
Smith, Alan R., Kessler, Michael, León, Blanca, Almeida, Thaís Elias, Jiménez-Pérez, Iván & Lehnert, Marcus, 2018, Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. XL. Polypodiaceae, Phytotaxa 354 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.354.1.1

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Key to the Bolivian species of Pecluma View in CoL

1 Blades 1-pinnate or more divided, at least in the proximal half to two-thirds of the blade ............................................................. 2

– Blades deeply pinnatifid or pinnatisect, at least above the base (i.e., proximal pinnae may be free or nearly so) .......................... 4

2 Pinnae shallowly lobed to pinnatifid almost to costae, to ca. 1 cm wide at bases; sori round; rhizome scales dark red-brown to blackish, 3–4 × 0.3–0.4 mm ............................................................................................................................... P. choquetangensis View in CoL

– Pinnae entire or nearly so, 1.2–1.7 cm wide at bases; sori round to oblong; rhizome scales orange-brown to dark brown, to 5 × 1 mm .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

3 Pinnae narrowed toward their bases, not or only slightly flaring at their attachment, not strongly surcurrent or decurrent, or confluent at bases with adjacent pinnae; sori oblong, to 2 times longer than wide; rhizome scales orange-brown, to 5 × 1 mm ...... ............................................................................................................................................................................................... P. dulcis View in CoL

– Pinnae mostly abruptly widening at their bases, strongly surcurrent and often decurrent as well; sori round or nearly so; rhizome scales dark brown, to 3 × 0.5 mm ................................................................................................................................. P. perpinnata View in CoL

4 Rachises abaxially dark brown to black with relatively conspicuous, persistent, ovate to lanceolate scales .................................. 5

– Rachises abaxially brownish or red-brown, lacking scales .............................................................................................................. 7

5 Pinnae mostly 1–2 mm wide; fronds mostly 6–18 cm long ............................................................................................... P. filicula View in CoL

– Pinnae mostly 3 or more mm wide; fronds mostly 20+ cm long ..................................................................................................... 6

6 Segments narrowly lanceolate; basal segments deflexed; veins 2-forked; spores globose, 32 per sporangium .............. P. dispersa View in CoL

– Segments linear; basal segments not deflexed; veins 1-forked; spores reniform, 64 per sporangium ............................. P. plumula View in CoL

7 Leaves ca. 15 cm long, <4 cm wide; rhizome scales dark brown, dull, ovate, ca. 2 mm long, decidedly comose (bearing many reddish brown, filiform rhizoids) ................................................................................................................................... P. oranensis View in CoL

– Leaves> 15 cm long,> 4 cm wide; rhizome scales brownish, lanceolate, often shiny,> 2 mm long, comose or not ....................... 8

8 Blades fully pinnate at bases, becoming pectinate distally; basiscopic pinna margins perpendicular to the rachises; pinnae usually not or only slightly deflexed, 9–15 mm wide at line of attachment ............................................................................. P. perpinnata View in CoL

– Blades pinnatifid or pectinate throughout or fully pinnate only at the very base; basiscopic pinna margins decurrent on the rachises, except sometimes in the reduced basalmost pinnae; pinnae departing at right angles from the rachises or slightly ascending, 3–9 mm wide (as measured from sinuses) .............................................................................................................................................. 9

9 Proximal pinnae at least half as long as the longest segments ....................................................................................................... 10

– Proximal pinnae less than half as long as the longest segments, usually 3 or more pairs of pinnae reduced to auricles .............. 11

10 Rhizome scales reddish brown with dark tips; rachises and costae abaxially with numerous hairs 0.1–0.3 mm long, blade surfaces abaxially glabrous or with inconspicuous appressed hairs 0.1–0.2 mm long ............................................................... P. divaricata View in CoL

– Rhizome scales orangish to ferrugineous; rachises and laminae abaxially with short, silvery, spreading hairs mostly 0.1–0.3 mm long ........................................................................................................................................................................... P. hygrometrica View in CoL

11 Pinnae, especially towards the blade apices, ascending at a 30–50° angle from rachis; pinna margins sinuate to crenate ................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................ P. curvans View in CoL

– Pinnae perpendicular to the rachises or slightly ascending (>65° from rachis); pinna margins entire to sometimes obscurely sinuate ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

12 Abaxial blade surfaces with oblong patches of erect hairs 0.1–0.3 mm long around the sori (may be partially hidden by mature sporangia), otherwise glabrous or with scattered, appressed hairs ................................................................................................. 13

– Abaxial blade surfaces glabrous or with evenly distributed hairs .................................................................................................. 15

13 Petioles 1–3(8) cm long; blades proximally very gradually reduced to small lobes, reduced pinnae often 20+ pairs; hairs of rachises and costae 1–2 mm long ....................................................................................................................................................... P. pilosa View in CoL

– Petioles (3) 8–36 cm long; blades proximally with pinnae rather abruptly reduced to a few small lobes or auricles; hairs of rachises and costae <0.8 mm long ................................................................................................................................................................ 14

14 Basiscopic edges of the segments in the lower half of the blades decurrent along rachises (i.e., both segment sides roughly symmetrical); leaves 55–115 cm long; pinnae 6–9 mm wide; spores ca. 41 μm long ................................ P. ptilodon var. ptilodon

– Basiscopic edges of the reduced proximal segments perpendicular to the rachises; leaves 50–170 cm long; pinnae 8–11 mm wide; spores>ca. 52 μm long ...................................................................................................................................................... P. robusta View in CoL

15 Abaxial blade surfaces glabrous or with minute, appressed hairs 0.1 mm long ............................................................................ 16

– Abaxial blade surfaces with spreading acicular or septate flexuous hairs> 0.3 mm long .............................................................. 17

16 Rachises glabrous to sparsely hairy; rhizome scales inconspicuously fimbriate ................................ P. eurybasis var. glabrescens View in CoL

– Rachises densely hairy; rhizome scales entire .............................................................................................. P. eurybasis var. villosa View in CoL

17 Laminar hairs dense on blades abaxially, mostly ca. 1 mm long, flexuous, septate; similar appressed hairs on blades adaxially; blades with ca. 4 pairs of gradually reduced pinnae proximally; sporangial capsules glabrous ...................................... P. hoehnei View in CoL

– Laminar hairs of moderate density on blades abaxially, hairs mostly <1 mm long, acicular, not obviously septate; blades adaxially glabrous or sparingly hairy toward their margins; blades with>4 pairs of gradually or abruptly reduced pinnae proximally; sporangial capsules glabrous or frequently setulose or minutely glandular ................................................................................... 18

18 Veins completely free; blades soft .................................................................................................................................................. 19

– Veins at least sporadically anastomosing; blades firm ................................................................................................................... 20

19 Sporangia hairy; pinnae slightly ascending (10–25°) ....................................................................................................... P. absidata View in CoL

– Sporangia glabrous; pinnae set at roughly right angles to rachises ................................................................................... P. venturii View in CoL

20 Rachises and blades abaxially with hairs 0.1–0.2 mm long; blades abruptly reduced to a few small lobes ................... P. pectinata View in CoL

– Rachises and blades abaxially with hairs 0.4–0.8 mm long; blades gradually to abruptly reduced to small lobes, these sometimes numerous ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 21

21 Veins only partially anastomosing; receptacular paraphyses simple; blade hairs simple, dense ........................................................ ........................................................................................................................................... P. camptophyllaria var. camptophyllaria View in CoL

– Veins completely anastomosing except at segment apices; receptacular paraphyses forked; blade hairs sparse, forked, each with a clavate and a setose branch ............................................................................................................................................... P. macedoi View in CoL

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