Neetroplus nematopus ( Günther 1867: 603 )

Angulo, Arturo, Naranjo-Elizondo, Beatriz, Rojas, Emmanuel & Ley-López, Juan Manuel, 2017, Fishes from the Tirimbina Biological Reserve, La Virgen de Sarapiquí, Heredia, Costa Rica, Check List 13 (5), pp. 683-702 : 694

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scientific name

Neetroplus nematopus ( Günther 1867: 603 )


(23) Neetroplus nematopus ( Günther 1867: 603) View in CoL ; Poor man’s tropheus (En), Moga (Sp)

Figure 6C

Hypsophrys nematopus ( Günther 1867) View in CoL : 603—Angulo et al. (2013):


Body elongate and moderately deep; predorsal profile of head usually curved, snout convex, rarely pointed; mouth inferior, usually ventral; teeth with flattened or truncate tips; lateral line conspicuous, divided in 2 straight overlapping sections; fins with strong spines; a single dorsal fin; caudal fin truncate; general coloration grayish brown or grayish olive, usually with 7 dark bars on the flanks in juveniles and a broad dark bar on the mid-body in adults and some juveniles (during breading season this pattern is reversed, that is, a white bar appears on a dark gray background); median fins brown; pectoral fins clear and pelvic fins dusky; iris usually bluish, sil- very in a few specimens; maximum body length ca 140 mm SL.

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