Baldorhynchus baldensis ( Czwalina, 1875 )

Bello, Cesare, Osella, Giuseppe & Baviera, Cosimo, 2016, A taxonomic revision of the genus Baldorhynchus (Di Marco & Osella, 2002) stat. n. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae), Zootaxa 4070 (1), pp. 1-101 : 16-17

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4070.1.1

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scientific name

Baldorhynchus baldensis ( Czwalina, 1875 )


Baldorhynchus baldensis ( Czwalina, 1875) View in CoL

( Figures 1, 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f View FIGURES 1 , 40 View FIGURES 38 – 56 , 1’, 1’a, 1’b, 1’c, 1’d, 1’e, 1’f, 60, 92)

Troglorhynchus baldensis Czwalina, 1875: 121 View in CoL ; Bertolini, 1872 (!): 167; Stierlin, 1883: 581; Bertolini, 1893: 229; Halbherr, 1896: 15; Bertolini 1899a: 108; Bertolini, 1899b: 89; Daniel, 1903: 260; Holdhaus, 1903: 257; Ganglbauer 1906: 35; Solari A. & Solari F., 1907: 471; Reitter, 1912: 1 -23; Luigioni, 1929: 1 -1159; Porta, 1932: 56; Lona, 1937: 1431; Holdhaus, 1954: 161; Solari, 1955: 78; Osella, 1966: 389-390; Osella, 1968: 141-156; Osella, 1983: 95-123; Abbazzi & Osella, 1992: 301; Abbazzi et all., 1994: 21; Caoduro et all., 1994:74.

Otiorhynchus (Troglorhynchus) baldensis: Magnano, 1998: 71 ; Monguzzi, 1999: 233 -234.

Otiorhynchus (Baldorhynchus) baldensis: Di Marco & Osella, 2002: 258 ; Colonnelli, 2003: 39; Abbazzi & Maggini, 2009: 53; Magnano & Alonso Zarazaga, 2013: 309.

Type locality. “Monte Baldo, Bocca di Navene , 1425 m, Trento” ( Fig. 142).

Diagnosis. A Baldorhynchus of medium size belonging to the B. baldensis group with elytra elongate-oval. This species is recognisable by the short funicle and leg, the flattened disc of pronotum (sub-hexagonal with subparallel lateral margins). Punctation of pronotum small, irregularly arranged, sparse and shallow. Punctation of the elytra small, misaligned and shallow. Total length: 4.10–4.60 mm. Elytra with length/width ratio 1.85–2.00. Pronotum length 1.00– 1.15 mm with length/width ratio 1.16–1.25.

Redescription. As we have established a neotype, we provide a redescription of the species. The neotype specimen, here designated, is labelled as follows: [label with genitalia] // “ / ♂" [white, printed] // “M.[on]te Baldo, Bocca di Navene, 2-VI-1966, Osella” [white, handwritten] // “ Troglorhynchus baldensis Czw. , det. Osella, 1978” [white, handwritten] // “disegnato edeago + spic.[ulum] gastrale” [white, handwritten] // “Plesiotypus” [red, handwritten] // “ Baldorhynchus baldensis Czwalina, 1875 , Neotype, det. Bellò & Osella, 2015" [red, printed] (MSNV).

Neotype. Male. Total length: 4.55 mm. Scape length: 1.00 mm; funicle length: 1.10 mm. Scape length/funicle length ratio: 0.91. Funicle with club ratios: 12: 6: 4: 5: 4: 5: 4: 28 (club). Vestigial eyes present, barely visible. Vertex width/mesorostrum width: ratio 1.83. Pronotum ratio: 1.16 (length: 1.10 mm, width: 0.95 mm). Elytra ratio: 1.92 (length: 2.40 mm, width: 1.25 mm. Rostrum short and partially covered by dense yellowish pubescence; twice as long as the head; dorsum convex; mesorostrum slightly gibbous with short central keel; a dozen epistomal setae thin, curved, semi-erect. Antenna slender and little elongate with long, semi-erect, thin setae, scape little clavate and as robust as funicle; fusiform club with first segment flat, long as last six funicle segments, at least twice wider than funicle. Head smooth on disc, short, conical. Supraorbital area not covered by yellowish pubescence. Vertex width / mesorostrum width: ratio 1.83. Vestigial eyes visible, strongly partially covered by yellowish pubescence. Pronotum (length: 1.10 mm, width: 0.95 mm, ratio: 1.16, little sub-exagonal, not gibbous, little sinuate at the base, wider in the middle; short golden erect seta inserted in center of hole; punctation small, isodiametric but of different widths, irregularly arranged, sparse and shallow; smooth little central area on disc. Scutellum not visible. Elytra convex, elongate-oval with flat suture (length: 2.40 mm, width: 1.25 mm, ratio: 1.92), strongly rounded on sides, wider on the middle and ogive-shaped at declivity. Punctation of striae small, misaligned, shallow but isodiametric; interspaces between strial punctation not regular and less wide than punctures. Interstriae wider than striae, flat, smooth with sparse, long and erect setae. Legs robust and short, with rather long golden setae. Femora clubbed and edentate. Tibiae with five/six tooth-like tubercles on inner edge; protibia slightly curved in side view, mesotibia and metatibia straight. Penis lengthened, sub-parallel seen from above and regularly and moderately curved in lateral view; tegmen sclerotized; small genital armature; penis as in Fig. 1f View FIGURES 1 .

Material. The material mentioned in Osella (1983) was examined. Other material: “M[on] te Baldo, Süd-Tirol // ex Origin. Samlg. J. Breit, Wien ” [red, printed] ( NHMB): two males and two females; “M[on] te Baldo, Süd-Tirol // Sammlung Stöcklein ” [white, printed] ( NHMB): one male; “M[on] te Baldo // Sammlung Stöcklein ” [white, hand-written] ( NHMB): one female; " Monte Baldo, Grotta Val Parol , 1600 m, 6 VII 1984 , leg. Caoduro " ( GOS): one female; “ Trentino Alto Adige, M [onte] Altissimo di Nago (TN), 1300 m, 11.IV.2011 , leg. A. Benelli ” ( GOS): one male topotype; “ Trentino Alto Adige, M [on]te Baldo (TN), S. Valentino , 1250 m, 22. VI.2012 , leg. Aless. Paladini ” (APA): one male; "I, Veneto (VR), Ferrara m.[on] te Baldo, Novezzina, Fontana della Teja , vaglio bosco Fagus sp., ricerche WBA 2012 , leg. Caoduro ” ( GOS, CBE): one male and one female; "M[onte] Baldo (VR), Prada, 900 m, 30.IV. [19]87, R. Monguzzi ” ( RMO), one female (abdomen); " Veneto (VR), Prada , 910 m, San Zeno di Montagna , 26 XII 2014 , leg. Aless. Paladini ” (APA), one female; " Veneto (VR), Prada, 910 m, San Zeno di Montagna , 5 I 2015 , leg. Aless. Paladini ” ( CBE), one male; “M.[onte] Baldo ” ( MTSN), one male ex coll. Bertolini. Genitalia of seven specimens (four males and three females) were examined.

Distribution. See Fig.128. Italian endemic. Only known from Mount Baldo and Lessini.

Ecology/Phenology. See Osella (1966, 1968). We collected the species while sifting in deep moist litter in a beech forest near the fountain of Teja.

Reproduction. Amphigonic.

Systematic notes. Seidlitz (1894) wrote that after the death of Czwalina, his collection was forwarded to the Zoological Museum in Königsberg (now Kaliningrad, Russia). This Museum unfortunately was destroyed during World War II and all collections were relocated or lost ( Solodovnikov 2001). Despite various attempts, the type has not been found. It is not in the collection of the Naturhistorisches Museum in Wien, Austria (Harald Schillammer, pers. comm.), nor in the Museum of Natural History in Berlin, Germany (Johannes Frisch, pers. comm.) and also not traceable in the collections of other museums controlled by us (MSNM, MSNV, MTSN, NHMB, TLMF). The original description ( Czwalina 1875) allows the unambiguous recognition the species, and according to the rules art. 75 of the International Code (ICZN, 1999) we here select and designate a neotype.


Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel
















Baldorhynchus baldensis ( Czwalina, 1875 )

Bello, Cesare, Osella, Giuseppe & Baviera, Cosimo 2016

Otiorhynchus (Baldorhynchus) baldensis: Di Marco & Osella, 2002 : 258

Abbazzi 2009: 53
Colonnelli 2003: 39
Di 2002: 258

Otiorhynchus (Troglorhynchus) baldensis:

Monguzzi 1999: 233
Magnano 1998: 71

Troglorhynchus baldensis

Abbazzi 1992: 301
Solari 1955: 78
Holdhaus 1954: 161
Lona 1937: 1431
Porta 1932: 56
Luigioni 1929: 1
Reitter 1912: 1
Solari 1907: 471
Ganglbauer 1906: 35
Daniel 1903: 260
Holdhaus 1903: 257
Bertolini 1899: 108
Bertolini 1899: 89
Halbherr 1896: 15
Bertolini 1893: 229
Stierlin 1883: 581
Czwalina 1875: 121
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