Dyschoriste hirsutissima (Nees) Kuntze

Daniel, Thomas F., García-Morales, Leccinum J. & Mora-Olivo, Arturo, 2021, Taxonomic and Photographic Guide to the Acanthaceae of Tamaulipas, Mexico, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67 (6), pp. 185-228 : 200-201

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.11513051



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scientific name

Dyschoriste hirsutissima (Nees) Kuntze


Dyschoriste hirsutissima (Nees) Kuntze View in CoL

PHENOLOGY.— Flowering: November; fruiting: unknown.

DISTRIBUTION.— Mexico (Ags., Chih., Chis., Col., Dur., Gto, Gro., Hgo., Jal., Méx., Mich., Mor., Nay., Oax., Pue., Sin., Son., Tamps., Ver., Zac.), Central America.


ELEVATION.— Ca. 15–500 meters.

NOTES.— Dyschoriste hirsutissima ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE ) is newly documented as occurring in Tamaulipas, and the specimens cited below represent its northeasternmost known occurrences. Daniel (1995) and Daniel and Acosta C. (2003) provided descriptions of the species .

REPRESENTATIVE SPECIMENS.— Altamisa [Altamira] Rd., Tampico, L. Kenoyer 864 (F); Jardín Botánico del Noreste [proposed site], Sierra Madre Occidental, ladera E de Sierra Gorda, W de Cd. Victoria, A. McDonald 1052 ( TEX).


University of Texas at Austin

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