Cyana (Cryptanaema) sibela, Volynkin & Černý & Vos, 2022

Volynkin, Anton V., Černý, Karel & Vos, Rob De, 2022, Two new species of the subgenus Cryptanaema de Vos of the genus Cyana Walker from eastern Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini Nudariina), Zootaxa 5178 (1), pp. 81-91 : 84-85

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5178.1.5

publication LSID


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Plazi (2022-08-25 07:36:11, last updated 2024-11-27 18:07:13)

scientific name

Cyana (Cryptanaema) sibela

sp. nov.

Cyana (Cryptanaema) sibela View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 7, 9 View FIGURES 7–12 , 16 View FIGURES 16–18 , 21 View FIGURES 19–22 )

Type material. Holotype ( Figs 7 View FIGURES 7–12 , 16 View FIGURES 16–18 ): male, [ Indonesia, North Maluku Province, Maluku Islands] “N. Moluccas, 400m | Bacan Island | Mt.Sibela, 14km SE | Labuha , 2.– 13.2.1996 | 0’38’’S 127’32’’ [0°38’S 127°32’E] | Sinjaev [recte: Sinyaev] & Afonin lg” / “Slide | ZSM Arct. | 2021-023 ♂ | A. Volynkin ” ( MWM / ZSM). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: 1 male, same data as holotype ( MWM / ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 7 males, 1 female, [ Indonesia, North Maluku Province, Maluku Islands] Molukken, Halmahera, Mt. Talagaranu, 600m 15 km SE Baru ( Primärwald [primary forest]), 22–31.I.1996, 1°12’N, 127°32’E, Sinyaev & Tarasov leg., gen. prep. Nos.: ZSM GoogleMaps Arct. 2021-021 (male), ZSM Arct. 2021-022 (female) (prepared by Volynkin ( MWM / ZSM).

Diagnosis. Cyana sibela sp. n. ( Figs 7–9 View FIGURES 7–12 ) is superficially reminiscent of the sympatric C. halmahera ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 7–12 ) belonging to the Cyana fumea Hampson, 1900 species group (de Vos 2017; Volynkin 2021) but is distinguished by the ochreous head, patagia and tegula (they are dark brown in the congener), the shorter lobus on the forewing, the developed forewing patter consisting of diffuse transverse lines and two black cellular spot (in C. halmahera , the pattern is reduced), and the pale yellow male hindwing with a somewhat broader terminal shade. Despite the superficial similarity, the male genital structures of the two species ( Figs 16, 18 View FIGURES 16–18 ) are strongly different and those of the new species are most reminiscent of the superficially dissimilar C. inusitata ( Figs 11, 12 View FIGURES 7–12 ). The male genital capsule of C. sibela sp. n. ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 16–18 ) differs from that of C. inusitata ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 16–18 ) in the medially thicker uncus, the narrower and apically pointed valva (it is apically rounded in the congener), the somewhat shorter and markedly narrower ampulla, the conspicuously shorter medial saccular process positioned more proximally, the less convex margin of the distal section of the sacculus, and the somewhat more elongate and apically rounded distal saccular process, which is apically pointed in C. inusitata . The juxta of the new species has broader lateral arms than in C. inusitata . The phallus of C. sibela sp. n. is subapically dilated whereas it is evenly tubular medially and distally and somewhat dilated proximally in the congener. The vesica of the new species is markedly broader than in C. inusitata (in proportion to the phallus and genital capsule sizes). The subbasal diverticulum of C. sibela sp. n. is broad, apically conical and with two lateral lobes whereas it is narrower and sack-like in C. inusitata . The ventral diverticulum of the new species is conspicuously broader than in C. inusitata and has a markedly smaller subbasal lobe. The dorsal diverticulum of C. sibela sp. n. is broader and more rounded than in C. inusitata . In the female genitalia of C. sibela sp. n. ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 19–22 ), the ductus bursae is markedly shorter than in C. inusitata ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 19–22 ) (in proportion to the ovipositor size), the posterior sclerotised section of the corpus bursae is much narrower and less rugose, and the bulla is markedly longer and elliptical whereas it is more or less globular in the congener. Additionally, the apophyses anteriores of the new species are shorter than in C. inusitata (in proportion to the ovipositor size), and the signum bursae is larger.

Description. External morphology of adults ( Figs 7–9 View FIGURES 7–12 ). Forewing length 13.0 mm in both sexes. Antenna weakly ciliate in both sexes. Sexual dimorphism limited: female with more contrast forewing pattern, medial line positioned more proximally and touching proximal cellular spot (crossing distal cellular spot in male), and paler hindwing with broader terminal band and lacking discal spot. Head ochreous-brown with brown suffusion on frons. Thorax brown with ochreous-brown suffusion medially; patagia and tegula ochreous-brown, edged with brown scales. Forewing elongate with almost parallel margins and convex outer margin. Forewing ground colour ochreous-brown with dark brown irroration, pattern dark brown, diffuse. Subbasal line broad, diffuse. Antemedial line thin, irregularly dentate, dilated at anal margin. Medial line thin, curved inwards at costa. Medial area with two round blackish spots positioned longitudinally in cell. Postmedial line irregularly dentate, dilated medially and posteriorly. Postmedial area with intense dark brown suffusion. Forewing cilia dark brown. Hindwing ground colour pale yellow. Discal spot comma-like, indistinct, absent in female. Terminal band broad, fuscous, dilated at apex and stretching along costal margin. Hindwing cilia fuscous. Abdomen ochreous-brown basally and apically and fuscous medially. Male genitalia ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 16–18 ). Uncus elongate and slender, laterally flattened, slightly down curved medially, dilated postmedially and subapically tapered, with tiny claw-like tip. Tuba analis broad basally (ca. ¾ of tegumen length) and narrower and tubular distally, with thin scaphium and setose subscaphium. Arms of tegumen slightly dilated anteriorly. Vinculum somewhat longer than tegumen, U-shaped, heavily sclerotised anteriorly. Valva lobular, somewhat dilated medially, with triangular and apically pointed distal section. Ampulla heavily sclerotised, triangular with claw-like curved tip. Sacculus narrow (ca. half of basal section of valva width), with broadly triangular medial process directed dorsad and positioned subproximally. Distal saccular process short (in proportion to valva length), narrowly triangular and apically rounded, directed distally. Juxta trapezoid with deep medial anterior depression. Phallus large (in proportion to genital capsule size), dilated medially and somewhat constricted distally. Vesica very broad (in proportion to genital capsule and phallus size). Subbasal diverticulum membranous, distally conical, with two semiglobular lateral lobes of different sizes. Ventral diverticulum broad, sack-like, granulose, ventrally bearing broad cluster of numerous short triangular cornuti of various sizes. Dorsal diverticulum broad, semiglobular, granulose, dorsally bearing cluster of short triangular cornuti of various sizes, with broadly conical and apically rounded weakly granulose subbasal lobe. Vesica ejaculatorius conical basally and tubular distally, with broadly triangular and heavily sclerotised basal plate, directed distally. Female genitalia ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 19–22 ). Papilla analis trapezoid with rounded corners, setose. Apophyses elongate and thin, equal in length. Ostium bursae with membranous margins. Ductus bursae membranous, tubular anteriorly and funnel-like dilated posteriorly. Posterior section of corpus bursae broad (in proportion to ovipositor shape), sclerotised posteriorly and gelatinous and rugose anteriorly, protruding laterally to right side. Anterior section of corpus bursae narrower than posterior one, semiglobular, membranous, bearing bilobate and dentate signum anterio-laterally. Appendix bursae small (in proportion to corpus bursae size), originating postero-laterally on right side, membranous, broadly conical basally and narrowly tubular medially, with large (more or less equal in length to corpus bursae), membranous, elliptical bulla.

Distribution. Indonesia, Maluku Islands: Halmahera and Bacan Islands.

Etymology. The specific epithet is homonymic to the type locality, Mount Sibela. The name is a noun in apposition.

Hampson, G. F. (1900) Catalogue of the Arctiadae (Nolinae, Lithosiinae) in the collection of the British Museum. In: Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the collection of the British Museum. Vol. 2. British Museum (Natural History), London, xx + 589 pp., pls. XVIII - XXXV.

Volynkin, A. V. (2021) Cyana (Cryptanaema) halmahera, a new species from the Maluku Islands (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini). Ecologica Montenegrina, 48, 39 - 42. https: // doi. org / 10.37828 / em. 2021.48.7

Vos, R. de (2017) The Cyana Walker, 1854 species of New Guinea, with description of a new subgenus, eight new species and one new subspecies (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini). In: Telnov, D., Barclay, M. V. L. & Pauwels, O. S. G. (Eds.), Biodiversity, Biogeography and Nature Conservation in Wallacea and New Guinea. Vol. III. The Entomological Society of Latvia, Riga, pp. 587 - 611, pls. 126 - 143.

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FIGURES 7–12. Cyana (Cryptanaema) spp.: adults. Depositories of the specimens: 7–10 in MWM/ZSM; 11 and 12 in CKC.

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FIGURES 16–18. Cyana (Cryptanaema) spp.: male genitalia. Depositories of the specimens dissected: 16 and 18 in MWM/ ZSM; 17 in CKC.

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FIGURES 19–22. Cyana (Cryptanaema) spp.: female genitalia. Depositories of the specimens dissected: 19 and 22 in CKC; 20 in NHMUK (©The Trustees of NHMUK); 21 in MWM/ZSM.


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology

















