Ciliopagurus alcocki Forest 1995

Celia, Maria, Malay, D., Miller, Allison K. & Komai, Tomoyuki, 2021, Hermit crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Paguroidea) of the Northern Marianas, including new records and an updated checklist, Micronesica 2021 (1), pp. 1-29 : 9

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12118323


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scientific name

Ciliopagurus alcocki Forest 1995


Ciliopagurus alcocki Forest 1995 View in CoL

Fig. 3c – 3d View Fig

Material. 1 female (SIO-BIC C14197), Maug Islands , station AKM-MAU-02 .

Coloration. Shield generally light orange, fading to white posteriorly. Ocular peduncles yellowrange, cornea grey; ocular acicles orange. Antennular peduncles yellow. Antennal peduncles yelloworange. Chelipeds bright red with light yellow rings. Second and third pereopods uniformly orange with irregular white markings at basal and distal ends of meri, carpi, and propodi; dactyls bright red with white spots and white basal and distal ends; terminal claws black. Pleon white.

Remarks. The single specimen was caught at depth of 266–288 m and was in a cone snail. A color photograph of a freshly caught specimen from Kii Peninsula, Japan, was previously published by Miyake (1982: pl. 35, fig. 1 right, as Trizopagurus teberarum ; cf. Forest 1995), with which the present specimen agrees well in the coloration. The color and color pattern are species specific in Ciliopagurus ( Forest 1995; Poupin 2001; Poupin & Malay 2009). It was previously known from New Caledonia (type locality), Japan, and the South China Sea ( Forest 1995), thus this represents a new record from the Marianas.

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