Blaptica dubia (Serville, 1839)

Iglesias, Monica Sandra, 2010, Catalogue of Blattaria (Insecta) from Argentina, Zootaxa 2726, pp. 1-33 : 12-13

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Plazi (2016-04-11 05:11:40, last updated 2023-10-25 21:18:20)

scientific name

Blaptica dubia (Serville, 1839)


Blaptica dubia (Serville, 1839) View in CoL


Blabera dubia Serville, 1839

Blabera claraziana Saussure, 1864 . MNHG specimens probably (S) from Buenos Aires. Blabera ligata Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865

Geographical records. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires; prov. of Buenos Aires: Cañuelas (N. R.) FCEN, Pablo Nogués (N. R.) FCEN, Olivos (N. R.) FCEN, San Antonio de Padua (N. R.) FCEN, San Clemente del Tuyú (N. R.)

FCEN, San Martín (N. R.) FCEN, Vicente López (N. R.) FCEN, Villa Martelli (N. R.) FCEN, Luján (N. R.) FCEN, San Nicolás, Isla Martín García, La Plata, Tandil; prov. of Córdoba: Cruz del Eje, La Cumbre, La Granja, La Falda, Córdoba Capital; prov. of Corrientes: Corrientes Capital; prov. of Entre Ríos: La Paz, Concordia, Parque Nacional El Palmar; prov. of Jujuy: San Lorenzo; prov. of La Pampa: Conehlo; prov. of Salta: Cafayate; prov. of Santiago del Estero: Matará; prov. of Santa Fe: Carcarañá , Rosario.

Type. Not found. Hebard (1921) stated that the original publication (Serville 1839) indicated specimens had been deposited in MNHN.

References. Giglio-Tos, 1894: 3, 1897: 12 (sub B. claraziana ); Finot, 1897: 210; Kirby, 1904: 162; Rehn, 1915: 275; Hebard, 1921: 288; Princis, 1963: 136; Lopes & Oliveira, 2005: 93; Crespo & Valverde, 2008: 174.

Remarks. A record of B. dubia from Tierra del Fuego exists ( Princis 1948). We consider it a false or erroneous record because this peridomiciliary species has never been recorded there afterwards and it is not known from the island by its inhabitants.

Crespo, F. A. & Valverde, A. C. (2008) Blattaria. In: Claps, L. E., Debandi, G. & Roig-Junent, S. (Dirs.) Biodiversidad de artropodos argentinos, volumen 2. Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, Mendoza, pp. 167 - 179.

Finot, A. (1897) Catalogue des Orthopteres de l'Amerique Meridionale decrits jusqu' a ce jour, 1896. Actas de la Sociedad Cientifica de Chile, 7, 169 - 220.

Giglio-Tos, E. (1894) Viaggio del dott. Alfredo Borelli nella Republica Argentina e nel Paraguay. Bolettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata della R. Universit de Torino 9, 1 - 46.

Hebard, M. (1921) South American Blattidae from the Museum D'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 73, 193 - 304.

Kirby, W. F. (1904) Blattidae. In: A synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera. Volumen I Euplexoptera, Cursoria et Gressoria. British Museum Natural History, London, pp. 61 - 205.

Lopes, S. M. & Oliveira, E. H. (2005) Especies novas de Blaptica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (Blattaria, Blaberidae, Blaberinae). Iheringia, Serie Zooogia, 95, 93 - 101.

Princis, K. (1948) Uber einige neue bzw. wenig bekannte Blattarien aus dem Naturhistorischen Reichsmuseum zu Stockholm. Arkiv for Zoology, 41, 1 - 23.

Princis, K. (1963) Blattariae. Pars 4. In: Orthopterorum Catalogus. M. Beier. Junk's-Gravenhage, The Hague, pp. 75 - 172.

Rehn, J. A. G. (1915) A further contribution to the knowledge of the Orthoptera of Argentina. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 67, 270 - 292.

Brunner von Wattenwyl, C. (1865) Nouveau Systeme des Blattaires. Braumuller, C., Vienne, 426 pp.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle











