Anotylus kabasi, Makranczy, 2017

Makranczy, György, 2017, Review Of The Anotylus Cimicoides Species Group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (2), pp. 143-262 : 216-218

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Anotylus kabasi

sp. nov.

Anotylus kabasi View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 98 View Figs 98–99 , 160–166 View Figs 160–166 , 270 View Figs 265–278 )

Typematerial – Holotype (m): INDONESIA / SUMATRA: NorthSumatra, MedanKa- banjahe, Gn. Sinabung [03°10‘00“N, 98°23‘50“E], 2000 m, 7-8.X.1990, leg. A. Riedel (SMNS); Paratypes (236): samedataasholotype (8 m, 9 f, SMNS); NorthSumatra, Brastagi, Gunung Sibayak , 20.II.1990, leg. H. Schillhammer (9, NHMW), same but 1300 m, 6-19.VIII.1992, leg. Barries & Cate (4, NHMW); NorthSumatra, 7 kmNBrastagi, 1500 m, 2.XII.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (28a), siftingofvegetationaldebrisindegradedmontane Lithocarpus - Castanopsis forest (58, MHNG, 2 m, 2 f, HNHM, 1 m, FMNH, 1 m, ZMUC, 1 m, AMNH, 1 m, ZMHB, 1 m, SDEI, 1 m, NIBR, 1 m, ISNB, 1 m, CNCI, 1 m, BMNH, 1 m, MNHP, 1 m, NMPC, 1 m, MZLU); North Sumatra, 5 km W Brastagi, Tongkoh, 1450 m, 3.XII.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (29a), mixedpineforestwithmanyepiphytes, siftingofvegetationaldebris (42, MHNG); WestSumatra, Bukittinggi, Gn. Merapi [00°22‘S, 100°27‘E], 1900–2100 m, 18.X.1990, leg. A. Riedel (2 m, 2 f, SMNS); Jambi, Mt. Kerinci, 1750 –1850 m, 11-12.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (11), siftingofvegetation- aldebrisinmontane Lithocarpus - Castanopsis forest (1 m, 49, MHNG); Jambi, Mt. Kerinci, 1900 m, 13.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (15a), siftingofvegetationaldebrisinmontane Lithocarpus - Castanopsis forest (1, MHNG); Jambi, WMt. TujuhLake, 1400 m, 14.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (17), siftingofvegetationaldebrisin montane Lithocarpus - Castanopsis forest (32, MHNG, 1 m, HNHM); EastSumatra, Lampung, Kalianda, GunungRajabasa, 05°46.656‘N, 105°37.478‘E, 1174 m, 15.VIII.2006, leg. A. Riedel, sifted (sample 2) (SMNK); INDONESIA / JAVA: WestJava, CibodasBotanicalGarden, near Cipanas, ca. 50 kmEBogor, 1400 m, 3-6.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (2a), siftingofvegetationaldebrisinmontane Lithocarpus - Castanopsis forest (1, MHNG).

Description – Measurements (in mm, n=10): HW = 0.77 (0.71–0.80); TW = 0.77 (0.70–0.80); PW = 1.14 (1.04–1.17); EW = 1.20 (1.09–1.30); AW = 1.16 (1.07–1.25); HL = 0.57 (0.52–0.61); EL = 0.15 (0.13–0.16); TL = 0.24 (0.22–0.25); PL = 0.66 (0.58–0.71); SC = 0.77 (0.62–0.85); FB = 2.06 (1.77–2.21); BL = 3.65 (3.35–3.95). HabitusasinFig. 98 View Figs 98–99 . Forebodymoderatelyshining despitesculpture, abdomenveryfinelymicrosculpturedandmediumfinely, rathershallowlypunctate, duller. Forebodyblackishdarkbrownwithreddishtint (exceptexplanate lateralpartofpronotumandclypealarealighter, reddish), abdomenandlegsreddishdark brown, mouthpartsandantennaereddishmediumbrown. Headwithathinrimonanterior margin, truncateinmiddle, veryslightlyangledalsoatsupraantennalprominences, these asmoderatelyelevatedobliqueridges, discslightlyimpressedneareyes. Epistomalsuture 163, 0.27 mm for Fig. 162 View Figs 160–166 , 0.30 mm for Fig. 161 View Figs 160–166

formingsubcircularimpression (unpuncturedinside), uppersurfacewithouttactilesetae, eyesmediumsized, moderatelybulgingfromsidelineofhead; indorsalviewtemples (1.6× lengthofeye) alatiform, laterallyevenlyroundedandposteriorlyconstrictedtoformdistinctneck, notseparateddorsallybyoccipitalfurrow, onlybyneckbeingmicrosculptured ratherthanpunctured. Antennomere 1 club-shaped, finelysculptured, segment 2 elongate oval, segment 3 club-shaped, segment 4 smallandisodiametrical, segments 5–11 withbasal dishes, articles 6–10 transverse (about 1.3× broaderthanlong). Headandpronotumwithfoveatesculpture. Pronotumwithlateralportionexplanateandslightlyup-turned, edgealatiformwithsparseshortsetae; lateralmarginmoreorlessevenlyarchedwithanumberof small, irregularlydistributeddenticles, posteriormarginweaklyincisedbeforecorners; disc mediallywithtwoparallellongitudinalridges (almostconfluentposteriorly), impressed alongsidethem, laterallyimpressedaroundmiddleofsides. Elytrawithmembranousposteriormarginextendingfromsuturalcornerto 3/4 ofhindmargin. Elytralepipleuralridge presentwithup-turnedlateralalatiformportions, disclongitudinallyimpressedalongside; shoulderswelldeveloped, surfacelacunose, smallinterspacestorulose. Legsshort, pro-and mesotibiawithseveralspinuloserows, metatibiawithlongitudinalctenidiumofspinulesin distalhalf. Abdomenwithsidesratherarcuate, secondsegmentwithparatergitesstrongly broadeningposteriorly (abdomenappearingconstrictedatbase), thoseofsegmentsIII–VII thin, mesalparatergitesbroad; posterioredgeoftergiteVIIwiththinpalisadefringe, medianpartofsterniteVIIasinFig. 160 View Figs 160–166 , sterniteVIII ( Fig. 161 View Figs 160–166 ), tergitesIX ( Fig. 162 View Figs 160–166 ), X ( Fig. 163 View Figs 160–166 ) andaedeagusasinFigs 164–166 View Figs 160–166 , spermathecaasinFig. 270 View Figs 265–278 .

Etymology – Thespecificepithetiscombinedfromthefirstlettersofthewords‘Ka-

banjahe’and‘Sinabung‘ ofthetypelocality (nouninapposition).

Distribution – ThespeciesisknownfromseverallocalitiesacrossSumatra andasinglefemalespecimenwasfoundinWJava.

Remarks – Itisoneofthosespeciesforwhichabrachyptermorphis known, theparatypefromGn. RajabasaandpartofthosefromGn. Sinabung belong to it.













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