution of this species does not fit with its presence in Togo ( Kingdon 1997, Wilson & Reeder 2005, IUCN 2014).

Cephalophus dorsalis Gray, 1846

HISTORICAL LITERATURE. — Recorded for Togo by Matschie (1893b) and Baudenon (1958). It occurs in Fazao National Park, where it was reported to be rarer than Philantomba walteri Colyn, Hulselmans, Sonet, Oudé, de Winter, Natta, Nagy & Verheyen, 2010 ( Chardonnet et al. 1990).

VOUCHERS. — A voucher, coming from Misahohe, is currently stored in the ZMB. Other specimens collected by Bauden are at IFAN.

ORIGINAL DATA. — Our investigations in the villages around the National park of Fazao Malfakassa (years 2012-2015) indicated that this species is still present in this park ( Segniagbeto et al. 2015a).

Cephalophus niger Gray, 1846

HISTORICAL LITERATURE. — This species was cited to occur in Togo (Bismarckburg) by Matschie (1893b) and from Tové (Lomé?) ( Baudenon, 1952). Found in the hilly forests bordering Ghana, from approximately Kpalimé and Blitta ( Chardonnet et al. 1990).

Cephalophus rufilatus Gray, 1846 ▶ ( Fig. 3A View FIG )

HISTORICAL LITERATURE. — Matschie (1893b) cited this species from Bismarckburg (Adéle). Baudenon (1952) considered this species to be present northerly till Malfakassa-Bafilo. It is also observed in Togodo North and Togodo South, Keran and Fazao National Parks, Oti Valley Reserve, and in the Fosse aux Lions Reserve ( Chardonnet et al. 1990).

VOUCHERS. — 14 vouchers are currently stored in the ZMB. These vouchers originated from Fala, Katiegali, Sokodé, Brai, Misahohe, and Blita.

ORIGINAL DATA. — Recent survey undertaken in Togodo (North and South) National park indicated that Cephalophus rufilatus is very frequent in this protected area ( Segniagbeto et al. (2015b). Twenty-two observations were recorded in the park during our surveys in 2012-2015. This species was also recorded from several localities around Togodo (i.e. Deve, Atchankeli, Gbowle, Gboto- Zouvi and Tomety-Kondji). The species is heavily hunted locally for food and is sold as bushmeat item, mostly in Kouve, Asrama and Notse.

Cephalophus silvicultor (Afzelius, 1815)

HISTORICAL LITERATURE. — Cited by Matschie (1893b) for Togo. It was reported to occur between Malfakassa and Kpalimé, with scattered populations in Fazao and Togo mountains ( Baudenon 1952, 1958; Chardonnet et al. 1990).

VOUCHERS. — Five vouchers coming from Misahohe, Bismarckburg (Adéle) and Sokodé, are currently stored in the ZMB.

ORIGINAL DATA. — Recent investigations (2012-2015) in the village Deve (Tovegoe) confirmed the presence of this species in the Togodo National Park. One skin of this species was shown to us by a local hunter. The characteristics of the vegetation of Deve (Tovegoe) at Togodo National Park correspond to the habitat of this species according to Lumpkin & Kranz (1984).













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