Bactrianoscythris annae, D’Entrèves, Pietro Passerin & Roggero, Angela, 2009

D’Entrèves, Pietro Passerin & Roggero, Angela, 2009, Eastern Palaearctic Scythrididae (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea): description of a new genus and some new species, Zootaxa 2263, pp. 1-20 : 7

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scientific name

Bactrianoscythris annae

sp. nov.

Bactrianoscythris annae sp. nov.

( Figs 4 View FIGURE 4 A, 4B, 6A, 6C, 7A)

Type material. Holotype 3 ( SMNK), “Z[entral]- Afghanistan, Koh-i-Baba, S-Seite, Panjao, 2650 m, 20– 22.vii.1966, H. G. Amsel leg.” [genital slide 9426 PdE]. Paratypes: 1 3 ( SMNK), same locality as holotype [genital slide 9434 PdE]; 1 3 ( SMNK), “Z[entral]- Afghanistan, Koh-i-Baba Mts., Panjao, 2500 m,– 1.vii.1961, G. Ebert leg.” [genital slide 9435 PdE]; 1 Ƥ ( SMNK), same locality as holotype [genital slide 9433 PdE].

Diagnosis. Characters that allow to identify the species (Table 2) are the bifid S8, with apices narrow and short, and the valvae rounded. Also the well developed coecum penis has a characteristic shape, being greatly developed as in B. drepanella , and larger than in B. afghana ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ). The female can be identified by the shape of lamella antevaginalis, which is far larger than in B. afghana ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 ).

Description. Wingspan 18 mm. Forewing very pale brown, longitudinal line almost inconspicuous; fringe pale brown. Hindwing whitish pale brown, fringe tawny. Head and thorax brown, abdomen pale brown. Legs light brown. Antenna as long as forewing, brown.

Male genitalia. Uncus very short, shaped as a large cup; gnathos proximally asymmetrical, laminar, distal part tapered. Tegumen triangular, pedunculi narrowed and elongate. Valvae with proximal third polygonal, distal two-thirds narrow and inwardly turned, apices rounded and spatular. Vinculum as long as tegumen, distal margin rounded. Phallus bisinuate, shortly narrowed near pointed apex. Juxta triangular, apex large, thick. S8 elongate, narrowed at two-thirds, apices bifid, sharp, divergent, upturned; T8 unmodified, membranous.

Female genitalia. Apophyses anteriores triangular, connected by a bent sclerotized ridge. Lamella antevaginalis oval, more thickened on margin. Lamella postvaginalis oval, with transverse, well-sclerotized apical part. Ductus bursae wrinkled, and sclerotized in distal half. Segments VI and VII with a sclerotized ring.

Variation. Specimens of both the sexes have similar external appareance, being very pale brown, with no evident line on the forewing surface.

Etymology. The species was named after both Anna Passerin d’Entrèves, the daughter of PPdE, and Anna Roggero, the sister of AR.

Remarks. The Koh-i-Baba Mts are in the Hindu Kush; Panjao lies at the heart of the Hazarajat, a large mountainous region in central Afghanistan.


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkunde Karlsruhe (State Museum of Natural History)















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