Pseudosida cf. szalayi ( Daday, 1898 )

Kotov, Alexey A., Jeong, Hyun Gi & Lee, Wonchoel, 2012, Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) of the south-east of the Korean Peninsula, with twenty new records for Korea *, Zootaxa 3368, pp. 50-90 : 55-56

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scientific name

Pseudosida cf. szalayi ( Daday, 1898 )


2. Pseudosida cf. szalayi ( Daday, 1898)

Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4

Synonymy. Parasida szalayi Daday, 1898 , p. 64–66, Fig. 33 a –d.

Pseudosida szalayi (Daday) in Korovchinsky 1992, p. 67, 70, Figs 330–335; Korovchinsky 2004, p. 339, Fig. 134, Fig. 135: 2–7; Korovchinsky 2010, p. 3–14, Figs 1–8.

Pseudosida bidentata Herrick in Ching & Du 1979, p. 99–100, Fig. 67.

See further synonymy in Korovchinsky (2010).

Type locality. "Swamp near Lake Kalawewa", Sri Lanka (according to lectotype, see Korovchinsky 2010).

Locality in Korea. 8 (see Fig. 1 and Table 1).

Parthenogenetic female. Body ovoid, elongated, head small, dorsal margin convex, postero-dorsal angle expressed, posterior margin convex, postero-ventral margin strongly projected ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 A). Rostrum directed ventrally, compound eye large, situated near antero-ventral head margin, ocellus small ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 B). Setae at anteroventral portion of valve relatively short, not specially elongated and modified ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 C). Posterior valve margin with an inner row of numerous submarginal spinules and clusters of smaller spinules. Postabdomen subrectangular, comparatively short; ventral margin straight, preanal margin long, concave with a projection near anus, "terminal outgrowth" in terminology of Korovchinsky (2011) ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 D). Row of 10−12 clusters of anal teeth along each lateral side, mostly with 3−6 teeth in each cluster; rows of minute spinules near clusters of anal teeth. Groups of comparatively large spines laterally to postabdominal claw base ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 E). Postabdominal claw regularly bent, with three basal spines, two of which are long and proximalmost one very small. In a single female there were two very small spinules in position of proximal basal spine ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 D), numerous large spinules distally on ventral side of the claws ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 E). Postabdominal setae long, about 0.54 of body length. Antenna I long ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 A –B), with aesthetascs on a small lateral prominence in its middle; distally a large sensory seta armed with long setules ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 F). Antenna II long, basal segment long, with a spine in its distal portion between branches and a denticle laterally ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 G). Exopod bisegmented, proximal segment distally with a large spine and a large denticle; distal segment with a small prominence proximally and a large spine with small hillock near it distally ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 H). Endopod three-segmented, second segment long and stout, apically with a long seta and a short spine, apical segment with three setae and a spine. Antennal formula in our material: setae (5−7) − (10−11) / 0−1 − 3. Six pairs of thoracic limbs, as described by Korovchinsky (2010). Size in our material 1.22–1.75 mm.

Notes. Korovchinsky (2010) pointed out that previous Asian records of P. bidentata Herrick, 1884 are dubious, and these populations in reality belong to P. szalayi . The latter is found in Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, China and Amur basin in Far East of Russia (Korovchninsky 2010). So, its presence in Korea was quite expected. We provide the first record of the genus for Korea.

Chiang, S. & Du, N. (1979) Fauna Sinica. Crustacea. Freshwater Cladocera. Science Press, Academia Sinica, Peking, China, 297 pp.

Daday, E. von (1898) Mikroskopische Susswasserthiere aus Ceylon. Termeszetrajzi Fuzetek, Budapest, 21, 1 - 123.

Korovchinsky, N. M. (1992) Sididae & Holopediidae (Crustacea: Daphniiformes). Guides to the identification of the microinvertebrates of the continental waters of the world, Vol. 3, SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague, 82 pp.

Korovchinsky, N. M. (2004) Cladocerans of the order Ctenopoda of the world fauna (morphology, systematics, ecology, biogeography. KMK Press, Moscow, 410 pp. [In Russian]

Korovchinsky, N. M. (2010) A taxonomic revision of Pseudosida szalayi Daday, 1898 (Crustacea: Cladocera: Sididae) over its Asian range, with focus on the northernmost populations first recorded from the Amur River basin (Far East of Russia). Zootaxa, 2345, 1 - 18.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 4. Pseudosida cf. szalayi (Daday, 1898), parthenogenetic female from Bak Sil Ji 3, locality 8. A, lateral view; B, head; C, postero-ventral portion of valve, inner view; D, postabdomen; E, its distal portion; F, distal sensory seta of antenna I; G, distal portion of basal segment of antenna II; H, branches of antenna II. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.