Craterellus inusitatus C.K. Pradeep & K.B. Vrinda, 2018

Bijeesh, C., Kumar, A. Manoj, Vrinda, K. B. & Pradeep, C. K., 2018, Two new species of Craterellus (Cantharellaceae) from tropical India, Phytotaxa 346 (2), pp. 157-168 : 162-166

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.346.2.3

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scientific name

Craterellus inusitatus C.K. Pradeep & K.B. Vrinda

sp. nov.

Craterellus inusitatus C.K. Pradeep & K.B. Vrinda View in CoL sp.nov. Figs.3 View FIGURE 3 , 4 View FIGURE 4

MycoBank MB: 823659

Etymology:— inusitatus (Latin) , in reference to the unusual shape of the basidiomata.

Diagnosis:—Distinguished from Craterellus pleurotoides by the unique macromorphology, white to cream pileus with scattered, agglutinated white strigose squamules; white, smooth hymenophore; mild sweetish taste; absence of clamp connections; unique habitat and distinct nrLSU sequence (MG593195).

Holotype:— INDIA. Kerala State: Trivandrum District, Palode, JNTBGRI campus, 20 September 2017, Bijeesh TBGT17113 About TBGT ( CAL 1625 About CAL !)

Description:— Basidiomata small, thin, soft. Pileus 2–28 mm diam., cyphelloid, trumpet to cup shaped initially and in young ones, becoming applanate, dimidiate, pleurotoid, sometimes irregular in shape or petaloid-like, almost completely attached to the substratum by its abaxial side, not perforate; surface chalky white, cream (4A2/4A3/5A2) or pale grayish (5B2) towards base (near attachment to substratum), abaxial side with scattered, agglutinated, fibrillose, white, erect, strigose hairs, surface dry, non-hygrophanous; margin uneven, wavy, folded in a petalloid manner, crenulate or rarely incised, fringed with erect, white, strigose hairs. Hymenophore covering the entire adaxial side, white, smooth, without a demarcating zone. Stipe absent or reduced with a minute eccentric to lateral pseudostipe or attached abruptly to substratum. Pileal context very thin, white, soft. Odour mild but not distinctive. Taste mild, slightly sweetish.

Basidiospores 8–10(–11) × 6.5–7(–8) μm (Lm =9.74 ± 0.78, Wm =6.72 ± 0.47); Q=1.25–1.75; Qm=1.5, ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, smooth, inamyloid, thin-walled, with granular contents. Basidia 48–69 × 7–8 μm, long, narrow, subcylindric, subclavate, flexuous, thick-walled with large guttules or with finely granulose contents; sterigmata 2–3– 4–5; 7 μm long, stout, divergent, incurved. Basidioles abundant, cylindrical with finely granulose contents. Hymenial cystidia absent. Hymenophoral trama composed of branched hyphae, 6–8.5 μm wide, thin-walled, hyaline. Pileipellis a cutis, composed of short, thick-walled, 8–14 μm wide incrusted hyphae, interrupted by tufts of scale cells, 27– 35 × 7–8.5 μm, cylindrical, thin-walled, hyaline; the strigose scale cells at the pileus margin composed of slightly interwoven fascicles of hyphae with undifferentiated, cylindrical, terminal cells, 18–41 × 3–4 μm, thin-walled, hyaline. Clamp connections absent in all tissues.

Habit, habitat & phenology:—scattered, growing on living herbaceous plant stem, leaves of Pothos scandens ( Araceae ) on exposed root of Hopea parviflora , or on seedlings of Vateria indica and Hopea parviflora ( Dipterocarpaceae ), or on rocks, soil, in tropical evergreen forest, August–November.

Additional specimens examined:— INDIA. Kerala State: Thiruvananthapuram District, Palode , JNTBGRI campus, 31 August 2017, Bijeesh, TBGT17073 About TBGT ; ibid, 13 September 2017, Bijeesh, TBGT17093 About TBGT ; ibid, 20 September 2017, Bijeesh, TBGT17113 About TBGT ; ibid, 21 September 2017, Bijeesh, TBGT17124 About TBGT ; ibid, 22 September 2017, Bijeesh, TBGT17127 About TBGT ; ibid, 3 October 2017, Bijeesh, TBGT17136 About TBGT ; ibid, 7 October 2017, Bijeesh TBGT17190 About TBGT ; ibid, 7 November 2017, Bijeesh, TBGT17251 About TBGT ; Kollam District, Kulathupuzha , 21 September 2017, Bijeesh, TBGT17114 About TBGT .

Comments:— Craterellus inusitatus is unusual in its shape of the basidiomata and its habitat on stems, leaves, bark, roots and seedlings of plants of Araceae and Dipterocarpaceae .

Craterellus pleurotoides (T.W. Henkel, Aime & S.L. Mill.) A.W. Wilson (2012: 1475) View in CoL originally described as Cantharellus pleurotoides T.W. Henkel,Aime & S.L. Mill. (2006: 1410) View in CoL from Guyana resembles C. inusitatus View in CoL in having cyphelloid, pleurotoid, astipitate basidiomata, the smooth hymenophore covering the entire lower surface and in habitat. However, C. pleurotoides View in CoL differs from C. inusitatus View in CoL by the olive yellow pileus, the hymenium that becomes orangeyellow, the subglobose basidiospores (8–10.5 × 6.5–8.5 μm), 3–6 sterigmate basidia, abundant clamp connections and presumed EcM association with Dicymbe View in CoL ( Fabaceae View in CoL ) species. Craterellus inusitatus View in CoL and C. pleurotoides View in CoL also have distinct nrLSU sequences and are phylogenetically distantly related to each other ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ). It is evident the pleurotoid or petaloid shapes of the basidiomata have evolutionarily converged in separate tropical habitats.

In general morphology and in some microscopic features, Cantharellus cyphelloides Suhara & S. Kurogi (2015: 2) View in CoL from Japan is similar to C. inusitatus View in CoL , however, nrLSU rDNA sequence analysis clearly place that species under Cantharellus View in CoL in the subgenus Cinnabarinus clade.

In a BLASTn search using the nrLSU sequence from C. inusitatus (940bp), the closest hit was C. indicus (HM113529) with 98% sequence identity (921/943). The ML and BI analyses generated trees with similar topological congruence, in which C. inusitatus is nested in a subclade with C. indicus , (HM113529, HQ450770, HQ450771) C. shoreae (KY290585) and C. parvogriseus (MF421098) with strong 99% ML bootstrap and 1.0 Bayesian PP support. However, these species are quite distinct both macro and microscopically by the pileate, stipitate basidiomata, 4- sterigmate basidia and large basidiospores.














Craterellus inusitatus C.K. Pradeep & K.B. Vrinda

Bijeesh, C., Kumar, A. Manoj, Vrinda, K. B. & Pradeep, C. K. 2018

Craterellus pleurotoides (T.W. Henkel, Aime & S.L. Mill.) A.W. Wilson (2012: 1475)

Wilson, A. W. & Aime, M. C. & Dierks, J. & Mueller, G. M. & Henkel, T. W. 2012: )
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