Chrysopidia (Chrysotropia) orientalis ( Hölzel, 1973 )

Wu, Jingyu & Liu, Xingyue, 2024, Systematics of the green lacewing tribe Ankylopterygini Navás, 1910 (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae: Chrysopinae) from China, Zootaxa 5540 (1), pp. 1-169 : 62-64

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5540.1.1

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scientific name

Chrysopidia (Chrysotropia) orientalis ( Hölzel, 1973 )


[24] Chrysopidia (Chrysotropia) orientalis ( Hölzel, 1973) View in CoL

( Figs 32 View FIGURE 32 , 82 View FIGURE 82 )

Chrysotropia orientalis Hölzel, 1973: 355 View in CoL . Type locality: Nepal (Kathmandu Valley). Holotype in ZSM.

Diagnosis. This species is characterized by the presence of the head without spots, the maxillary palpi black on outer side, the thorax without markings, the short forewing with triangular cell im, the 1st rs-psm crossvein located at the end of im, the male sterna VIII +IV slightly exceeded the apex of ectoproct, the quadrate entoprocessus with an invagination on top.

Description. Male. Body length 9.2–10.3 mm, forewing length 11.9–13.1 mm, hindwing length 10.1–11.0 mm.

Head without spots, vertex raised. Compound eyes black and prominent. Antennae yellow, scape and pedicel wider than flagellum. Frons, clypeus and gena without spots. Maxillary palpi black on outer side, labial palpi brownish yellow.

Pronotum anterior margin shorter than posterior margin. Mesonotum and metanotum sometimes with pale reddish spots.

Legs with dense setae, without spots. Pretarsal claws brown, with basal dilation.

Forewing short and narrow. Pterostigma indistinct. Costal area with 19–23 crossveins; 10–13 radial crossveins present. 1st rs-psm crossvein located at end of im; im narrow and triangular; m1 smaller than m2; 9 crossveins present between Psm and Psc. c1 smaller than c2, dcc opened. A1 forked, A2 and A3 simple. Inner gradate series with 6–7 crossveins, outer gradate series with 7–8 crossveins.

Hindwing narrow, with black suffusion on apical posterior margin. Pterostigma indistinct. Costal area with 16– 18 crossveins; 10–13 radial crossveins and 8 psm-psc crossveins present. Inner gradate series with 6–7 crossveins, outer gradate series with 6–8 crossveins.

Abdomen with dense setae. Tergum VII and sternum VII subquadrate in lateral view; tergum VIII obviously shorter than tergum VII; sternum VIII fused with sternum IX, about 2.0 times as long as tergum VIII; tergum IX fused with ectoproct. Callus cerci ovoid. Gonarcus arcuate, lateral arms narrow at base and wide at tip; entoprocessus quadrate, with an invagination on top; arcessus short, wide and curved.

Female. Body length 10.2–11.0 mm, forewing length 14.0– 14.8 mm, hindwing length 11.3–12.3 mm.

Sternum VII slightly longer than tergum VII; tergum VII subquadrate in lateral view; tergum VIII shorter than tergum VII; tergum IX fused with ectoproct. Callus cerci ovoid. Subgenitale bilobed apically; spermatheca thick; vela short; ventral impression absent; duct long and coiled.

Material. 1♂ 1♀, China, Guangxi, Baise, Cenwanglaoshan National Nature Reserve, Dalongping , 1260 m, 2016.V.19, Feiyang Liang ( CAU) ; 1♂, China, Chongqing, Nanchuan District, Jinfoshan National Nature Reserve , 2021.VIII.15, Xingyue Liu ( CAU) ; 2♀, China, Guizhou, Leishan, Leigongshan National Nature Reserve , 1528 m, 2014.VII.19, Yuting Dai ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Guizhou, Zunyi, Suiyang, Kuankuoshui Reservoir , 2010.VI.04, Dan Zhou ( CAU) ; 1♂, China, Yunnan, Yingjiang, Xima , 1800–2100 m, 2017.V.31, Xingyue Liu ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Yunnan, Yingjiang, Xima , 1000 m, 2019.VIII, Weizong Yang ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Yunnan, Yingjiang, Xima , 2020. V–VI, Weizong Yang ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Yunnan, Yingjiang, Xima , 1000 m, 2020.X, Weizong Yang ( CAU) ; 4♀, China, Yunnan, Baoshan, Longyang District, Baihualing , Guxingzhai , 1800–2000 m, 2020.VI.08–10, Yuchen Zheng & Jiazhi Zhang ( CAU) ; 3♂ 5♀, China, Yunnan, Baoshan, Gaoligong National Nature Reserve, Nankang Station , light, 2048 m, 2015.VII.16–20, Yunlan Jiang & Lu Yue ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Yunnan, Baoshan, Gaoligong National Nature Reserve, Baihualing , 1500 m, 2015.VII.25, Lu Yue ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Zhaotong, Yiliang, Xiaocaoba , 2022. VII.18, Xingyue Liu ( CAU) ; 1♂ 1♀, China, Yunnan, Lvchun, Huanglianshan National Nature Reserve, Bamawudu , 1700–2100 m, 2021.V.29–VI.02, Yuchen Zheng ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Yunnan, Lushui , 1900 m, 2012.VII.25, Junchao Wang ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Yunnan, Lushui , light, 2016.VII.13–14, Liang Wang ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Yunnan, Lushui, Pianma , light, 2018.V.01, Yunlong Ma ( CAU) ; 1♂, China, Yunnan, Lvchun, Huanglianshan National Nature Reserve , 1090 m, Xingyue Liu ( CAU) ; 1♂, China, Yunnan, Lvchun, Huanglianshan National Nature Reserve , light, 2013.VI.05, Jie Zhang ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Yunnan, Jinping, Maandi , 1225 m, 2016.VII.12, Ya’nan Lv ( CAU) ; 1♂, China, Yunnan, Puer, Wuliangshan National Nature Reserve , light, 2221 m, 2016.VII.16 ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Yunnan, Maguan, Jinchang, Xiajinchang , 1430 m, 2016.VII.29, Yunlan Jiang ( CAU) ; 3♂, China, Xizang, Mêdog , 80K, light, 2115 m, 2018.VII.31, Xingyue Liu ( CAU) ; 4♂ 3♀, China, Xizang, Mêdog , 80K, 2115 m, 2020.VIII.20– 27, Yuchen Zheng ( CAU) ; 1♂ 1♀, China, Xizang, Nyingchi, Mêdog, Gyêling , 1500 m, 2020.VIII.22, Yuchen Zheng ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Xizang, Shigatse, Gyirong , 2950 m, 2020.VII.26, Yuchen Zheng ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Xizang, Nyingchi, Bomê, Tangmai , 2170 m, 2020.VIII.07, Yuchen Zheng ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Xizang, Shigatse, Zhêntang , 2200 m, 2022.VII.12, Yuezheng Tu ( CAU) .

Distribution. China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Xizang, Yunnan); Nepal (Kathmandu).

Remarks. Hölzel (1973) described C. orientalis based on a female specimen from Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, and no further records of this species has been published since the original description. We examined many specimens that fit the original description of this species, especially the head without spots, the thorax without markings, the 1st rs-psm crossvein located at the end of im, etc. Here, we identify our material as C. orientalis , which represents the new record of this species from China.


China Agricultural University


















Chrysopidia (Chrysotropia) orientalis ( Hölzel, 1973 )

Wu, Jingyu & Liu, Xingyue 2024

Chrysotropia orientalis Hölzel, 1973: 355

Holzel, H. 1973: 355
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