Broscosoma resbecqi Kavanaugh and Liang, 2021

Kavanaugh, David H. & Liang, Hongbin, 2021, Inventory of the Carabid Beetle Fauna of the Gaoligong Mountains, Western Yunnan Province, China: Species of the Tribe Broscini (Coleoptera: Carabidae)., Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67 (4), pp. 85-182 : 140-144

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11067355


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Broscosoma resbecqi Kavanaugh and Liang

sp. nov.

11. Broscosoma resbecqi Kavanaugh and Liang , sp. nov.

Figures 6d View FIGURE , 9b View FIGURE , 30 View FIGURE , 31 View FIGURE , 46a View FIGURE , 48-50 View FIGURE View FIGURE View FIGURE

Type material. Holotype, a male, in IOZ, labeled: “ CASENT 1016251 ”/ “ CHINA, Yunnan, Gongshan County, Dulongjiang Township, Siran Wang , 0.2 km above confluence with Dulong Jiang , N28.01347° / E098.32117°,”/ “ 1720 m, 1 November 2004, Stop # DHK-2004-066, D.H. Kavanaugh & D.-Z. Dong collectors”/ “HOLOTYPE Broscosoma resbecqi Kavanaugh & Liang sp. nov. designated 2021” [red label]. GoogleMaps

Type locality. China, Yunnan, Gongshan County, Dulongjiang Township, Siran Wang, 0.2. km above confluence with Dulong Jiang, 1720 m.

Derivation of species name. We take pleasure in naming this new species in honor of our colleague, known professionally as Thierry Deuve, but officially as Thierry de Resbecq, in recognition of his many contributions to our knowledge of the broscine fauna of Asia and for his help with this and other research projects. The species epithet, resbecqi , is the Latinized form of his surname (in the genitive case).

Diagnosis. Adults of this species ( Fig. 30a View FIGURE ) can be distinguished from those of other species in the region by the following combination of character states: size moderate, BL = 9.0 mm; dorsal surface of head and pronotum vivid metallic green, elytra darker blue-green, legs pale rufous; vertex of head with post-temporal transverse sulcus relatively shallow and broadly and densely punctate ( Fig. 6d View FIGURE ); antennomeres 3 and 4 glabrous except for apical whorl of setae; pronotum with lateral margination present but interrupted briefly in basal half ( Fig. 9b View FIGURE ), basolateral setae absent; elytral silhouette subovoid, with humeri rounded but evident, elytral microsculpture effaced; metatrochanter asetose; male protarsi with tarsomeres 1 to 3 with ventral pads of adhesive setae; male genitalia as in Fig. 31 View FIGURE .

Description. Fig. 30a View FIGURE . Size medium. BL male = 9.0 mm, ratio EL/PL = 2.5. Body color black or dark piceous, last visible abdominal sternite dark rufous brown, all antennomeres, femora, tibiae, and tarsi pale rufous. Head and pronotum with brilliant green metallic reflection, elytra with darker bluish-green metallic reflection, venter without metallic reflection.

Head. Fig. 6d View FIGURE . Eyes medium-sized, their diameter slightly greater than length of tempora. Frontal furrows moderately impressed, narrow, arcuate, slightly convergent anteriorly and posteriorly, long, extended posteriorly beyond middle of eyes, rugulose and sparsely and coarsely punctate. Vertex with post-temporal transverse sulcus densely and coarsely punctate. Tempora straight, oblique. Genal ridges present, restricted to head region distinctly posterior to post-temporal constriction. Clypeus with one pair of setae. Supraorbital setae present, one pair. Eustipes of maxilla with two setae, the dorsobasal seta distinctly more than half as long as ventrobasal seta. Mentum with tooth present, simple, paramedial region shallowly foveate, one pair of mental setae present. Glosal sclerite (ligula) with one pair of setae. Submentum with two pairs of setae. Gula without transverse grooves. Antennomeres 3 and 4 without pubescence, ratio A3/A5 = 1.1.

Pronotum. Fig. 6d View FIGURE . Globose anterior to sub-basal constriction, with base distinctly pedunculate, widest at middle of discal region, PL/PW = 1.1, disk markedly convex; apical margination absent; lateral margination present, narrow, distinctly delineated from apical margin to just posterior of midlateral seta, thence slightly interrupted and then evident again at and posterior to the sub-basal constriction; basal margination absent; anterior transverse impression shallow, broad and vaguely delineated, coarsely punctate both at bottom and on slopes of depression; median longitudinal impression moderately impressed; posterior transverse impression deep, sharply delineated; anterior region sparsely punctate; pronotal base coarsely and densely punctate; one pair of midlateral pronotal setae present, inserted at mid-length of discal region; basolateral pronotal setae absent.

Elytra. Elytral silhouette subovoid, slightly narrowed in basal half, widest at middle, ratio EL/EW = 1.6, greatest elevation above lateral margin (in lateral view) posterior to middle; humeri distinctly present, roundly obtuse; lateral margins moderately arcuate and nearly straight in anterior half sub-basally; parascutellar striole present, short, distally merged in a distinct jog with free base of stria 1. Eight striae present; stria 1 moderately deeply and sharply impressed, striae 2 to 8 indistinct, obliterated or represented by extremely fine and shallow linear depressions, successively less evident laterally and apically, stria 8 merged with lateral groove throughout its length or nearly so; stria 1 moderately punctate at least in basal half, stria 2 moderately punctate in basal two-thirds and successively more shallowly and sparsely punctate in apical third, striae 3 to 8 successively more shallowly and sparsely punctate laterally and apically. Elytral microsculpture effaced. Parascutellar seta present at base of stria 2, discal setae absent, umbilicate series of elytral comprised of one post-humeral and two preapical setae.

Hindwings. Slightly reduced, incapable of supporting flight.

Thoracic venter. Metepisternum ratio ML/MW = 1.8.

Legs. Hind trochanter asetose. Tarsomeres without dorsal pubescence; tarsomere 5 with two or more pairs of setae ventrally; male protarsi with pads of adhesive setae on tarsomeres 1 to 3 ventrally, male mesotarsi with pads of adhesive setae on tarsomeres 1 and 2 ventrally.

Abdomen. Male sternite VI with one pair of apicolateral setae. Female unknown.

Male genitalia. As in Fig. 31 View FIGURE .

Comments. As noted above, B. resbecqi is one of four species in the study area members of which have the entire dorsum of the body with metallic green reflection. Features distinguishing members of this species from those of B. danzhuense and B. parvum have been addressed above in the Comments sections for each of those species. At first glance, B. resbecqi could be mistaken for a small specimen of B. ribbei , but several features distinguish members of these taxa. The holotype of B. resbecqi has the metallic reflection of the elytra a darker bluish-green, contrasting with the brighter green of the forebody, and the femora pale like the tibiae and tarsi. In B. ribbei members, the metallic reflection of the forebody and elytra are both a bright green, golden green, or blue-green and the femora are distinctly darker than the tibiae and tarsi. The eyes are more convex, the tempora longer and are less convex, and the post-temporal transverse sulcus more broadly and densely punctate in B. resbecqi ( Fig. 6d View FIGURE ) than in B. ribbei ( Fig. 6b View FIGURE ) members. The lateral margination of the pronotum in B. resbecqi ( Fig. 6d View FIGURE ) is better developed and nearly complete, whereas it is restricted to the area of the midlateral seta in most specimens B. ribbei , extended further anteriorly and posteriorly in some ( Fig. 6b View FIGURE ), and not at all distinct in a very few specimens. The metatrochanters are asetose in the B. resbecqi holotype but unisetose in most B. ribbei members, unilaterally asetose in a few. The median lobe of the male genitalia in much shorter, thicker, more arcuate and the apical lamella of very different shape in B. resbecqi ( Fig. 31c View FIGURE ) compared with that in B. ribbei males.

Among Broscosoma species known from outside the study area, none have members with the lateral margination of the pronotum evident, so none can be confused with B. resbecqi members.

Habitat distribution. The unique specimen of this species was found under a stone about 4 m back from the edge of a moderate-sized, cold, and fast-flowing stream descending through mixed coniferous/ broadleaf evergreen forest ( Fig. 46a View FIGURE ). The banks of the stream were largely overgrown with vegetation and shaded during most if not all of the day. The site of collection was at the relatively low elevation of 1720 m (Fig. FX49).

Geographical distribution within the Gaoligong Shan. Fig. 30b View FIGURE . This species is known only from the type locality in Gongshan County (see Type material above for exact collection data) on the western slope of the range in Core Area 1 ( Fig. 48 View FIGURE ).

Overall geographical distribution. This species currently is known only from the northwestern part of the Gaoligong Shan, in western Yunnan Province, China.

Geographical relationships with other Broscosoma species. No other Broscosoma species has been found syntopic with the unique type of this species ( Fig. 50 View FIGURE ), although Brososoma ribbei occurs in the same general area.













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