Cheilosia albipicta, Barkalov & Ståhls, 2022

Barkalov, Anatolij V. & Ståhls, Gunilla, 2022, Cheilosia (Diptera, Syrphidae: Rhingiini) of Nepal with descriptions of 29 new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 829 (1), pp. 1-127 : 14-17

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Felipe (2022-07-15 13:21:17, last updated by GgImagineBatch 2022-07-15 13:24:03)

scientific name

Cheilosia albipicta

sp. nov.

Cheilosia albipicta sp. nov.

Figs 3–4

Differential diagnosis

Cheilosia (Montanocheila) albipicta sp. nov. is most similar to C. (M.) picta sp. nov., and can be distinguished by the black pilosity of C. picta sp. nov. laterally on tergites III–IV, while C. albipicta sp. nov. has black pilosity only on postero-lateral margin of tergite III. Cheilosia albipicta sp. nov. has a distinct shape of the superior lobe of the male genitalia, not shared with any other member of the subgenus (e.g., Fig. 3D–F).


The specific epithet is from the Latin ‘ albipicta ’ meaning ‘white patterned’, referring to the whitish pilosity.

Material examined


NEPAL • ♂; Solukhumbu Lamjura Pass ; 27°34′ N, 86°30′ E; 3500 m a.s.l.; 11 May [19]97; Hauser leg. [512]; CSCA. GoogleMaps


NEPAL • 2 ♂♂; same data as for holotype; CSCA GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 27°58′ N, 85°00′ E; 11 100 ft a.s.l.; 17 May 1967; Can. Nepal Exped.; CNC GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same data as for preceding; 14 May 1967; CNC GoogleMaps 3 ♂♂; same data as for preceding; 25 May 1967; CNC GoogleMaps 3 ♂♂; Solukhumbu, Goyom above Sete ; 3100 m a.s.l.; 27°34′ N, 86°27′ E; 10 May [19]97; Hauser leg. [511]; CSCA GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Solukhumbu, Tragdobuk ; 3200– 3000 m a.s.l.; 27°34′ N, 86°31′ E; 11 May [19]97; Hauser leg. [513]; CSCA GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Prov. Gandaki, Bhimtang ; 3700 m a.s.l.; 23 May 2013; J. Weipert leg.; labcode MZH _ Y2671 View Materials ; IBSJW / NME 1 ♀; same data as for preceding; labcode MZH _ Y2673 View Materials ; IBSJW / NME 1 ♀; Prov. Gandaki, Bhimtang ; 3700 m a.s.l.; 23 May 2013; J. Weipert leg.; IBSJW / NME .



LENGTH. Body 9.9–12.5 mm, wing 9.6–10.4 mm.

HEAD. Face broad, in anterior view ventrally broadened, in lateral view moderately protruded; grey pollinose except tip of facial tubercle and on shiny stripe in ventral part; non-pilose; facial tubercle of moderate size but distinct; parafacia broad, in broadest part almost equal to width of basoflagellomere, parafacia along face bare and more shiny, near eye with dense white pollinosity and very long, fine, white pilosity, a small brown fascia ventral to eye; gena broad, finely grey pollinose and long yellow pilose; lower occiput densely grey pollinose and long yellow pilose. Frons slightly convex, densely greyishwhite pollinose, long black and yellow pilose; frontal angle distinctly obtuse; lunule yellow to brownishyellow, whitish pollinose; antennal pits broadly separated. Scape and pedicel brownish-black, shiny with slight pollinosity, basoflagellomere oval, bright orange-yellow with narrowly darkened margin at aristal insertion; arista long, black, dulled with very short adpressed pilosity. Eye with dense, long, dark-brown pilosity; length of eye contiguity almost equal to length of frons without lunule. Vertex convex, pilosity long, brown; ocellar triangle equilateral. Occiput in upper part with only yellow pilosity.

THORAX. Postpronotum black with brownish-yellow margin, densely grey pollinose and white pilose. Scutum fine-punctured, shiny black with some grey pollinosity on lateral parts; in anterior half mainly with long erect pale pilosity, on posterior half with long pale and black pilosity and 3× shorter black pilosity, area anterior to scutellum only white pilose; postalar callus with long, yellow pilosity; scutum laterally with long yellow and black intermixed pilosity, lacking strong black bristles; scutellum with very long yellow and black pilosity, hind margin lacking black bristles; subscutellar fringe pile long, dense, yellow. Pleura black, with brown fascia on dorsal part of katepisternum and anterior part of katepimeron; grey pollinose and long, dense, yellow pilose; katepisternum with confluent pilosity; posterior anepisternum with mixed yellow and black pilosity; metasternum yellow pilose.

LEGS. Fore coxa brown, densely grey pollinose and yellow pilose; without baso-lateral spur; femora black with yellow tips; tibiae yellow with broad black annulus medially; fore and hind tarsi dorsally black with yellow tip of basitarsus; mid tarsus with 1–4 segments yellow and 5 th segment black, all tarsi ventrally yellow; long pilosity on posterior margin of fore and mid femora yellow in basal part and black in apical part; antero-ventral long pilosity on hind femur yellow, with some long black pilosity in apical half.

WING. Entirely microtrichose, translucent with brownish tinge at transversal veins; inner angle of veins

M 1 and R 4+5 right, R 4+5 seemingly re-entrant; Rs with short black pile. Haltere yellow with black knob; calypter yellow with yellow pilosity.

ABDOMEN. Comparatively broad, oval, in broadest part slightly broader than mesonotum at level of wing base; black, matte, with large shiny fascia laterally on tergites III–IV; with dense, erect, long, yellow to orange-yellow pilosity, with a patch of black long pilosity on postero-lateral margin of tergite III. Sternites I–IV densely greyish pollinose, with long, erect and short adpressed yellow pilosity, posterior ⅔ of sternite IV with short, adpressed black pilosity and some longer adpressed or erect yellow pile. Pre-genital segments pollinose, with black and yellow pilosity.


LENGTH. Body 8.4–9.7 mm, wing 7.9–9.3 mm.

HEAD. Shape of face as in male, but pollinosity denser, and with longer microtrichia (resembling true pile); parafacia broad, in width almost equal to half of basoflagellomere width. Frons broad, distinctly broadened anteriorly, with distinct, broad lateral furrows and a very fine medial furrow, covered with dense, erect yellow and black pilosity. Basoflagellomere very big, oval, orange-brown with antero-dorsal margin slightly darkened.

THORAX. Scutum in anterior third grey pollinose, pilosity as in male. Katepisternum with pilosity narrowly separated medially. Scutellum with black long pilosity medially and on margins yellow pilose. Pleura densely grey pollinose and white pilose.

WING. Transverse veins of wing without brownish tinge.

LEGS. Hind femur with dense, long yellow pilosity antero-ventrally.

ABDOMEN. Oval, distinctly broader than mesonotum at level of wing base, colour of pilosity same as in male but length shorter. Other characters as in male.




California State Collection of Arthropods


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Finnish Museum of Natural History


Sammlung des Naturkundemseum Erfurt











