Henicorhynchus ornatipinnis ( Roberts, 1997 )

Ciccotto, Patrick J. & Page, Lawrence M., 2020, Revision of the Genus Henicorhynchus, with a Revised Diagnosis of Gymnostomus (Cyprinidae: Labeoninae), Copeia 108 (3), pp. 485-502 : 485-502

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1643/ci-19-304



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scientific name

Henicorhynchus ornatipinnis ( Roberts, 1997 )


Henicorhynchus ornatipinnis ( Roberts, 1997) View in CoL

Red-finned Mud Carp

Figure 6

Cirrhinus ornatipinnis Roberts, 1997:195 View in CoL , fig. 13. Type locality: Thailand, roadside ditch on highway 24 at km 150 marker, 179 km by road east of Nakorn Ratchasima. Holotype: CAS 91756 About CAS .

Gymnostomus ornatipinnis View in CoL — Kottelat, 2013.

Diagnosis.— A member of Henicorhynchus distinguished from other members of the genus ( Table 1) by the following combination of characters: mouth subterminal, weakly oblique to nearly horizontal (less than or equal to 208 to midline of body); maxillary barbels absent; edge of rostral cap straight, without medial indent; flank immaculate, without longitudinal stripes; caudal peduncle immaculate, without spot; anterior ł of caudal fin dusky, posterior hyaline; pectoral, pelvic, and anal fins red or orange in life.

Comparisons.— Henicorhynchus ornatipinnis differs from all other species of Henicorhynchus in having red or orange pectoral, pelvic, and anal fins in life (vs. hyaline fins) and from all except H. siamensis and some specimens of H.


entmema (see Remarks for that species) in lacking maxillary barbels. Henicorhynchus ornatipinnis possesses a rostral cap with a straight edge, vs. edge with medial indent in H. entmema , and a subterminal, weakly oblique mouth, vs. terminal in H. siamensis .

Description.— Morphometrics and meristics presented in Table 2. Mouth subterminal; weakly oblique to nearly horizontal. Maxillary barbels absent. Edge of rostral cap straight, without medial indent. Pectoral fin with 13–14 branched rays. Lateral-line scales and pored scales on caudal fin 33–35 þ 2–3; predorsal scales 10–12; scale rows above lateral line 5; scale rows below lateral line 5; scale rows between lateral line and pelvic-fin origin 4–4. Maximum length ¼ 93.2 mm SL.

Dorsum of head and body light brown. Dorsal of side of head brown; ventral = ł cream to yellow; cheeks and opercula silver. Dorsal 1 3 of flank light brown =, with scattered darker brown spot on scales; ventral 2 3 cream to yellow. Venter cream to yellow. Dorsal fin with dark brown clusters of melanophores forming blotches in middle portions of interradial membranes; pectoral, pelvic, and anal fins hyaline; anterior ł of caudal fin dusky, posterior hyaline.

Distribution.— Henicorhynchus ornatipinnis is native to temporary habitats, including roadside canals, of the middle portion of the Mekong River basin in Thailand ( Roberts, 1997; Fig. 9A View FIG ). It is also reported from slow-flowing lotic habitats in Lao PDR ( Kottelat, 2001).

Material examined.— (Identified, but not measured if no SL given). Thailand: Mekong basin: CAS 91756 About CAS , 1 About CAS , holotype, 69.4 mm SL, roadside ditch on highway 24 at km 150, 17.9 km by road east of Nakorn Ratchasima , 15.00488N, 102.27398E, 27 May 1991 GoogleMaps ; CAS 91758 About CAS , 4 About CAS , 84.3–93.2 mm SL, Nakorn Phanom market, 17.40198N, 104.79138E, 4 March 1991 GoogleMaps ; CAS 91759 About CAS , 15 About CAS , Nakorn Phanom market, 17.40198N, 104.79138E, 26 May 1990 GoogleMaps ; CAS 91760 About CAS , 9 About CAS , 53.9–87.8 mm SL, roadside canals 5–30 km south of Phibun Mangsahan , 15.08268N, 105.23338E, 16 September 1990 GoogleMaps ; CAS 91761 About CAS , 26 About CAS , Phibun Mangsahan market, 15.24938N, 105.23568E, 15 September 1990 GoogleMaps .

Henicorhynchus siamensis (Sauvage, 1881)

Siamese Mud Carp

Figures 7–8 View FIG View FIG

Morara siamensis Sauvage (ex Bleeker), 1881:164, 187, pl. 6 fig. 2. Type locality: Thailand, Bangkok. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-1839 (4).

Tylognathus siamensis de Beaufort, 1927:5 . Type locality: Thailand: Chiang Rai Province, Payao Swamp. Holotype: ZMA 112.583 View Materials .

Tylognathus brunneus Fowler, 1934:131 View in CoL , figs. 87–88. Type locality: Thailand, Chiang Mai. Holotype: ANSP 58369 About ANSP .

Cirrhinus marginipinnis Fowler, 1937:173 View in CoL , figs. 108–109. Type locality: Thailand, Pitsanulok. Holotype: ANSP 68069 About ANSP .

Cirrhinus siamensis View in CoL — Roberts, 1997.

Gymnostomus siamensis — Kottelat, 2013.

Diagnosis.— A member of Henicorhynchus distinguished from other members of the genus ( Table 1) by the following combination of characters: mouth terminal, strongly oblique (35–458 to midline of body); maxillary barbels absent; edge of

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Copeia 108, No. 3, 2020

rostral cap straight, without medial indent; flank immaculate, without longitudinal stripes; caudal peduncle immaculate, without spot; caudal fin mostly clear, with scattered melanophores; pectoral, pelvic, and anal fins hyaline in life ( Fig. 9 View FIG ).

Comparisons.— Henicorhynchus siamensis differs from all other species of Henicorhynchus , except H. ornatipinnis and some specimens of H. entmema (see Remarks for that species) in lacking maxillary barbels. Henicorhynchus siamensis possesses a rostral cap with a straight edge (vs. edge with medial indent in H. entmema ). Henicorhynchus siamensis possesses a terminal, strongly oblique mouth (vs. subterminal in H. ornatipinnis ) and hyaline pectoral, pelvic, and anal fins in life (vs. red or orange fins in H. ornatipinnis ).

Description.— Morphometrics and meristics presented in Table 2. Mouth terminal, strongly oblique. Maxillary barbels absent. Edge of rostral cap straight, without medial indent. Pectoral fin with 14–16 branched rays. Lateral-line scales and pored scales on caudal fin 33–35 þ 2–4; predorsal scales 9–11; scale rows above lateral line 5 (rarely 6); scale rows below lateral line 5; scale rows between lateral line and pelvic-fin origin 4. Maximum length ¼ 142.3 mm SL.

Dorsum of head and body brown. Dorsal to of side of head light to dark brown; ventral to ł cream = to yellow; cheeks and opercula occasionally silver. Dorsal 1 3 to of flank light to dark brown, with scattered darker = brown spots on scales in some specimens; ventral to 2 3 cream, yellow, or light brown. Venter cream, yellow, or light brown. Dorsal fin with dark brown clusters of melanophores forming blotches in middle portions of interradial membranes, distal edge brown; pectoral, pelvic, and anal fins hyaline; caudal fin mostly clear, with scattered melanophores.

Distribution.— Henicorhynchus siamensis is distributed in the Bang Pakong, Chao Phraya, Mae Klong, and Phetchaburi basins in Thailand as well as the Mekong basin in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Vietnam ( Fig. 9D View FIG ).

Material examined.— (Identified, but not measured if no SL given). Cambodia: Mekong basin: CAS 91611 About CAS , 11 About CAS , Phnom Penh markets, 11.56258N, 104.9168E, 18 January 1994 GoogleMaps ; CAS 94276 About CAS , 13 About CAS , Stung Treng market, 13.51678N, 105.96678E, 2 February 1994 GoogleMaps ; CAS 94775 About CAS , 3 About CAS , 105.1 About CAS – 129.5 mm SL, Tonle Sap at km 13–16 north of Phnom Penh , 11.65878N, 104.86838E, 21 January 1994 GoogleMaps ; CAS 96187 About CAS , 2 About CAS , Tonle Sap at km 12 from Phnom Penh ?, 11.64488N, 104.88058E GoogleMaps ; UF 190623 , 1, 104.9 mm SL, Pursat, Pursat River 13 km NE of Pursat, 12.62428N, 104.00878E, 25 May 2016 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 232121 View Materials , 2 View Materials , Kandal, Tonle Sap River 35 km upstream from Phnom Penh, day row 1, net A, 11.86678N, 104.78338E, 16 January 1995 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 232297 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Stung Treng morning market, 13.58N, 105.96678E, 26 January 1995 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 232364 View Materials , 2 View Materials , Kandal, Prek Ta Pov , 11 km S of Phnom Penh, 13.58N, 104.86678E, 2 February 1995 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 232532 View Materials , 4 View Materials , Kandal, Tonle Sap day nets series 8 & 9, 11.73338N, 104.83338E, 13 February 1995 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 232640 View Materials , 3 View Materials , Kandal, Prek Bak Nam at fishing lot 9, just upstream Phum Chong Sao, 11.03338N, 105.13338E, 21 February 1995 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 234378 View Materials , 3 View Materials , Kandal, Tonle Sap at Dai fishery row 9, 25 km upstream from Phnom Penh, 11.77548N, 104.82738E, 22 January 1996 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 234426 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Kandal, Prek Ta Pov, 13 km south of Phnom Penh , 23 January 1996 ; UMMZ 234465 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Kandal, Mekong River at northern tip of island upstream

Ciccotto and Page—Revision of Henicorhynchus

from Phnom Penh, 25 January 1996; UMMZ 234533 View Materials , 14 View Materials , Kandal, Tonle Sap at Dai fishery row 9, 13 km upstream from Phnom Penh, 11.66748N, 104.86678E, 29 January 1996 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 234649 View Materials , 4 View Materials , Stung Treng, Mekong River, 2 km downstream from mouth of Tonle San on sandbars, 13.51678N, 105.93338E, 11 February 1996 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 234683 View Materials , 6 View Materials , Stung Treng, Mekong River, shallow channel across the S end of Kaoh Han ( Han Island ), 14 km NE of Stung Treng, 13.61678N, 106.058E, 14 February 1996 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 234728 View Materials , 2 View Materials , Kandal, Prek Muk Kandal, across Tonle Sap from Phnom Penh , 1 March 1996 ; UMMZ 234752 View Materials , 8 View Materials , Battambang, Sang Ke River at Ek Phnom district , 13.09888N, 103.19798E, 6 February 1996 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 235504 View Materials , 12 View Materials , Kandal, Tonle Sap at Dai fishery row 9, 15 km upstream from Phnom Penh, 11.68518N, 104.85288E, 27 January 1996 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 235505 View Materials , 11 View Materials , same as UMMZ 235504 View Materials ; UMMZ 235721 View Materials , 6 View Materials , Kandal, Tonle Sap , fishing lot 8, 35 km upstream from Phnom Penh, 11.73338N, 104.83338E, 1 March 1996 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 238586 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Kandal, pond E of Phnom Penh, between Bassac River and Mekong River , 11.41678N, 1058E, 7 March 1996 . Lao PDR: Mekong basin: CAS 93270 About CAS , 1 About CAS (of 3), 81.5 mm SL, Mekong River near Ban Hang Khone, below Lee Pee waterfalls, October 1993 ; CAS 94279 About CAS , 4 About CAS , Mekong River at Ban Hang Khone, just below Khone Falls , 13.96758N, 105.92988E, June 1993 GoogleMaps ; CAS 96190 About CAS , 1 About CAS (of 3), 84.8 mm SL, Champasak, Houay Khaliang near Ban Napakiap , Muang Khong , 14.11738N, 105.85328E, September 1995 GoogleMaps ; UF 185139 (in part), 1, 85.8 mm SL, Champasak, Pathumporn fish market in Pakse , 15.12028N, 105.7998E, 6 January 2013 GoogleMaps . Thailand: Bang Pakong basin: CAS 79179 About CAS , 1 About CAS , Menam Bangpakong , near Prachinburi, 14.05228N, 101.37288E, 6 December 1990 GoogleMaps ; CAS 79180 About CAS , 1 About CAS , 82.4 mm SL, Klong Waeh Kamong, on highway 304, 9 km by road north of junction with highway 33 at Kabinburi , 14.04558N, 101.78918E, 22 March 1989 GoogleMaps ; CAS 91749 About CAS , 4 About CAS , Menam Bang Pa Kong at Ban Khao Cha-kan , on highway 317, 19 km south of Sa Kaeo, 13.6688N, 102.07578E, 23 March 1989 GoogleMaps . Chao Phraya basin: ANSP 58369 About ANSP , 1 About ANSP , holotype of Tylognathus brunneus (photographs), Chieng Mai, on Me Nam Ping, North Siam, 720 km N of Bangkok, 19.21128N, 98.97088E, 24 December 1932 GoogleMaps ; ANSP 68069 About ANSP , 1 About ANSP , holotype of Cirrhinus marginipinnis (photographs), 113.7 mm SL, Pitsanulok , 16.82488N, 100.25898E, 1936 GoogleMaps ; CAS 79177 About CAS , 3 About CAS , Uttaradit market, 17.61818N, 100.09998E, September 1989 GoogleMaps ; CAS 91752 About CAS , 1 About CAS , Nakorn Sawan market, 15.68878N, 100.12528E, 5 February 1989 GoogleMaps ; CAS 93903 About CAS , 5 About CAS , 99.7–127.6 mm SL, same as CAS 91752 About CAS , MNHN 0000-1839, 4, syntypes of Morara siamensis (photographs), Bangkok, 13.7548N, 100.50148E, 1862 GoogleMaps ; UF 176503 , 1, 123.3 mm SL, Saraburi, Rapeepat Canal, from market along Highway 1, 14.20788N, 100.85568E, 21 November 2009 GoogleMaps ; UF 176587 , 1 , Chiang Mai, Ping River from community market on canal road (highway 121), 18.73758N, 98.93198E, 25 December 2009 GoogleMaps ; UF 237590 , 5 , 61.3–82.3 mm SL, Nakhon Sawan, Wang Ma River, trib. of Sakae Krang River at Rt. 3013 bridge, 15.67548N, 99.82578E, 17 January 2015 GoogleMaps ; UF 237596 , 1 , 36.4 mm SL, Uthai Thani, Thap Salao River, trib. of Sakae Krang River, north of Rt. 3438, 15.42618N, 99.65748E, 17 January 2015 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 236678 View Materials , 4 View Materials , Chai Nat, flood plain fishery, 15.18648N, 100.12358E GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 236858 View Materials , 5 View Materials , Bung Borapet, tributary to Nau River , 4 km N. Nakhon Sawan, 15.70918N, 100.13648E, 11 November 1964 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 236978 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Bungboraphet Swamp, Nakhon Sawan, tributary of Nan River , 15.6738N, 100.13648E, 9 February 1965 GoogleMaps ; UMMZ 251895 View Materials , 2 View Materials , Khon-kaen, Pong Neeb, trib. Pong River ,

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16.758N, 102.58E, 5 October 1964; USNM 119492 About USNM (in part), 1 GoogleMaps , paratype of H. lobatus , 96.5 mm SL, Bung Borapet, 20 November 1923. Mae Klong basin: UMMZ 195257 View Materials , 6 View Materials , Rajburi, Mae Nam, Mae Klong River , vicinity of Rajburi (purchased in market at Rajburi ) , 13.53078N, 998248E, 14 November 1964; UMMZ 195830 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Mae Nam Khwae Noi , ca. 20 km upstream from Kanchanaburi (purchased from fisherman) , 14.07948N, 99.42348E, 23 March 1965; UF 191421 , 1 (of 3), 51.5 mm SL, Regional Freshwater Aquaculture Research and Development Center to Kanchanaburi (in Kanchanaburi town) GoogleMaps , 13.96438N, 99.62748E, 16 January 2017. Mekong basin: CAS 79185 About CAS , 2 About CAS , Nakorn Phanom market GoogleMaps , 17.40198N, 104.79138E, 28 May 1990; CAS 79187 About CAS , 4 About CAS , Yasothon market (¼ Menam Chi ) GoogleMaps , 15.79718N, 104.13538E, 13 March 1991; CAS 91750 About CAS , 3 About CAS , same as CAS 79187 About CAS ; CAS 96183 About CAS , 2 About CAS , Ubon Ratchathani market GoogleMaps , 15.22258N, 104.85858E, 11 September 1990; UF 170200 , 1 , Chiang Rai, Reservoir, Thailand Department of Fisheries Office GoogleMaps , 19.85048N, 99.93728E, 12 November 2007; UF 170201 , 7 , Chiang Mai, Kok River GoogleMaps , 19.96968N, 99.96878E, 12 November 2007; UF 173102 , 1 , 88.7 mm SL, Ubon Ratchathani, commercial fisher from Mun River GoogleMaps , 15.32538N, 105.48998E, 9 June 2008; UF 178156 , 3 , Chiang Rai, Mae Kong , roadside market highway 1129 at km 46–47 GoogleMaps , 20.23838N, 100.12568E, 15 May 2010; UF 178209 , 1 , Chiang Rai, Mekong at a roadside market in Chiang Saen GoogleMaps , 20.33588N, 100.08788E, 15 May 2010; UF 185497 , 3 , Chiang Mai, Kok River at Thaton GoogleMaps , 20.06038N, 99.36398E, 30 December 2012; UF 185549 , 1 , Chiang Mai, Fang River fishes from market in Ban Sri Bun Ruang on Hwy 107 GoogleMaps , 19.91838N, 99.21368E, 30 December 2012; UF 185552 , 1 , 63.9 mm SL, same as UF 185549 ; UF 237589 , 2 , 59.1–90.1 mm SL, Sakon Nakhon, Songkhram River at confluence with Yam River GoogleMaps , 17.70918N, 104.07678E, 8 January 2015; UF 237599 , 4 , 32.4–49.4 mm SL, Surin, Mun River GoogleMaps , 15.31538N, 103.62998E, 6 January 2015; UMMZ 233730 View Materials , 4 View Materials , Ubon Ratchathani, Huay Thom-loe, at Ban Bung Khee-lek , 7 km E of Khemerat GoogleMaps , 2.5 km from Keong River , 30 September 1975; ZMA 112.583 View Materials , 1 View Materials , holotype of Tylognathus siamensis (photographs), Chiang Rain, Payao Swamp, 5 March 1924. Phetchaburi basin: UF 236014 , 1 , 58.4 mm SL, Phetchaburi, Mae Prachan at bridge on highway 3499 , 12.93448N, 99.78148E, 1 February 2014. Vietnam: Mekong basin: UMMZ 218031 View Materials , 2 View Materials , Kihn Thuy Cai canal, 10 km E of Vinh Long (at mouth of canal into Mekong ) GoogleMaps , 21 June 1974; UMMZ 218570 View Materials , 4 View Materials , Phong Dinh, Bassac River at Can Tho, CF- 2 , 10.03338N, 105.78338E, 3 November 1974; UMMZ 218584 View Materials , 8 View Materials , Phong Dinh, Bassac River near Can Tho (CF-3) GoogleMaps , 10.03338E, 105.78338E, 3 November 1974; UMMZ 218664 View Materials , 12 View Materials , An Giang, Bassac River , 1 km S of Long Xuyen , LF-3, 10.36498N, 105.45918E, 28 October 1974; UMMZ 224738 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Cha Doc fish market GoogleMaps , 10.78N, 105.11678E, 11 October 1974; UMMZ 224818 View Materials , 3 View Materials , Chau Doc, south end of Vinh Tuong Island, Bassac River GoogleMaps , 10.78N, 105.11678E; UMMZ 245386 View Materials , 1 View Materials , An Giang, Son Chau Doc 3 km upstream from Chau Doc GoogleMaps , 10.758N, 105.11678E, 19 April 1999; UMMZ 245448 View Materials , 1 View Materials , An Giang, Song Chau Doc 5 km upstream from Chau Doc GoogleMaps , 10.76678N, 105.18E, 19 April 1999.


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Henicorhynchus ornatipinnis ( Roberts, 1997 )

Ciccotto, Patrick J. & Page, Lawrence M. 2020

Cirrhinus ornatipinnis

Roberts, T. R. 1997: 195

Tylognathus brunneus

Fowler, H. W. 1934: 131
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