Hylaeus (Deranchylaeus) gessianus, Dathe, 2014

Dathe, Holger H., 2014, Studies on the systematics and taxonomy of the genus Hylaeus F. (8) Revision of the Afrotropic subgenus Hylaeus (Deranchylaeus) Bridwell (Hymenoptera: Anthophila, Colletidae), Zootaxa 3874 (1), pp. 1-84 : 41-44

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Felipe (2021-06-14 19:49:43, last updated 2024-11-24 23:27:31)

scientific name

Hylaeus (Deranchylaeus) gessianus

sp. nov.

Hylaeus (Deranchylaeus) gessianus sp. n.

Figures 10 View FIGURES 8–11 , 82–85 View FIGURES 82–85


This species resembles H. curvicarinatus , but it can be easily recognized by the conspicuous white pubescence on the face and the mesosoma.


Male. TL 4.0–5.0 (4.41) mm, WL 4.5–5.7 (4.86) mm.

Head. Proportions HL:HW 0.96, UFW:LFW 2.18, outline rounded trapezoid. Scapi black, conical, not expanded, as wide as flagella, SL:SW 2.01; flagella long, yellow, dark above. Mask ivory white to light yellow, complete, side marks expanded beyond scapi bases. Foveae faciales short. Clypeus CL:CW 1.39, silky shining, scattered shallow punctate, anterior margin brown. Frons with conspicuous white dense hairs, especially in area of scapi bases; sculpture smooth and shiny, punctation strong and dense. Genae, occiput and malae normal. Labrum and mandibles black.

Mesosoma. Shape regular, pilosity white, erect, remarkably close, especially below, adjacent to metanotum and at posterior margins of pronotum and mesonotum. Tegulae and wing scale with white spots. Pronotum black, laterally narrow expanded forward; anterior margin sharp lamellar, dorsolateral angles pointed. Mesonotum and scutellum smooth, shiny, punctation coarse, dense to subcontiguous; mesopleurae as mesonotum. Legs black, bright are tibiae basally and apically, foretibiae also frontally, basitarsi, their ends like rest of tarsi brown; wings hyaline, venation pale brown. Propodeum edged, glossy; medial area with a shiny irregular row of meshes, delimited by a carina; terminal area with sharp margins around, surface with rough wrinkled network.

Metasoma compact spindle-shaped; black. T1 smooth and shiny, punctation strong to coarse, dense, T2 almost punctate as T1, following terga finer sculpted. T1 with white lateral fringes, ciliar bands on depressions. Terminalia ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 8–11 ) similar to H. curvicarinatus : gonoforcipes of genital capsule slightly longer, in front also bluntly truncated, but less compact; S8 apical lobus with few short, fine bristles, S7 proximal lobi with 5–6 thin comb teeth.

Female. TL 4.5–5.7 (4.86) mm, WL 3.2–4.3 (3.51) mm.

Head. Proportions HL:HW 0.94, UFW:LFW 1.63, outline trapezoid rounded. Scapi black; flagella short, black, yellow below. Face with two long white stripes on orbits, from fovea above to lower edges of compound eyes, sometimes with additional small spots on clypeus. Foveae faciales long. Clypeus CL:CW 1.27, finely shagreen, shiny, punctation moderate, close. Lateral edges of supraclypeal area hardly bent up. Frons with white hairs, particularly dense in area of scapi bases, generally less dense and long than in male. Genae, occiput and malae normal. Labrum and mandibles black.

Mesosoma depressed; with erect white pilosity ventrally, tomentose band at posterior margin of pronotum and mesonotum, long erect hairs on metanotum sides. Bright spots on tegulae and wing scales. Pronotum black, narrow expanded forward, anterior margin sharp-edged, in middle shallowly notched, dorsolateral angles edged. Mesonotum, scutellum and mesopleurae smooth and shiny, with strong and dense punctation. Legs black, only foretibiae in front with pale patch; wings hyaline, venation dark brown. Propodeum rounded, medial area and propodeal furrow smooth, otherwise matt; medial area short, with irregular meshes, only midst bordered by a carina; terminal area shagreen and punctate.

Metasoma compact spindle-shaped; black. T1 smooth and shining, punctation strong to coarse, dense, T2 almost as punctate, following terga finer sculptured. T1 with narrow white lateral fringes, white marginal bands on following depressions. Fringe of last sternum pale.


Namibia, South Africa.

Type material: 108 ♂, 60 ♀

Holotypus: ♂ SOUTH AFRICA. Western Cape: Money Worth nr Kenton-on-sea, 04.10.1958, Jacot-Guillarmod lg.—In coll. Albany Museum Grahamstown.

Paratypes: NAMIBIA. Gobabeb 5 km N, 19.11.1978, 1 ♂, Wharton lg.; Namib, Naukluft Park Ganab., 23.06S 15.33E, 16.03.1983, 1 ♀, Eardley lg.; Uguchab River nr Aurusberg, 27.32S 16.11E, 22.04.1988, 17 ♂, 5 ♀, Eardley lg. [det.Snelling 2007: "indescr. sp. "]; Farm Namtib, 60 km NE Aus, 01.10.1997, 04.10.1997, 1 ♂, Kuhlmann lg. Following records all FW & SK Gess lg.: Helmeringhausen 32 km S, 20.06S 16.36E, 15.03.1997, 1 ♂; 34 km on C13 from Helmeringhausen, 26.05S 16.38E, 09.03.1999, 5 ♂; Swakop river bed on road to Goanicontes, 22.41S 14.35E, 11.04.1998, 7 ♂, 1 ♀; Swakopmund 33 km on road to Usakos, 22.34S 14.49E, 15.03.2000, 3 ♂; Swakopmund 117 km on road to Usakos, 22.02S 15.17E, 16.03.2000, 1 ♀; Hakos, Weissenfels farms, 23.18S 16.23E, 21.03.2000, 4 ♂.

SOUTH AFRICA. Eastern Cape: S of Mountain Zebra National Park, 31.10.33S 25.32.55W, 03.03.2010, 1 ♂, Eardley lg.; Bushmans Riv, Letjiesbosch Gouph, 01.– 30.11.1935, 1 ♀, SAMC coll. [SAM-HYM B011719].— KwaZulu-Natal: Ladysmith, 20.01.2003, 1 ♂, Snižek lg.— Northern Cape: Garies 40 km SW, wadi Groen, 16.10.1999, 29 ♂, Halada lg.; Nieuwoudtville Farm Glen Lyon, garden, 31.23.60S 19.08.26E, 700 m, 23.08.2003, 1 ♂, Kuhlmann lg.; Nieuwoudtville Flower Reserve, Car Park East, 31.22.18S 19.08.58E, 730 m, 16.10.2006, 1 ♂, Kuhlmann lg.; Nieuwoudtville Wild Flower Reserve, dolerite hills, 31.22.10S 19.08.50E, 770 m, 19.09.2007, 3 ♂, Timmermann lg.; Richtersveld National Park, 28.18S 16.58E, 12.09.2001, 14.09.2001, 1 ♀, Eardley lg.; Richtersveld National Park, Orange River Bank, 28.03S 16.03E, 07.09.2007, 1 ♀, Eardley lg.; Vanrhynsdorp, Garden, 31.3631S 18.4402E, 03.08.2003, 1 ♀, Timmermann lg.; Hester Malan Nature Reserve 10 mls. E Springbok, 07.– 08.01.1972, 21 ♂, 3 ♀, Southern Africa Expedition of British Museum lg.— Western Cape: Beaufort West, Dist., 01.– 28.02.1958, 7 ♀, SAMC coll. [SAM-HYM B011704], Oukloof, 01.– 31.01.1949, 7 ♀, Zinn & Hesse lg. [SAM-HYM B011700]; Merweville Distr., 01.01.1947, 31.01.1948, 22 ♀, Zinn lg. [SAM-HYM B011702]; Dikbome, Merweville Koup, 01.– 31.01.1953, 5 ♂, 2 ♀, Zinn lg. [SAM-HYM B011706]; Karoo, Murraysburg, 02.01.1978, 1 ♂, Empey lg.; Karoo, Reitbron, 02.01.1965, 1 ♂, 3 ♀, Empey lg.; Klein-Karoo, Grot riv. Langberg, 24.11.2002, 1 ♂, Halada lg.; Klaarstroom, Prince Albert, 01.– 31.10.1952, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, SAMC Exped. lg. [SAM-HYM B010177]; Matjesfontein, 01.12.– 18.12.1928, 2 ♀, Turner lg.; Port Nolloth 22–23 km ESE, 29.19S 17.06E, 150 m, 15.09.1984, 1 ♂, Bellamy lg.; Remhoogte, 30.24038S 18.16555E, 02.– 23.12.2001, 1 ♂, 25.08.– 15.09.2004, 1 ♀, Mayer lg.— Paratypes in coll. Albany Museum Grahamstown, SANC Pretoria, Biozentrum Linz, Iziko Museum Cape Town, NHM London, SDEI Müncheberg.

Derivatio nominis

The new species is dedicated to the couple Sarah K. Gess and Friedrich W. Gess, who have great merits to the exploration of South African fauna and flora and their ecological relationships.

Flower visit

On flowers of Aizoaceae : Galenia africana (white), Galenia papulosa (deep pink), Psilocaulon salicornioides (white); Apiaceae : Deverra denudata (yellow), Foeniculum vulgare (yellow); Euphorbiaceae : Euphorbia glanduligera (green); Scrophulariaceae : Selago corymbosa (w hite), Selago dinteri (white); Zygophyllaceae : Zygophyllum simplex (yellow); all data by SK & FW Gess (CD database by Gess & Gess 2014).


In the collection and database of AMG this species is referred to as " Hylaeus (Deranchylaeus) sp. A" ( Gess & Gess 2014).

Gess, S. K. & Gess, F. W. (2014) Wasps and bees in southern Africa. SANBI Biodiversity Series 24. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, 320 pp. [with database on CD]

Gallery Image

FIGURES 8–11. Male terminalia in species of curvicarinatus-group, subgroup (1).—8 H. alfkeni (Friese).—9 H. curvicarinatus (Cameron).—10 H. gessianus sp. n. (typus).—11 H. leucolippus (Friese) (typus). Scale 0.5 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 82–85. H. (Deranchylaeus) gessianus sp. n.: head in frontal view and surface structure of basal terga.—82, 83 Typus male.—84, 85 Paratypus female. Scale 0.5 mm.













