Chimarra lalokiana, Cartwright, 2020

Cartwright, David, 2020, A review of the New Guinea species of Chimarra Stephens (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae), Memoirs of Museum Victoria 79, pp. 1-49 : 36

publication ID 10.24199/j.mmv.2020.79.01

publication LSID


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treatment provided by

Felipe (2023-06-21 14:32:38, last updated 2024-11-26 01:02:28)

scientific name

Chimarra lalokiana

sp. nov.

Chimarra lalokiana sp. nov.

Figures 111–113 View Figures 111–119

Holotype. Male (in alcohol, figured specimen CT-331), PNG, Central Province, Laloki River below Rouna Falls , 9° 25' S, 147° 23' E, 26 June 1986, UV light, A. Wells and W. Ismay ( NMV, T-22464). GoogleMaps

Paratypes. PNG. 2 males, collected with holotype (NMV).

Diagnosis. The males of C. lalokiana can be separated from all other New Guinea species by the apparent sub-rectangular shape of the inferior appendages, in lateral view.

Description. General body colour and wings pale (faded). Wings similar to those of C. ukarumpana (fig. 7). Length of forewing: male 4.5–5.0 mm. Forewing with forks 1, 2, 3 and 5 present, Rs weakly sinuous or curved, moderately thickened, basad of discoidal cell; hind wing with forks 1, 2, 3 and 5 present.

Male. Segment IX anterior margin in lateral view, anteroventrally weakly rounded (fig. 111), ventral process short, strongly basal to distal margin of segment IX (figs 111, 112), in lateral view keel-like, length about half basal width, distal margin rounded (fig. 111), in ventral view appears triangular (fig. 112), preanal appendages appear rounded in lateral view (fig. 111), angular in dorsal view (fig. 113). Segment X lateral lobes robust, plate-like, situated laterad of and below phallus, sensilla not discerned (figs 111–113), in ventral view appear tapered distally (fig. 112), in dorsal view appear sub-triangular distally (fig. 113). Phallus with two slender spines included subapically. Inferior appendages broadest in basal half, tapered very slightly distally, apices acute, directed posteromesally (figs 111–113), in lateral view, angled at about 45° to horizontal, length about twice width, appear rectangular and truncate distally, dorsal and ventral margins mostly straight (fig. 111), in ventral view, mesal and lateral margins slightly curved, mesal margin with about three small projections in basal three quarters (fig. 112).

Female. Unknown.

Etymology. Lalokiana – named for the type locality (Laloki River).

Remarks. Chimarra l alokiana is known from three males from the type locality in south-east PNG.

Gallery Image

Figures 111–119. Chimarra spp.; 111–113, Chimarra lolakiana sp. nov., male, holotype, genitalia; 111, lateral; 112; ventral, 113, dorsal. 114–116, Chimarra verticas sp. nov., male, holotype, genitalia; 114, lateral; 115, ventral; 116, dorsal. 117–119, Chimarra antap sp. nov., male, holotype, genitalia; 117, lateral; 118, ventral; 119, dorsal.


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