Polyphrix Townes

Nogueira, Liana K. & Aguiar, Alexandre P., 2005, Generic definition, key, and two new species of Polyphrix Townes (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Cryptinae) from the Atlantic Forest, Zootaxa 1010 (1), pp. 25-35 : 26-27

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Polyphrix Townes


Polyphrix Townes View in CoL View at ENA

Polyphrix Townes, 1970: 283 View in CoL . Description, figure. Type species: P. varians Townes View in CoL , by original designation.

Although the taxa described in this paper undoubtedly belong to Polyphrix View in CoL as defined by Townes (1970), they show a few features not previously reported for the genus. The most significant differences and additions are described and commented below, expanding and consolidating the original generic definition.

Supra­antennal area ventrally slightly concave, dorsally with distinct longitudinal carina. Occipital carina ending relatively far from hypostomal carina, at a distance of 0.63– 1.00 the width of mandible base. Pronotum with submarginal lamellar protuberance strongly projected upwards ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 7–19 ). Notaulus anterior 0.3 in dorsal view distinct, in lateral view visible up to slightly past center of mesoscutum due to swollen median lobe of mesoscutum. Scuto­scutellar groove smooth and polished, moderately deep. Lateral carina of scutellum near scuto­scutellar groove with circular perforation. Fore wing length 7.9– 9.7 mm. Fore wing vein M slightly arched, about same length but distinct from Rs. Areolet 1.17–2.40 as long as high. Second metasomal tergite 2.21–4.25 as long as minimum width, 1.07–1.42 as long as maximum width. Ovipositor sheath length/hind tibia length 0.72–0.83. Ovipositor slender to thick; laterally slightly to distinctly compressed; apex from blunt to acute ( Figs. 3 View FIGURES 1–3 , 6 View FIGURES 4–6 ); dorsal valve nodus from vestigial or absent in P. atlantica sp. n. to sharp in P. varians and P. cristata sp. n.; ventral valve apex with 6–11 teeth (12 in Fig. 242 of Townes, 1970), 1 st and 2 nd widely spaced, except P. atlantica with all teeth regularly spaced.

In his key to genera of Lymeonina Townes (1970) uses, in couplet eight, the character “upper margin of pronotum strongly swollen, usually with a tubercle­like swelling near upper end of epomia,” which can be mistaken by the distinct protuberance of P. cristata , taking the species to the wrong section of the key. In this case, other features should be considered, particularly on the propodeum.

Although the transverse furrow at the base of the propodeum in P. atlantica is distinctly less wide than in P. varians or P. cristata , its width, associated with the smooth and polished sculpturing, remain characteristic for the genus. The following variation was observed only for southern representatives of the genus: pronotum, mesoscutum and scutellum black; hind trochanter, trochantellus and femur dark brown; propodeum laterally with two large, oval, dark spots; para­ocular white stripe absent from supra­antennal area to posterior orbit ( P. atlantica ). The characterizing features of Polyphrix also seem to be unique within the subtribe, and since these are not shared, relationships with other genera of Lymeonina remains unapparent.












Polyphrix Townes

Nogueira, Liana K. & Aguiar, Alexandre P. 2005


Townes, H. 1970: 283
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