Afrepipona lamptula, Selis & Carpenter, 2024

Selis, Marco & Carpenter, James M., 2024, Revision of the Afrotropical genus Afrepipona Giordani Soika, 1965 and description of Afrepsilon gen. nov. (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae), European Journal of Taxonomy 944, pp. 1-80 : 21-24

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.944.2607

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scientific name

Afrepipona lamptula

sp. nov.

Afrepipona lamptula sp. nov.

Fig. 9 View Fig


Similar to Afrepipona lamptoensis , but differing as follows: apical margin of clypeus wider, 0.3 × as maximum width of clypeus ( Fig. 9B View Fig ); occipital carina strongly curved in lower half of gena; cephalic foveae placed in a depression with raised posterior margin ( Fig. 9C View Fig ); T2 less reflexed, apical margin thickened but not duplicate ( Fig. 9D View Fig ); punctures on mesoscutum ⅓ × as long as ocellar diameter, interspaces on disc exceeding one puncture diameter, dorsal face of propodeum finely punctate and with impunctate areas, punctures on T2 not oblique and not flat-bottomed, S2 with sparser and finer punctures; mesosternum nearly bare.


The specific epithet is in reference to the similarity to A. lamptoensis .

Type material


CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC • ♀; Ombella-Mpono , 75 km NNE of Bangui; 5–6 and 8–11 Apr. 2020; A. Kudrna Jr leg.; MSNVE.



MEASUREMENTS. Body length 7.0 mm; fore wing length 5.8 mm.

MORPHOLOGY. Head 1.2 × as wide as long in frontal view. Clypeus 1.35 × as wide as long, apical margin truncate between lateral teeth, 0.3 × as wide as maximum width of clypeus; apical teeth dull and barely projecting, with blunt basally diverging carinae; clypeus in lateral view almost flattened, barely convex dorsally. Vertex 1.95 × as long as distance from posterior ocellus to inner eye margin; cephalic foveae very small and close to each other, placed in a smooth and shiny depression as large as one ocellus and with carinate posterior margin; gena 0.9 × as wide as eye at bottom of ocular sinus; occipital carina complete, very weak on vertex and shortly lamellate on gena, more or less evenly curved on gena. F1 1.15 × as long as wide and 1.3 × as long as F2, F2–9 transverse. Fifth tooth of mandible projecting but apically rounded. Mesosoma 1.2 × as long as wide. Sides of pronotum almost straight in dorsal view; anterior margin completely straight; pronotal carina complete and very shortly lamellate, projecting but rounded on humeri; pretegular carina dull and barely visible dorsally; lateral faces of pronotum depressed and clearly separated from dorsal face, but without a distinct humeral carina. Mesoscutum 0.95 × as long as wide, evenly convex in lateral view. Scutellum weakly convex and smoothly passing into mesoscutum and metanotum; anterior margin coarsely crenate with a series of 10 pits, median one about twice as large as others. Metanotum weakly and evenly convex in lateral view. Tegula almost equaling parategula, outer margin more convex in anterior half; parategula small and strongly bent, right-angled. Epicnemial carina sharp and reaching epipleural suture but disappearing on mesosternum. Propodeum falling almost vertically behind metanotum in lateral view; posterior face small and shallowly concave, smoothly and regularly passing into dorsal faces; lateral faces very shallowly concave; all carinae absent. T1 irregularly trapezoidal, with lateral margins passing into rounded anterior margin, 0.45 × as long as wide in dorsal view; posterior margin weakly thickened with a short translucent margin of regular length. T2 0.85 × as long as wide in dorsal view, apical margin thickened but not duplicated, with a translucent lamella separated from rest of surface by a series of irregular coarse punctures. T3 with apical translucent lamella similar to that on T2. S2 almost flattened and then convex basally, basally with a short deep longitudinal furrow, apically with a lamellar margin similar to T2. S3 with short shagreened apical lamella.

SCULPTURE AND VESTITURE. Clypeus shiny with shallow punctures, large and dense on disc and apically, very fine and sparse on basal corners, interspaces with very scattered micropunctures. Head with deep punctures, interspaces slightly convex and shiny, distance between punctures equal to puncture diameter on frons and becoming larger on vertex and gena. Scape weakly shiny with dense micropunctures and sparse fine punctures. Most of mesosoma sculpted like vertex, punctures larger and sparser on scutellum and mesepisternum; lateral faces of pronotum with dull striae; punctures on scutellum sparser laterally and anteriorly; punctures on mesepisternum becoming sparse and smaller ventrally, very fine and sparse on mesosternum, epicnemium shallowly shagreened and shiny, with fine punctures ventrally; dorsal faces of propodeum with large flat-bottomed punctures, interspaces large and flattened with fine microstriation; posterior face shiny, smooth with sparse punctures dorsally and finely striate ventrally; lateral faces irregularly shagreened and microstriate, weakly shiny, with flat-bottomed shallow punctures becoming denser posteriorly. T1 finely shagreened and weakly shiny, with very sparse deep small punctures, barely denser on disc; T2 similar to T1, with a preapical series of large and coarse punctures; T3–4 similar to T2, but punctures smaller; T5–6 micropunctate with very sparse fine punctures; S1 smooth and shiny with some punctures, basal petiole partly shagreened; S2–3 similar to respective tergites, but punctures sparser and larger, preapical series on S2 with smaller and more regular punctures; S4–6 densely micropunctate with very sparse fine punctures. Head and mesosoma with short silvery pubescence, very sparse and mostly arising from punctures, more abundant and denser on frons and sides of mesosoma, almost absent on epicnemium and mesosternum; clypeus mostly bare, with silvery pubescence on basal and lateral margins and curved erect setae; frons and mesepisternum with thick curved setae; propodeum almost entirely covered in short white pubescence, angles with fine long setae; metasoma with brownish dust-like pubescence, short sub-erect setae on T3–6 and S2–6.

COLORATION. Dark red; following parts black: frons up to anterior ocellus, margins of mandible, flagellum above, part of lower face of head, three broad stripes on mesoscutum, mesosternum and lower margin of mesepisternum, anterior margin of metaepisternum, preapical band on S2; following parts ferruginous-orange: clypeus, mandible, inner eye margin, longitudinal line above interantennal space, scape, apical segments of tarsi, T5–6 and S5–6; following parts pale yellow: basal spot on mandible, interrupted basal band on clypeus, inner margin of ventral lobe of eye, anterior margin of pronotum, parategula, narrow and regular apical band on T1, broad and irregular apical bands on T2–4 and S3, medially interrupted apical band on S2, irregular spots on mid and hind coxae, outer face of mid and hind tibia except basal third, narrow line on outer face of hind basitarsus. Wings hyaline with weakly infuscate apical spot.




Central African Republic.













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